Once we reach the door, Jack turns around and says "From now on, you can forget the permissions the holo watches that you have gives. It is only for the outside world, not for the Obsidian Shadow. Here, your power and your accomplishments are everything." With serious voice and a stern look which makes me feel like nothing is going to be easy as it was before.
He adds "Now, stand in front of the door one by one." It is a weird request from Jack, but I do it to find out why he is asking us to do it. As soon as I stand in front of the door, a green laser beam falls on my body from top to bottom scanning me for a few seconds.
After it scanned me thrice I hear a melodic voice with no emotion saying "Scan complete." And Jack types something on the panel that is open next to the door. I couldn't see what he is typing, but I feel like this is the procedure that will allow me to enter this facility and the room henceforth.
I look at him with expectation which is seen on all of our faces. We hear the voice again saying "Registration Complete. Welcome to Obsidian Shadow Mr. Alexander Saad."
Everyone in the team has to go through the same procedure to be registered. No one asked a question why this is being done as uncle Jon and Mr. Cooper has already told us the Obsidian Shadow is a military organisation which focuses on discipline and obedience.
Because of that we are to do what they tell us to do, with no questions asked. We didn't want to agree for it at first as it will be equal to become slaves to them, but they had a valid point that we will be getting many opportunities to increase our combat power and also get better resources and training.
I had to agree for this reluctantly as everyone else had agreed for it ready for the resources they will get from this. I wanted to have more freedom to hunt and train at my own pace, but still agreed as I was promised a hard training and also missions that will be more dangerous every time we go out.
I wait for the team to complete the registration. Now, after realizing the fact that the second awakening is not as rare as it is known by the public, the Guilds and the government is keeping it a tight shut secret to increase their power against an enemy I am yet to know.
For the next one month, my only job here is to train myself harder and harder, getting ready to face the monsters that are emerging from the dungeons. Jack says it is going to be a tough one as the training will be individual for each of us and will not be able to train together as a team.
Snowfa is the last to complete the registration procedure. Once it is completed, Jack asks us to enter the door one by one. This time Snowfa goes in first jumping with joy due to curiosity taking over her mind. When she goes to the front of the door, the laser beam again scans her. We again hear the melodic voice saying "Welcome to the Training facility Miss. Snowfa Cooper."
Hearing that, everyone gets excited to go and find out what is inside the door for it to be called as a facility. Besides, it also says our names which is the same we use in our holo watches for calling.
Inside such a futuristic underground base, I am excited to know how it works, but I let the others go as they are more excited than me. I can see Dawn is also controlling her emotions and letting others go, like me.
I enter the door as the last person and see a long corridor with many doors on both the sides with red and green lights on the top of them. Jack enters after me and says "Gather your emotions people. This is the only facility you will be entering till you meet the necessary combat power." which make everyone to say "Awww" with disappointment.
This is going to be easy for me as I am already almost there to start going out on missions, but the rest of them are too far and as per Jack's calculation it will take them five to six months for them to reach the requirement while myself and Dawn will reach it within two month, if we train with full determination.
He said to us earlier that we should at least have the constitution of White ☆☆☆, if we are to start going out on missions and hunt the dungeon monsters in the wilderness starting with E grade and raid the F grade dungeons and clear them.
We are to enter one of the doors that has green light which indicates it is free for use. There are only two or three doors that are in use right now.
I look at Jack who says "This training facility is very advanced. What you see inside are not to be disclosed outside. Train hard." and takes a step back crossing his hands against his chest indicating he has said what he wanted to say and we can start our training from here.
I enter one of the rooms after and see the room is made of pure white marbles just like the training room in the Hammerand's office, but there is no door at the other end, but a few laser devices at corner of the room which makes me feel a little awkward.
'If there is no other door, where will the robots will come from and how I will train?'
As if reading my thoughts, Shona says "The laser devices are hologram projectors which will create real life-like scenarios for you to train harder in a safe place. You can set the difficulty to your liking at the control panel next to the door and start anytime you want."
I look at the panel near the door which I can see because I know where to look at as it looks like the rest of the room, a pure white marble with no way to identify unless you know where to find.