Dark Angel

It was night time, everything was quiet. However, something feels off. In the balcony window, Rebecca was sitting at the edge, tied up and gagged. But rather than call for help, she somehow felt relaxed for a girl in this state

How did it come to this? Let's take a look the day before....

Varna was awakened by the scent of the tea. He found himself lying in a bed in an unknown manor, his leather jacket replaced by a white T-shirt. Standing up, he tries to make his way out, but the wave of headaches has been taking a great toll to him.

"Oh, goodness, dear!" Racing over on dainty steps, Rebecca was at the man's side to help keep him upright.

Earnest worry lined her gentle features, and she was doing her best to guide him back to the bed.

"Here, let me help you lie back down. You were completely passed out." She doted over him, lips drawn in, "A concussion perhaps, I can see it with the chaos you have been causing. You'll need to rest!"

Varna was puzzled. He is aware of what hell he had put her through that day. Why would she try to risk her life to take care of such a man like him?

Before he could process everything completely, he felt heavy on his back, then a wave of chills overcame his whole body. Rebecca was genuinely worried. She could see him shiver, and that only increased the worry from the lovely heiress. She put her hand to his head and her eyes widened, Varna was suffering from a fever brought by being soaked wet in the rain yesterday, combined with the blows he received from Jules during the second encounter

"Oh goodness, dear, you've caught a fever." Rebecca vanished briefly before returning with a comforter and blankets, "This should help with the chills." Tucking him all nice and warm, she gently spoke, "I would believe you have questions, but, please. Rest first. We can talk later, dear."

A pause. "And do not worry. I've sent the servants away, I am the only one who knows you are here. No one will know of this."

He weakly accepted Rebecca's help, given that he had no choice at the moment. As he tucked into his comforter, he was reminiscing about that time he caught a cold when he was 12 years old. Despite being a troublesome brat, his parents would provide a thick blanket for him to tuck in, keeping him warm. It was also that time Percival took care of him when he caught a cold during a case:

"Hey squirt, don't overdo it. You just caught a cold" he reminded him as he tossed him a blanket. "I know you don't want to burden me but at least take care of yourself. Sometimes it would only take myself to solve this matter".

A drop of tear flowed through his eye as he drifted into sleep. Rebecca took notice and was awestruck. Seeing that tear, Rebecca's hands flew to her chest with a glistening of her own eyes. Lips parted wordlessly at first, the lovely heiress overwhelmed by the sudden display of emotion from someone she had once considered a monster. With a sad smile, she did one last check to make sure he would be warm for his rest.

"Life has been cruel to you, dear. You're hurt and you're lonely." She paused briefly, again with a hand to her own aching heart before continuing, "I know how that can feel. Just know you're safe and cared for here. Perhaps you're really not a devil at heart. Unfortunate circumstances blinded you" she muttered softly

She sat by his bedside for quite some time, finishing her tea while keeping vigil. Eventually, Rebecca returned downstairs to make some more tea. Catching the sun set through a window, she paused to reflect on the day's events before returning to the room. It was rather crazy, all told, aiding the man who had tortured her. Yet, his story and how he treated her during that meal continued to weigh on her heart. In her years as a snoop, the heiress had met some true monsters. Varna, however...

After 5 hours of sleep, Varna finally woke up. His head free from the headaches. He's finally able to process everything that happened

"Oh...right. I just passed out at the cemetery...and I just saw Rebecca taking care of me like a doting mom"

Still puzzled, he went downstairs looking at his belongings. There, he finds Rebecca, sipping at her tea as the sun sets. He's slowly becoming aware that this isn't a dream.

"Why? Why did you bring me here? You could've given me up to the authorities. Hell you could've called Jules to finish me." that was the first set of questions he bombarded at her

She was still lost in that thought when she heard the footsteps. The lovely blonde turned to face her guest and his barrage of questions calmly and with her usual grace. Only, this time, there was more of a hint of sadness to it. "Here, have a seat, dear," she offered the chair next to her. "You're likely still holding a fever, you shouldn't be too active."

