You are a monster !

The fairy's purple eyes burst into tears for a moment. - "How can you be such a monster!!! I don't want to be called that. I don't want, I don't want, I don't want." - Pixie began to twitch her nose, and single tears of frustration ran down her cheeks.

" You - you are a po - monster. " - The little creature broke out crying loudly. Ramiel didn't know it yet, but Pixie could sense his emotions and intentions through the bond that bound them. She also knew his memories, but the question of his name was more important! After all, she couldn't call herself Pixie.

Currently, she has no time for jokes. She could feel Ramiel's emotions boiling over with anger. If she didn't do something soon, the man might actually call her Pixie.

But could she influence Ramiel's opinion if he persisted? The answer was no. However, Avi wasn't in as hopeless a situation as she thought.

After a few minutes, Ramiel cooled down. At first, he just wanted to blow off some steam. After all, this little creature was responsible for the pain he was experiencing.

Ramiel hated to suffer, but even he wasn't cruel enough to call someone a pixie. Besides, he felt a strange affection for the little fairy. 

" Let me think... How about Avi? " - Ramiel stroked the fairy's hair with his finger. He had to be careful not to twist her neck accidentally. The little creature seemed extremely fragile and delicate.

Avi stopped crying and looked at Ramiel with cat eyes.

" No - you're not lying, are you? You won't call me Pixi? " - Avi whispered softly. Although she felt Ramiel's intentions through the bond between them, she preferred to make sure. After all, she would be the one to carry this name for the rest of her life.

" Shall I go back to PIXIE? " - Ramiel said coolly, emphasizing the last word.

" No, Avi is great! " - The fairy quickly bit Ramiel's finger before he could change his mind.

A drop of blood flowed from the bite site. Avi quickly dipped her palm into it, introducing a bit of her own mana. Then, everything happened quickly.

A thin streak of energy came out of Ramiel's heart, forming a direct connection with Avi's heart. Meanwhile, a pleasant tingling sensation ran through their bodies, causing them to shiver.

As the pleasant feeling passed, Ramiel felt his bond with the fairy become stronger and very intimate at the same time. It was as if it had instilled itself into a part of his soul. It was a strange feeling, but Ramiel didn't consider it a bad thing. On the contrary, he felt complete now, which further aroused his hunger for knowledge.

" I am Avi! Not Pixi! " - Avi's bravado shout snapped Ramiel out of his thoughts. The fairy proudly puffed out her chest and put her hands on her hips. A wide smile of triumph adorned her lovely face, erasing all traces of a recent fit of crying meantime. Her posture brazenly radiated a glaring confidence.

" Stop!" - Ramiel interrupted firmly. He had a strange feeling that if he didn't set clear boundaries, he wouldn't be able to handle Avi's impetuous nature in the future. He saw his own reflection in her in some aspects but only in some.

" As you asked, I gave you a name that I think you are happy with. Now it's your turn," he said. "

" It promises to be a long day. " - Avi sighed and proceeded with an extensive explanation...

Dungeon fairies are creatures born of mana. If mana is their mother, then the dungeon core can be considered their father.

A fairy has a simple job. She plays the role of dungeon manager. She is there to advise and assist the Dungeon Master. Technically, they are just below the Dungeon Master in the dungeon hierarchy.

To help them do this, fairies are born with a vast amount of knowledge about all things dungeon-related, as well as the world they were born into and the creatures that inhabit it.

Like all creatures who have chosen to live in the dungeon, whether willingly or not, the fate of fairies is closely tied to the dungeon. If the dungeon is destroyed, the fairy will also die.

The relationship between the first Dungeon Master and the fairy is unique. They share a mystical and unbreakable bond that transcends human understanding.

The fairy always experiences the emotions, feelings, secret desires, and mental state of the First Dungeon Master. More specifically, she shares a special space in her mind with him through which they can exchange thoughts. Although, this is closer to a mental conversation than an exchange of thoughts.

If they manage to deepen their relationship in the future, the dungeon master will also receive similar benefits, but they will not be as strong as in the case of the pfairy.

In addition, the fairy has full insight into the memories of the first dungeon master. This is said to help better understand the character of the being the little creature serves.

Typically, all fairies inherit certain traits from their first masters. Avi inherited much of Ramiel's character traits, some of his physical appearance, and, most importantly, his tactical skills.

