
I wondered how when I was a soldier then, leaders tried to reconcile their differences and resolve political issues with summits and peace conferences. But, I am confused to think that many influencers, leaders, artists, famous and legendary ought to change the world or made a difference already. How come, if they did make that change, why is it that there's still poverty, corruption and wars. Maybe these influencers, icons, infamous people might have been selfish and enticed, tempted the masses with sweet talks, pictures, and privileges, but neither their audiences nor their followers would get any of those riches, fame or beauty, remaining only in dreams and all.

Hmm! There shouldn't be any poor, underpriviledged, bullied, marginalized or corrupted people, nation or world, don't you think? It means that even the saintly people could be selfish and only wanted to gain but never to extend a helping hand, only through social media, or for publicity, for business or show. Even in the crucial time of the pandemic, there were leaders, icons, stars, tycoons etc. who took advantage of the masses and earned from them. That was what Marnie told me when we were strolling down the lake line last time. Why I got heated up and desired to be with her because of her ideals and her compassion with people and our world. Marnie!? what are you doing in my room?, I told her when she is moving closer to my bed and eventually jumped over me and kissed me hungrily in the mouth. And that's when I woke up, aha!, just a dream, Damn!, wished it was true…stop drooling Vicky, that glamorous face and bod isn't getting any lovin' tonight. BooHoo!

Dalia was prepped and ready to go to work when a man on a white tight shirt and leather jeans, suede boots come walking and surprised her with a hug. Oh, my….Dalia said so shocked. Derrick, why are you here?

Is It wrong to visit my baby sister?, besides I missed you and mom, dad and everyone, including you know who, Derrick replied smiling happily. Oh, wow!, thanks, I was about to go to my office but would you want a drink at Carl's, let's…Dalia invited the man and Derrick obliged. Wow!, Carl's is still popular huh!, I remember this joint was this small and we always need to wait for seats during hot season, Derrick said as if thinking back when he and Dalia were very young drinking tea then when milk tea's not still a thing. Yep!, and remember how dad used to scold me for wasting my money for them cards for us to fill stickers with so we can buy free teas or coffee. Haha!, Dalia added laughing. Derrick is laughing too when he caught from the side of his eye shades, a girl with blonde and wavy hair, wearing a tight shirt and sexy shorts with sneakers on, walking past their table and about to order milk tea. Derrick cut Dalia's story and insisted on ordering for both of them. Okay!

Hi, I'd like one tall salted caramel and winter melon, please, Vicky ordered when Derrick moved in closer to her and said hi. Ah, hi!

Hey, I'm Derrick, nice to meet you!

Okay, nice to meet you too. Alright how much, Vicky asked the cashier and gave the money for her order. Thanks.

Ah, your name, Derrick asked. I didn't give it, but thanks for saying hi to me, Vicky added and left without looking at him. Ahhh!!!, two salted caramels please…here, keep the change, Derrick added smiling and running back to Dalia. Dal, I think I'm inlove!

With whom now?, Dalia asked looking at her phone and sorting her messages. Ah that girl, look over there about to walk outside the shop pointing to Vicky. Aha!, Vicky!, she is Marnie's cousin and a very feisty one, I don't think she's in your league. There's plenty more here, forget about her, Dalia added smirking and thinking how that blonde girl is snatching Marnie away from her. I am not in her league and she is now in my heart, haha!, Derrick said holding his chest repeatedly. Haha!, yeah right!, Dalia said, C'mon, need to go back to work, I have clients to attend to, Derrick, it's no use, forget it. She won't accept you, believe me!, Dalia insisted and shrugged her shoulders, leaving Derrick and walked outside of the shop. She shouted at him to stop day dreaming and hop in the car.

Hey, Dalia, how have you been", a tall, handsome and shy guy greeted Dalia when she was about to enter her office. Oh hi Sam!, you're here, you're brother told me he'll be on a hiking trip a to the Alps. So how was it? I thought you'll be joining him?, Dalia asked. Oh yes, I'm sorry Dalia but there has been an accident and their ride crashed the mountains after the hike. There had been too strong winds that the pilot was unable to control the private plane. I, I'm sorry!, Sam grieving. Dalia is speechless and just sat unable to think straight now that her best friend died. The funeral was quiet and private. A small group of people including Dalia's family came to the wake and until then, Dalia was quiet and reserved. She wanted to run to Marnie for support but she hesitated because Vicky is there. Her blood seems to boil every time she sees that blonde of a whore. Haa!, Dalia, take it easy, I'm here for you, you'll get over him soon. Besides he's never really going to make you happy, I know!, Derrick explained smiling at her sister and holding her hand while seated in front of the dead friend. Derrick, you meanie, what are you talking about?, Dalia stopping Derrick from mocking her friend. Shhhh, shhh, I know he's precious, right there, alright! Derrick added jokingly comforting Dalia. You really are a jerk, you know that, Dalia, smiling back at Derrick. See, you've forgotten him already, he's never worth it, hehe!. Dalia just smiled then punched her brother's shoulder to stop teasing her. Derrick was just laughing and shhhhing around so that people on the wake wouldn't be bothered.