Rebecca sets down her cup of tea and answers his questions.

"As for why," she began to answer. "How much have you studied about me, dear? You do know your targets, perhaps, so I would believe you know that I am a widow." She closed her eyes for a brief moment, before her glistening blue gaze found Varna's. "I know what it's like to lose the one person closest to you. To feel the anger that they were ripped from your life like that. The desire to hurt anyone who took them away."

Folding her hands in her lap, she continued, "Those feelings can lead to some very dark places, I know it has for you. And you've lost everyone close to you who could help pull you back." There was another pause, a deep breath, "I honestly do not know if you would allow me to grow as close to you as well, but I would like to at least try. To give you someone to talk to, to lend a hand, to worry about you."

"To be your friend."

That answer of hers somehow put a crack in his twisted resolve. As if someone put a tint of white into a black canvas. However, he remained his attitude and gave her a sinister chuckle.

"Me, a friend? If you have been watching the news lately then I doubt that you can make me your friend that easily" he scoffed at her

A deep breath was drawn in, and Rebecca nodded in kind. "I've seen the trail you've left behind, the people you've hurt, friends of mine left in hospitals." Lidding her eyes, she shook her head, "That hurt me as well, I will not lie. And I had my moments of anger as well. Goodness, every time I had to ask anyone to speak louder..."

Her blue eyes opened brightly and matched those of Varna's. "However, I couldn't forget the moments of kindness you did show me. I could also easily see how much losing your partner has hurt you deeply, how alone you are and alone you must feel."

"So, yes, it might not be that easy, but it doesn't have to be all at once. Perhaps along with talking to your friend, you could talk to me as well." That gentle caring smile returned again, "At the least I can listen, I've always found that to be among the kindest things a person can do."

Speechless, Varna had to sit at the chair he was offered to. Her advice had him contemplating his actions. Then...

"I'm going to take my leave Ms. D' Anjou, though there's no guarantee if you'll squeal to the cops when I leave"

The lovely heiress nodded, "I won't, dear. Do remember, that my door will always be open to you." A pause. "The back door, of course. For now, at least."

It was later that night and Rebecca hadn't even changed out of her suit. Everyone was asleep yet she was still lost in thought to the day's events, and those of the past days. "Rest will have to come later," she sighed to herself as she descended the stairs. Perhaps some comfort food would help.

She hadn't even made it halfway to the kitchen when she was suddenly grabbed from behind! She froze in place with but a frightened tiny squeak! "Oh goodness!"

"No sudden moves lassie"

Rebecca was brought upstairs into her room silently, as to attract no attention. His partner was left with the job of tying her up while he was rummaging the room for any valuables. Rebecca didn't struggle as she was taken back upstairs. She was outnumbered and definitely out-sized. Moreover, anyone who managed to make it this far knew how to circumvent her security. These weren't men to be taken lightly!

Of course, they would tie her up, the lovely heiress pleading with bright blue eyes as the man did. "There is no need for this, dear, please take what you want and leave!" Noting that wasn't receiving a reaction, she followed with "If you do insist, please be gentle- mmmph!" Her gaze lidded in despair as she was gagged. The chilling fear now arose that perhaps these men may be after more than her jewels...

"The door's locked, and I'll close the window once we leave. By the time anyone knows you're missing, we'll be far away from here!

Now, now, stop struggling! Think of it this way, Ms. D'Anjou, you're about to become a part of a grand mystery: Whatever happened to the wealthy snooping heiress?

Now then, I hope you're not afraid of heights!"

They were after more than her valuables! It wasn't even a ransom either, a shiver running through Rebecca's body at just what these evil men would want from her! She began to try and fight all the way to the window, even there still trying to loosen the ropes as much as she could without losing her balance! She had to get away from them before it was too late! Wide pleading eyes stared up at both of them as she did, "Hhmrm nh nr nmmn hrr hhnh! Hrmrhm! Hrchm hhm hmmmrh rnn rmrhm mm hmrm!" [There is no need for this! Please! Take the jewels and leave me here!]