The fairy isn't the only one who benefits from this relationship. The dungeon master will find in her an indispensable companion on whom he can always rely. In extreme cases, the little creature may turn out to be a soulmate.

Additionally, if the fairy feels like it, she can also ennoble the mana of the first dungeon master. Unfortunately, in order for this to be possible and safe, the Dungeon Master must first build a body that can accommodate the enriched energy.

It should be noted that these privileges are only available to the first Dungeon Master and the first Fairy born from the core. Any subsequent master, for example, would only share a common mental space for communication.

However, not everything is as beautiful and colorful as Avi depicted. A simple scale of values guides the fairy. At the top is the good and survival of the dungeon. In second place is the life of the master. Below that is everything else.

In a hopeless situation, the fairy will not hesitate to sacrifice the master if it ensures the survival of the dungeon. Of course, Avi kept this part to herself. Ramiel doesn't need to know about everything especially when the topics get hooked on the slippery aspect of betrayal.

" I'm hungry! Feed me! " - Avi didn't take his eyes off Ramiel's exposed collarbone, which was drooling strangely in the meantime. He felt strange, to say the least. He felt as if he had suddenly become the prey of a hungry monster.

And he wasn't too wrong. Unfortunately, bad luck stalked him throughout the day. In the morning, he woke up on the cold floor, almost lost his life, and now he met a little fairy who had inherited his love of food and appetite. He couldn't have come at a worse time...

" Wait a little, I'll prepare something soon... ".

" I don't want to! " - Avi shouted, interrupting Ramiel. Before he could react, the fairy was already standing on his shoulder and sinking her teeth deeply into his exposed collarbone.

" Tsk... " - Ramiel gasped angrily at the brazen behavior of the fairy. He could understand and turn a blind eye to her shameless behavior and comments, but biting him without warning was too much! Suddenly, the urge to rip the little creature to shreds came back to him.

Angrily, he yanked the fairy away, holding her by her dress.

" Can you explain to me why you are biting me ?!!!?!?!? " - Ramiel asked coolly, putting a bit of pressure on the offended fairy.

" Isn't it obvious? I'm eating your mana! I'm a fairy. Only mana can satiate me. " - Avi puffed up her cheeks. She didn't like the aggressive behavior of her bond. Especially the way he cut her off from food! Such behavior is unacceptable!

He deserves severe punishment and eternal damnation! He should pamper me and take care of my needs! After all, I am his fairy! HMPF!!! - Avi complained a tad in her head about the man.

Ramiel sighed heavily. Dealing with a fairy became problematic... If she inherited his worst traits... well, their future would be interesting.

" Do you have to bite me in the process? " - Ramiel pointed his finger at the red mark of his teeth. " I don't know if you know, but it isn't one of the most pleasant things. "

" Yes, then the mana tastes the best! " - A gleam passed through Avi's eyes. She couldn't wait for Ramiel to let her go. I think it isn't necessary to give a reason. Everyone can guess.

" Can't you, I don't know, take their mana instead of mine? " - Ramiel pointed to a pair of women standing in the distance. He didn't like the vision of meeting the fairy's daily needs, especially when this one would bite him.

It's not that it hurt him. Eventually, his resistance to pain increased. It was just that it was unpleasant and caused him some discomfort. Submitting to Avi, he felt like he was losing control. Ramiel didn't like losing control.

" No!!! " - Avi became indignant. Her cheeks turned a shade of scarlet red. They nearly exploded with anger. As her master, this man had a duty to feed and spoil her! It was unacceptable for her to eat someone else's mana.

Besides, Ramiel's mana was extremely pleasant to taste. It resembles sweet honey, which leaves a divine yet tart aftertaste on the tip of the tongue. That's not at all why Avi didn't want to eat anything else.

" Your mana is delicious! Besides, I can't eat any other food. This would harm me." - Avi lied like a lie, at least regarding the second part. The first was the honest truth.

" Fine... " - Ramiel sighed heavily. Subconsciously, he felt that he had made a big mistake, the consequences of which would follow him for the rest of his life. "You may eat my mana, but only once a day. And try not to bite too hard in the meantime."

Avi's eyes sparkled with joy, and her wings fluttered involuntarily in an act of excitement.

Ramiel set her down on his shoulder and tilted her head. Sensing a silent acquiescence through the bond, Avi sank her teeth into the exposed neck, sucking mana in the process. The fairy kept her part of the bargain and didn't bite as hard.

Nevertheless, Ramiel felt a strange discomfort at the sudden shrinking of his mana reserves.

