Yuki found himself in the library later that afternoon reviewing the work he couldn't understand in the previous classes.
Chan had accompanied him to the library but somehow along the way a task was handed to him prompting him to leave Yuki all by himself.
Yuki rested his chin on his palm and flipped page after page on the textbook reading little to no words on the papers.
"Hello," a voice said from above him and Yuki raised his head slightly looking at the stranger.
"Hello," he replied," how may I help you?"
The stranger pulled the seat back and sat across from him.
"No I just needed someone to talk to. Are you free?"
Yuki shook his head," Sorry but am a little busy at the moment."
"Okay then what about later?"
Yuki rubbed his chin," Am afraid I can't. Later I have plans with my friend."
The stranger sighed and stood up," Okay then. I'll come try my luck some other day."
Yuki smiled and continued with his pretense reading from his book till the stranger walked out of sight.
Once he was certain he was all alone, Yuki let out a breathe.
"That was draining," he mumbled to himself.
"Today we will have a discussion on a few creatures just like us," the teacher began.
The topic of the lesson was the dragon. Yuki's ears perked up at this eager to learn more about this.
The teacher spoke again," As stated at the beginning of this class, creatures are divided into different classes according to the strength they depict."
The dragon, was without a doubt the most powerful creature. It was grouped in class A. A dragon's strength was solely based on its huge size and build making the other lesser creatures to tremble before them.
A student raised their hand and asked," Teacher, is the dragon that scary?"
The teacher nodded," I haven't met one personally but a colleague of mine ran into one and the sight left her scared."
The students murmured amongst themselves and one boldly questioned what they had seen.
According to her friend, the dragon killed in an instant. There was a flash of light and before they could blink, the people confronted by the dragon perished into ash.
Yuki listened keenly and somehow along the explanation, his mind went to what had happened outside their house on the day he met with Mr. Qi.
"Really? That's so scary," a girl said and the others agreed.
"Right, then are dragons ruthless killers?" another asked and again Yuki's mind went to Qi.
"Calm down kids. Yes dragons are quite powerful but I don't believe they would kill just for fun. There must be something that triggers their anger."
The students quieted down and the teacher cleared her throat.
"Okay then, after this creature there's another with similar strength and that is the phoenix..."
The lesson preceded and when the bell rang, the teacher was already in class B creatures.
During lunch, Yuki poked his food lost in thought while Chan was busy talking about what had happened in class.
Yuki wasn't paying attention to him and only came to when Chan tapped his shoulder.
"You good?" He asked and Yuki nodded absentmindedly.
Chan noticed this and sighed," Is something bothering you? You know you can tell me whatever it is right?"
Yuki smiled gratefully. He was thankful for a friend like Chan but how could he speak his concerns to him when they only knew each other for a few months?
"It's nothing much. I just miss my parents," he said and Chan pat his back.
"Oh you're homesick aren't you. Well don't you worry, I'll take you somewhere after lunch."
"Where are we going?" Yuki asked his interest perked.
"You'll see. Hurry up and eat."
They finished their meal and were later on an unfamiliar path. Yuki looked around the trees and trailed closer to Chan.
"This place is beautiful," he said and Chan nodded.
"This is the place the head Mistress set aside for us to practice our magic," Chan explained and Yuki nodded.
"What powers do the other students have?"
"Lots. Some can even condense air into a tangible weapon."
Chan chuckled and before he could explain further, a voice sounded from around the corner.
"This voice is..."
The voice was oddly familiar to Yuki and before he could stop himself, he had already walked towards the direction of the sound.
Not too far ahead behind some bushes, a group of four boys surrounded a hunched over figure kicking and yelling at the person.
Chan caught up with Yuki and froze upon noticing the scene.
"We have to stop them," Yuki said and moved to go forward only for Chan to grab his hand and pull him back.
"What are you doing? Those people are our seniors, can't you see the badges on their clothes?"
"Seniors or not what they're doing is wrong," Yuki said and Chan shook his head.
"Don't go there. Those four are snakes. Do you know what snakes do to people like us?"
The familiar voice sounded again and Yuki turned his gaze to the hunched over figure.
"Don't do this. I didn't mean to... cough."
The guy was kicked and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.
"You didn't mean to. That's what you always say. Can't you find any better excuse?"
"Am sorry I won't do it again... let me go and I promise I'll... ugh.."
Another kick connected with his face and Yuki couldn't bear the sight any longer. Ignoring Chan's warnings, he walked out from behind the bushes and approached the five.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
The four snakes turned and looked at the approaching individual and tsked.
"Who are you?"
"Stop this or I'll go report this to the teachers," Yuki warned and the snakes hissed before letting out a laughter.
"Please by all means, go report us."
"But that won't stop us from getting even with this hamster."
They moved to kick the figure again and Yuki picked a small stone from the ground and threw it with all his strength.
The stone hit the scales on one of the snake's face and he turned to Yuki enraged.
"Seems you have a death wish," another said as he slowly approached Yuki.
Yuki stood his ground staring at the approaching boy. His father had always taught him not to back down or flee from a fight.
The boy stopped inches from him and Yuki tilted his head slightly to look into his eyes.
"I'll make you regret ruining our fun time," he hissed and Yuki slightly flinched.
"You don't scare me," he shot back and the three laughed out loud.
"Oh really I don't scare you?"
As he asked, his limbs turned white as they grew slender and longer. Right before Yuki's eyes, the boy completely changed into a white snake and Yuki took a step back.
The snake hissed and slowly approached Yuki, circling him with its body. Before the snake body could wrap around Yuki, a large branch was thrown on its head and it hissed angrily turning its head towards the person who had attacked it.
Yuki turned and saw Chan picking another branch and throwing it at the snake. The snake dodged and hurriedly slithered towards Chan.
"Watch out!" Yuki called out and Chan gulped his feet turning into jelly.
Unlike Yuki who seemed unfazed by this creature, Chan was the exact opposite. His knees trembled slightly as he trued to stand tall.
"S..to..p m..e..ss..in...g... a.. ro...und..."
The three snakes watched him trembling and laughed.
"Look at him. He's petrified making his speech distorted."
Yuki glanced between the three and the snake approaching Chan and a thought occurred to him.
He reached out and grabbed the slender end of the snake tail and pulled on it causing the snake that was about to lunge at Chan to stop mid air and fall to the ground.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" One of the three asked rushing towards Yuki.
Yuki weighed his options and ran down the opposite path dragging the snake along with him.
He swung it at the oncoming snakes and Chan and the hamster watched him with a dazed expression.
The snakes grew impatient and they all transformed into similar white snakes and slithered towards Yuki.
Yuki sensing he had gotten the attention of all the remaining three dropped the snake he was swinging around and dashed down the path.
Chan took a moment to gather himself and rushed to the hunched over figure.
"You okay?"
The figure was motionless and with all his strength, Chan managed to lift him from the ground and slowly made his way down the path and out of the area.
Yuki stopped before a tall tree and looked up the bark. The tree was too tall for him to climb and when angry hisses sounded behind him, he turned around and spotted the four angered snakes before him.
He took a step back and his body hit the hard wooden bark. Frantically he tried climbing the bark using the vines but fell back down with a loud thud.
"Ouch, that hurts," he winced.
Yuki stood up and looked around spotting no way of escape.
The snakes approached and when he thought he was done for, a blue thing dropped before him, standing between him and the snakes.