There was movement from the doorway. The robbers were too busy scooping up her valuables that they failed to notice a dark figure standing in the doorway. Rebecca's eyes flit over anxiously before she let out a muffled gasp. Varna! But what would he do now? She trembled again softly, cautious as to what the troubled young man would do in this situation! Would he help or harm?

The answer came as soon as he dealt with the first robber. Varna grabbed him by the collar and smashed his head into the walls, stunning him.

"Rh grrnnmhh!" Well, what's a wall repair when you have the wealth she does.

"What the?"

His partner was caught by surprise. He didn't expect to find another company besides Rebecca herself. Nevertheless, he kept his composure and taunted him. The taunt was met with a glance to the young man before she tried to keep the robber's attention.

"Whatever you have planned for her, she's still going to try and help"

"Mrr crrrn hrm hhrh, nmrr," she replied rather gleefully, trying to slide herself off of the window and onto her dainty feet. This is why she prefers flats!

"What do we have here? Who is he, your knight in shining armor?" he taunted at Rebecca, pointing his knife at him.

"You're a fool thinking that a mere knife can stop me" he retorted

"Such a big mouth"

The robber lunges forward at Varna with the intent to kill. Her distraction wasn't enough, and she absolutely froze as the thug charged Varna! The muffled squeal was less out of any concern for Varna, than what he might do to the thug. She probably should have told him there's no killing in her house!

Alright, senseless violence, sure. It does have its value from time to time.

Hearing her muffled grunts, Varna immediately understood what she meant and grappled him before throwing him into the hallway. The robber stood up, his knife still in his hand. He charged at him again, desperate for a clean shot. Just like before, he grabbed the arm again, but instead of throwing him, he broke his arm, causing him to drop the knife. He then jammed his hand towards his throat before slamming his head multiple times into the wall.

"Whelp, I hope she doesn't mind if I paint the walls with a little red"

She certainly heard something snap, and that wasn't any part of her woodwork! Rebecca cringed momentarily, and then had to turn away as Varna rather made a mess of the robber and her wall.

The robber, still feeling groggy from the earlier blow, slowly crawled his way into the doors when he witnessed that one-sided fight. In a state of panic, he stood up and dashed towards Rebecca before Varna could return inside


Varna stopped right in his tracks, complying to the robber's threats. Alas, the robber had recovered in enough time to grab a hold of Rebecca and now she was rather at his mercy. Even worse, that put Varna at a disadvantage, and she was flashing him rather apologetic looks from above the gag. She's sorry, dear, she tried.

Sure, he didn't care what would happen next, however he felt indebted to her at the very least. Not only did she save him from a cold death, she was the one who genuinely reached out to her.

"That's it, now kneel" the robber demanded

"Do you know I can beat you even in this distance?" Varna retorted with a question, defiant in the face of the robber as he picked up a diamond in the floor

His defiance, however, did pick up her spirits - and more so the grabbing of the diamond. She was quite the observant snoop, after all. The heiress listened to the banter, eyes flitting back and forth before she picked up on what Varna was doing. Now she began to struggle in the thug's grasp with a very emphatic nod. "Nh nh hnm, nmrr!"

"Don't make me laugh, I'm the one with the upper hand here. Do you even care about this girl?"

"Do you have any idea what I did to her?"

The robber was confused. Why would an uncaring guy like Varna help her if he did something wrong to her in the first place? Then he suddenly remembered that news flash regarding to Rebecca's kidnapping a few weeks ago

"It... it was you?" his voice trembled

"Well you want a piece of her wealth, right? Come and get it"

Wasting no time, Varna flicked the diamond with his thumb, right into the robber's right eye. Bullseye! Rebecca had the briefest moment of triumph at watching the robber stumble. The robber yelled in pain, unknowingly taking a step back and bumping hard into Rebecca. The window was right behind her. As much as she could maintain her balance, she couldn't do so when shoved that hard and momentum was carrying her back and out and she let out a muffled scream...