'Well... I'll have to get used to this....

' Mmmmmmmm... How delicious! ' - Avi's enthusiastic squeal surprised Ramiel and interrupted his inner deliberations. The man felt uncomfortable, to say the least. It's strange to hear someone's voice in his head, especially when it belongs to a squeaky and loud being.

" About that too... " - Ramiel sighed at his fate and turned to the two women who had been watching him shyly for some time.

Asme and Caera retreated shyly when they saw Ramiel coming towards them. It took them a moment to realize how foolish they had been. They found themselves in a dungeon underground. Where were they supposed to escape? Against the other wall? That makes no sense...

But could they be surprised? People under the influence of fear often do stupid and much worse things. Considering how scared they were of Ramiel now, one can turn a blind eye to their little prank.

Just fifteen minutes ago, Ramiel had been howling in pain, and now he was heading in their direction. His indifferent expression and cool gaze only heightened Asme and Caera's fears.

Is he angry with us for not helping him?

Does he want to punish us?

But how were we supposed to help him without knowing what was going on... - Similar thoughts clasped the minds of both women.

Asme didn't have the highest opinion of Ramiel. According to her, he pretended to be superficially nice in order to get close to her and Caera and take brutal advantage. Once he gets bored with them or they are no longer useful, he will throw them away like worn-out gloves.

However, the horned beauty's fears proved unnecessary. Ramiel would certainly not throw away the women he planned to devote his time and future resources to raising.

In his view, it was simply wasteful, and Ramiel didn't like wasting people or resources. There would always be a use for free labor.

Asme was the first to want to show remorse. She dropped to her knees and bowed her head to the ground. You never know. Maybe the new master will show mercy and thus avoid punishment. 

Caera quickly adapted to her friend's actions and followed suit. In addition, she curled her ears.

Ramiel already had enough surprises for one day. However, the women set the bar high by falling to their knees before him.

Perhaps they saw me as a true master? - He could find no logical explanation for their strange behavior. A lot has happened lately, and Ramiel isn't in the best condition to think.

" Sorry, Master... we didn't know how to help you. We will accept any punishment. Please be merciful to us. " - Caera just nodded in agreement with the succubus's words.

Ramiel felt like a fool. He didn't understand what such women did to him, or rather, what they didn't help him with. After a little argument with the fairy, he completely forgot about the situation when he howled in pain louder than a wolf during a full moon.

' Avi, do you understand what this is about? ' - Ramiel tried to strike up a conversation with Avi. He didn't want the women to know the content of the conversation. Why should he give away the initiative when he could keep it?

' Mmmm... good honey... delicious honey... ' - Avi's dreamy voice echoed in Ramiel's empty mind.

He forgets about it. She is already a lost cause. - The man thought. At least now he knows how to talk to her mentally.

The women continued to kneel. They are too shy to raise their heads for fear of more anger from their master. They hesitantly awaited the executioner's verdict. The silence in the air became unbearable, and the tension accompanying it increased with each passing second.

Hearing Ramiel's voice, their muscles tensed involuntarily. Their future, to be or not to be, depended on his words. But what they expected never came. The punishment they received was mild, if one could call it punishment at all

" Asme, your lack of reaction was inexcusable, and the punishment will be the harshest of the harshest. " - The boy wanted to tease them. After all, he wasn't a monster who would give them a harsh punishment for something he had no idea about.

" From today, Asme will make my time every day more pleasant with her singing. " - Asme raised her eyes distractedly. She had expected everything, but not this. Perhaps she had misjudged her master after all? He wasn't the heartless monster she thought him to be.

Poor Asme didn't know that she had just fallen into Ramiel's web of manipulation...The woman didn't mind such an order. She liked to sing and would do it with pleasure.

" Thank you, Master, for showing mercy. " - Asme thanked with sincere humility. She preferred not to risk showing too much joy. He would still change his mind.

Now that the matter with Asme was settled, he could focus on Caera.

" Ceara, your offenses are worse than Asme's for this one the punishment will be more severe. " - The woman almost cried from sadness when she heard the sentence. She didn't know why her master was being so unjust. Asme was just as guilty as she was.

" From today ... you will let me play with your ears. " - Hearing the verdict, Caera raised her shocked head. Her face turned red, and her pointed ears pink.

" M-My-My e-e-e-e-ears... " - Caera couldn't stop stuttering. A hurricane of chaotic thoughts suddenly appeared in her head. Some seemed crazier than others.

