Chapter 1. "With purpose."

You don't have to read Volume 1 to understand this one. 

Hell, you probably shouldn't read THIS one if you care to retain some of your sanity lol

Put it down and walk away.

Or close the app!?

Click the little 'X' on the top right corner now!?


Well, you've been warned lol.

Off into my head space, we go once again yeah? 

But this time I was just a bit older.

22 years I believe by this point. 

I was just 15 during the 'events' of Volume 1 lol.

There are just over eight years between this batch of journals and the last. 

2012 yeah? What a year that was...

No longer a kid, but very much still an inexperienced young adult. 

This ought to be interesting, to say the least lol.

I won't keep you waiting! 


PS. *Names will be omitted and replaced with "XXXXX" to keep some semblance of privacy.*


January 1st, 2012. 

Journal #001.


And so I've made it another year on this earth!!!

I am fond of that idea.

It's been a very, very, very long that I can honestly say that I would try to do over if I was given the chance...

It's been a long year of ups and times much more of the first than the last...

But it's a new year!

It's 2012!

I will make the best of it, and be stronger.



I have much to do. 

And I want to make sure that everything goes right. 

With XXXXX pregnant, XXXXX might be -as well- and XXXXX stuck in the military, this ought to be a very interesting year.

I haven't had a journal in a very long time it seems...

This time I will make no mistakes.

My vow this year is to move with purpose.


I will waste little time and effort. 

Here's to a new year. 



Well, this has gotten off to quite the MILD start actually lol.

Lort, have merrbies.

But I dig it.

These entries are a bit closer to modern-day, yeah? 

It's a bit nerve-wracking and anxiety-inducing having a faint memory of these events, yet not enough recollection to know what's coming! lol 

I remember the pregnancy. I was so...happy to find out that she was pregnant! 


Horrified even.

But happier than I had EVER been.

I've never felt that level of happiness since that point...If I am being honest.

(As if you all aren't reading my journal lol )

The first "XXXXX" is an ex of mine, and I will leave it at that.

I wish her the best though, you know?

As I tend to nearly everyone from my past. 

I try not to hold on to things.

It gets heavy after a while.

The second XXXXX is actually my childhood crush from Volume 1! So if you know, you know! lol

I went through a lot with that girl/this woman.

Many, many years of history between us. 

We had always been that rare kind of "opposite sex" best friends who didn't have any real attraction between us.

I had been madly in love with her as a kid and then teen.

We all had that one, you know? 

The attraction took a very long time to fade on my end.

A lot of pain and longing.

Waiting and wishing lol.

Such is life, yeah?

You understand now that she was not pregnant with MY child, she just happened to be pregnant at the same time as the other young lady, ironically. 

The third "XXXXX" is my God-brother and best friend at the top of a list of best friends.

My "best friends" either became family with time or nothing at all. 

I've known this guy since I was maybe 11/12 years old.

We are still family and best friends to this day. 

I look forward to the next couple dozen entries now.

As long as you all read them with me...

It's oddly therapeutic.

See you soon folks. 