Varna dashed towards the window and delivered a clothesline that sent the robber falling down into the ground. Rebecca also fell down in the struggle, but Varna manages to catch her by the ropes, straining his arm in the process. Bulging eyes watched the robber below as she was hefted up, grateful that she didn't have quite the ungraceful landing! "Rh grrnnmhh, nmrr, hhrnch mrr!" A gentle graceful lilt to her eyes met Varna's, though they then trailed over to where he was tying her to the window.

He lifted her back into the window, but instead of untying her, he put her back to where she was before, tying another rope that connected her restraints in her chest to the top of the window. There was an earnest curiosity to this, he had saved her yet now he was tying her up further. There was a thought behind it, and she offered a soft plea, "Hrmrhm, nmrr, crn mm rh rmrhh hrrch?"

"Thanks for the hospitality, but I'm not gonna let you call the cops or even Jules while I'm still here" he explained playfully

The way he playfully said it had Rebecca feeling that was less the reason than being able to see her all tied up and helpless. Not that she minded, she wasn't in peril anymore and she did owe him greatly for saving her tonight! If he wanted a free view, well, it's the least she could do.

He turns his back and prepares to leave. However, he paused, trying to say something to her. The heiress canted her head to listen.

"Thank you and you made me realize that nothing good dwells over from taking a dark path. However, my decision to seek vengeance against Jules is final. Perhaps, when everything has settled down between us and I could make it out alive, I could come by for a cup of tea."

She had gotten through to him, somewhat, though she did have to shy away at the mention of Jules. She was still a dear friend, and having now two friends as mortal enemies drew greatly at her heart. That he would come back though-

And then he was walking back to her? Her head remained tilted, lips about to part beneath the gag to ask a rather mumbled question.

Before she could, his lips were on the fabric covering hers! "Mmph!"

He just kissed her through her gag

"Something to remember me by" he whispered before he left the room

The whisper had given her goosebumps, and this time the very very good kind. Her face was all aglow, eyes wide and stunned. She had wanted to touch his heart, and, perhaps, a little bit of her wanted to touch it in just that same way. Whatever reason Varna had for it, however, the heiress sagged where she sat with quite the fond cast to those bright blue eyes.

Varna was about to find out just how determined and capable a sleuth the lovely widow was.

Well, after she tried to figure out an explanation for what happened here.

Meanwhile, below the window, the robber was trying to crawl out of the bush and towards safety. The injuries he sustained during the fall made him unable to stand, let alone walk away. Before he could completely crawl away from the bush, Varna had already appeared from behind.

"You...I know your face...you'll pay when he finds out" he cursed

"Then let's make sure he won't."

Without hesitation, he breaks his neck. Earlier, he had already, completely, crushed his partner's windpipe, robbing him of speech permanently. He then spots Rebecca's beret, fell off during the struggle, and picked it up

Rebecca was trying to watch from over her shoulder, all she could do was listen in from where she was tied. There was another cringe when she heard something snap again. Perhaps the robber was still alive and somehow snapped a twig as he crawls his way out

"By the way, I left my cap there so I'm keeping the beret" he yelled back at Rebecca, tied up in the window.

Oh, her beret! Her favorite headwear was never that important, and she answered with a call of "Rh, hhrh nh crnhm rrrnghh, nmrr!" If he wanted a little something of her, that was more than alright. Perhaps that might help as well.

As Varna left, she made a decision. He must have a hideout, somewhere. It would be a matter of time, but a snoop like her should be able to find it again. And from there, well, there were further words she wanted to say. Another time to listen to what he had to say. Another attempt to dissuade him from his path of revenge. And, well, the hero's reward he deserved for rescuing her.