Ramiel furrowed his brow. He didn't understand what was embarrassing about his "Punishment. "

In fact, from the first second, he saw Caera's ears, he wanted to touch them and play with them. After all, who wouldn't want that? They were elven ears! As a man interested in pop culture, he couldn't pass up such an opportunity.

Letting out a bit of his icy aura, he asked. - " Should I change the punishment? "

An unpleasant shiver ran down Caera's spine. The hint of aura reminded her of recent events.

" No - No. I accept it! " - Caera accepted the proposal almost immediately and lowered her gaze again. There is no better motivation than fear and love.

Meanwhile, Avi satisfied the black hole called the stomach. Her appetite was enormous. Even the binge eating, shrouded in legends, hid from her in a corner.

" I am so full... ". - By some miracle, the fairy climbed onto the top of Ramiel's head and groaned contentedly. With a dreamy expression, she stroked her belly, ignoring the world around her.

Both women's eyes lit up at the sight of the cute little creature, and the corners of their mouths lifted. Their faces showed traces of excitement, which they didn't even try to hide.

" Master who... " - Before Asme could finish, Ramiel grabbed the unsuspecting fairy. He had seen the identical reaction from Samantha too many times. He was well aware of the thoughts circulating in both women's heads and knew how to exploit them.

Avi suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Ramiel's feelings were strange and disturbing, to say the least. She had a bad feeling about them...

' No, you will not do this to me! ' - It was only after a few seconds that Avi made the connection between Ramiel's condition and certain events in his memories. The conclusions she came to frightened her.

' You're right. I won't do anything but them? ' - Ramiel handed Avi over to the two women without much trouble. " She is all yours, just don't hurt her. "

Asme was the first to grab the sweet creature. She gently rubbed her plump cheeks with her finger, smiling like a psychopath. Avi tried to protest, but the physical advantage between them was insurmountable. She could only curse Ramiel for his cruel betrayal!

" You don't have to worry, Master, we won't hurt her. " - Announced the excited Asme.

" How sweet... " - Caera whispered, losing her connection to the world.

" You are a monster, Ramiel! The worst of the worst! I will never forgive you! Do you hear me? Never! " - shouted the little fairy.

Asme paid no attention to Avi's screams and protests. She started tickling and touching her in places where she shouldn't have.

" Hahaha... Stop...hahahaha - stop it - it tickles hahahah. " - Asme didn't stop torturing her. When Caera joined her, the torture became even worse.

By the end of the day, the dungeon was filled with the laughter of fairies combined with pleas for mercy.

Ramiel didn't want to listen to Avi's wailing, so he concentrated on something else. He didn't have much to do, so he focused on the dungeon's core. He was curious if there had been any changes in it after the birth of the brazen fairy.

His intuition didn't fail him. After placing his hand on the surface of the core, he saw an interface enriched with new information.

| Dungeon of Damnation |

| Time to full activation: 36h/1.5 days |

| /×^!%@:@&!*!?&;# |

The space below was filled with a series of undefined runes, symbols, and signs that Ramiel didn't understand or even try to understand. In his eyes, it was meaningless gibberish.

" There is too much here..." - The man muttered. " Well, I guess I have to wait until the dungeon is fully activated if I want to see more.

Ramiel decided to devote the rest of his free time to physical training, creating several balls of darkness to spin around him in the meantime. This required an unusually divisive seriousness to him, but he developed the right one over the years.

A task like drawing a triangle in the air with his right hand and a circle with his left was child's play for him. To say more, this is the bare minimum in the world of hunters. Together with further development, a wonderful world of powerful spells that require meticulous control over the flow of mana opens up before people.

If a hunter stops in the middle of a fight to cast a spell, he may not have time to finish it... The arguments seem solid.

Returning, Ramiel started by running around the room. He hated doing it, but he was currently too weak for more advanced methods of improving stamina. They would do more harm than good.

As a warm-up, he ran 50 laps, which was roughly equivalent to two kilometers. After he finished running, he spent an hour doing various stretching exercises.

Maintaining a properly stretched body is essential to his fighting style.

Next in line were calisthenic exercises. Ramiel didn't have things like a barbell or bench with him, not to mention simple dumbbells or a pull-up bar. He regretted a lot about it, but at least he wasn't doing crossfit. He couldn't stand it.

