6. Attempted Of Escape!:

Leo's eyes suddenly felt heavy, as if an invisible force was pulling them shut. Before he could protest, he found himself drifting off into a peaceful slumber. Across the room, Chloe discreetly closed the window, letting the bright afternoon sun stream in.

"Perfect," she thought to herself with a sly grin. "Now to put my plan in motion."

In the blink of an eye, 7 hours had passed. Leo stirred awake, momentarily disoriented by the change in lighting. As he gathered his wits, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," he called out, trying to sound casual.

Chloe entered, an innocent expression on her face. "Master, I was hoping you could show me the 8 circle magic spell. I'm in need of some guidance."

Leo felt a twinge of panic. He had been downgraded to the 6th circle of magic, and had no hope of performing the advanced 8 circle spell Chloe was requesting. Was this a test? Or had Chloe somehow become suspicious of his diminished abilities?

"Uh, well, you see..." Leo stammered, trying to buy time to think of a believable excuse. "The 8 circle spell is quite complex. I'm not certain I could execute it properly at the moment."

Chloe's eyes narrowed slightly, and Leo braced himself for the inevitable confrontation. But then, to his surprise, she simply nodded and said, "I understand, Master. Perhaps another time then."

As she turned to leave, Leo let out a silent sigh of relief. Whatever Chloe was up to, it seemed he had dodged a bullet - for now. But he couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the calm before the storm.

Chloe about to leave but suddenly a flash of memory struck her.

The previous day's events came rushing back - the image of Leo, flustered and nervous, while her elder sister Alina stood behind her master with a smug expression. Chloe's eyes narrowed as she finally understood the situation.

Whirling around, she fixed Leo with a piercing gaze. "So, Master," she said, her tone dripping with a captivating wit, "are you still a virgin, or not?"

Leo's face paled, and his heart began to race. If Chloe had figured it out, he was done for. He needed to think quickly, to somehow start over, no matter what.

"W-what? I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, his voice cracking with nervousness.

Chloe arched a brow, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I think master you know exactly what I'm talking about." She took a step closer, her eyes glinting with amusement. "And if I'm right, master you'd better start talking, before this gets... complicated."

Leo swallowed hard, his mind racing to find a way out of this predicament.

Leo remained silent for a while, contemplating his next move. After a few moments, he finally spoke up. "Are you trying to insult me,master, with your words?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Chloe suddenly became nervous, her mind racing. "What have I done? How could I have said such things to my master?" she thought, her heart pounding.

Leo leaned back, a smug grin on his face. "I am definitely pure, and I am still a virgin," he declared, his tone laced with mock innocence.

Chloe's eyes darkened again, and she knew her master was lying. She became very angry and, without warning, she forcefully grabbed Leo and tore his clothes off.

Leo started struggling, but he couldn't resist Chloe's iron grip. "Wait, what are you doing?" he cried out, his voice laced with panic.

Chloe didn't answer, her focus solely on stripping her master of his remaining garments. Leo tried to wriggle free, but it was no use. He was at Chloe's mercy, and she was clearly in no mood for games.

As the last of Leo's clothes fell to the floor, Chloe leaned in, her face mere inches from his. "Let's see just how pure you really are, my dear master," she purred, her voice dripping with mischief.

After seeing the naked body of Leo their are many bite mark on his body, Chloe become very angry and her face became darken. she said, master; why you lie to me and also bite at Leo beautiful neck and side master why you did that I want to be you first. Wuu--wuu--Wuuu-wu.

Chloe start crying, after while later Chloe become quite and then she start forcefully kissing Leo. Chloe thought wow I am kiss my master for first time I can't believe it, he is fairy like figure now under me and can't resist at all, "Leo suddenly push away and what are you doing, this is wrong I am your master you disciple are like my real daughters.

Chloe intercepted Leo and said huh!, Real Daughter, master I think you are forgetting something that eldest sister Alina is also your disciple why you have sex with her.

I am in love with you from the age of 15. But I never get chance master now I am gonna enjoy you thoroughly master. "Don't hate me so much it your's fault for not secure your chastity."

Leo understand the situation that talking is not working he directly attack Chloe with magic but suddenly his magic was blocked by Chloe, Leo panicked and thought that why my attack are not working on her, Chloe is also 6 circle magic swordwomen. Leo attack Chloe with magic spell but easily block by her.

"Chloe said master you are thinking that why my attack is not working because i inject my mana in your body, while you so don't worry be obediently follow my wishes don't force me to take action."

Chloe thought that leo has no option but to surrender, but suddenly Leo disappear in instant, it shocked Chloe very much how can a person disappear in second without using magic. I think master has a artifacts that teleport anyone without using magic next I will prepare my self that you can't escape master and enjoy your beautiful fairy like Body.


For get chapter ahead of time check: patreon.com/ZEONxs


Poor mc I am starting to feel bad for our protagonist, Lol.

"Stay connected and if you like my novel keep supportung me. If there are any problem with my English plz ignore it because my language is not English."




A Note from ZEONxs

Hi Everyone. I am ZEONxs and i am very grateful to those who read my Novel. If you have any questions regarding the story, don't hesitate too ask I will try my hard to upload 1 chapter regularly.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
