The Killing Intent

She fell a few meters away and the boar moved close to her to pierce her with it's metal tusks ready to kill.


I used the chance. I held my sword straight, pointing at the head of the metal tusk boar and activated my new shill Air Strike. The arrow hit the head and pierced it's head and it fell with a loud thud on the ground.

It didn't move and Dawn moved close to it and pierced it's head again confirming the kill. She smiled at me and nodded with satisfaction.

I got down from the tree and took a small knife from my storage to harvest the raw materials from the boar. I wanted to practice the harvest as it is mostly Dawn who did that till now and I just watched how she did it.

Nice, it was my 1st time harvesting and that is in the middle of the forest where I will have to focus on the surroundings for threat, it took me 30 minutes to harvest the crystal, it's tusks, skin and the meat.

Dawn then burnt what was left of the metal tusk boar so it will not attract any other monsters to this area as we have decided to use this place to lure and hunt the monsters.

After storing the materials and the crystal in the storage, we moved towards the lake with more cation as I started sensing more monsters within the 50 meters range.

I wish I could ask why she was angry with the boar, but decided to not ask as it might be her personal, which I didn't want to interfere.

When we reached the Sahadin lake, we saw many monsters in and around the lake playing. I was mesmerized by the view as this is the 1st time seeing such breath taking scenery.

'It is very beautiful.' I thought to myself. I wish I could step forward and walk straight into the lake for a swim, but these monsters are dangerous. The second they notice a human, they will pounce at him to kill.

I took a stone and aimed at a monster that was close to us. It is a water turtle and Dawn wanted it to be the 1st kill from the lake which I had to agree.

The stone hit the turtle's shell which withdrew it's flaps and the head inside the shell immediately. I waited for a few seconds before throwing another stone at it.

After 7 stones hitting it, the water turtle lost it's patience and moved towards us. I peeked at it to show myself to it, which made it more angry and started to come at me with the speed it could muster.

I retreated away from the lake slowly so the turtle will not loose it's interest in following me. After 7 minutes, I reached the place we have decided to hunt chased by the turtle.

Seeing me standing in front of it, it opened it's maw and shot a jet of water at me. It's attack is powerful and is fast it passed the 3 meter gap within a second.


I used my Red Blade to block it and had to take 2 steps back to balance myself. I smiled looking at the power of the attack. If it has hit me, I would have been injured seriously. This will help me to experience fighting the ranged monsters.

Dawn was hiding on top of a tree close to me ready to dive in if I need help, but I don't think I will need any unless, another monster decides to joing the battle.

I dived to my left to dodge another jet of water and before I could stand, I saw another jet coming at me. This turtle doesn't want to give me a second to stabilize myself.

I kept dodging and blocking the water jets fired at me by the turtle which is getting more and more angry by the minute as it couldn't hurt me.

It started coming closer to me with it's every attack. It became difficult for me to dodge it's water jets as I had less time to do so, so started blocking it with my Red Blade and tries moving away with the force of the attack.

It still moved closer to me and was just a meter away from me when it stopped it's attack. It's energy has been depleted finally after 10 minutes of blasting water jets at me.

It did not look tired, but I could see a ball of water forming in it's open maw which is getting bigger and bigger. It is prepare it's final and powerful attack 'Water Bomb' which will eliminate me at such close range.

It is also an AOE attack which will be difficult for me to dodge at this close. I immediately closed my distance and swung my sword at its head slicing it into two.

I took rest while Dawn harvested it's crystal and raw materials storing it in her hunter watch storage space. I could see a hint of satisfaction on her face with a smile I have never seen.

It was as if she had won over her worst enemy after a long and tough battle. I shuddered uncontrollably with fear seeing such a Killing intent on her face.

I just wished not to offend her and fall on the wrong side of her by any chance. It is a good thing she is my partner who I work with, but not against.

I need to level up soon and increase my combat power to defend myself for atleast a few minutes if I offend her unknowingly. With that in mind I started to think twice and thrice before talking to her.

We continued our hunt till 4:00 pm and decided to leave the forest so we can sell the crystals and raw materials we have harvested for the day at the market before leaving.

There are markets at every hunting zone for the Hunter's who work alone without a handler from the Guilds to sell their harvest and purchase what they need.

It has no Guild to monitor it's transactions and no one to oversee it, so the prices will be low when selling and high while purchasing, but not too high or to low, but it was moderate.