It's quite funny, but he was reminded of the time when he started his beautiful adventure in the gym. During his first workout, he got so tired that he couldn't lift the barbell himself while pressing on his chest.

After three hours of intense training, Ramiel sat on the floor, exhausted. Sweat dripped in trickles down his non-existent muscles.

As he rested, his thoughts revolved around his biggest problem - food. Without the right nutrients, he will not build muscle mass. Mana can help him do this, but there are limits to what it is capable of. From empty, Solomon doesn't pour.

Ramiel stripped down and used his remaining mana to create water and purify himself. Although he didn't look his best now, he wasn't ashamed of his body. He doesn't belong to the group of people who are afraid to take off their undershirts on the beach.

And if someone in the dungeon was bothered by that... he could always turn away. Ramiel just didn't know how he would survive the second night, it was cold in the dungeon... terribly cold. This made his whole body ache in the morning. As bad as it was, he could find many things in the space ring, even stuff he didn't need, but he searched there in vain for a blanket or something similar.

Of course, Ramiel changed into new clothes, the ones he could change into. The pants and hunting jacket remained, and he hid the rest in the ring.

Unexpectedly, Asme appeared next to him as if she knew the thoughts running through his head.

" Master, please let me dry your hair. ~" - The woman sat on the ground on her calves, pointing to her thighs with her hand. Ramiel understood her intention and laid his head on her soft thighs without a moment's hesitation. The feeling of softness, combined with the warmth of her legs and supple skin, was addictive.

After less than a few seconds, a stream of warm air enveloped his hair. However, Asme didn't stop there. Her slender fingers divided into Ramiel's wet hair, surprising him by doing so. As it soon turned out, this was only the beginning of the surprises prepared by the succubus.

His luck knew no bounds. He was honored to attend an exclusive concert, with none other than the horned beauty as the star of the evening. 

After a few seconds of pleasant caresses, an ear-pleasing melody came to Ramiel's ears. Under the influence of the melodious timbre of Asme's voice, his muscles relaxed, and his agitated soul, for the first time, experienced the long-awaited peace.

The succubus gave his all in making the time spent in the dungeon more pleasant for her new master. She had a real talent, which she didn't hesitate to use to survive. Judging by the man's reaction, she was on the right track.

Ramiel couldn't remember the last time he had felt so relaxed. His sharp and cool gaze eased, taking on a neutral hue. His aura underwent a similar transformation. It became more approachable to strangers. He became more accessible to strangers. It was all because of the angelic voice he was enjoying.

It took Asme five minutes to dry Ramiel's hair, but seeing the changes that had taken place in the master, she continued the performance for another half hour. Meanwhile, her hand cleverly combed through the man's lush hair, giving him great pleasure.

Unfortunately, nothing can last forever. Asme made herself sleepy. Today's day had exhausted her mentally. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't continue singing. This doesn't mean that her plans ended there. Like any woman, she is crafty.

" Master, it is very cold in the dungeon... ". - Asme spoke in a sleepy voice, covering her mouth as she held back a yawn.

" What are you getting at Asme? " - Ramiel seemed to sound happy to the demon's surprise. It was strange. Ever since he had arrived in the dungeon, he had been cold, and his sullen expression hadn't even left him. 

It was hard to believe that listening to a few simple songs could have such an effect on him. However, one has to take into account what genre he is dealing with. Succubi aren't just demons of desire. With a little effort, their voices can work wonders. Talented ones can even heal wounds inflicted on the soul, although it will take a long time.

" Perhaps you would like to sleep with us? The more of us there are, the more heat we will retain in our bodies. ~ " - Asme's fingers tangled between the man's hair strands.

Already in the morning, Ramiel had considered making a similar proposal. At first, he wanted to wait a few days with it, but after sleeping through the frosty night, he quickly changed his mind.

" Have you talked to Caera about this? I can be your master, but I don't want to force you too much to do anything inappropriate. Believe me or not, but it goes against my principles. " - Ramiel feigned concern for the women's welfare. To manipulate them, he first had to gain their trust. This required several small lies and excellent acting.

" It's hard to believe, but it was Caera who came up with the proposal. " - A restrained smile appeared on Asme's face.

" In that case, let's go. " - Ramiel stated dryly.

Soon, all three were lying in the middle of the dungeon. Four in total, counting the battered fairy. Poor Avi had been through hell today.

Ramiel took his place in the middle. What surprised him was that on his right side, he had an embarrassed Caera, who clung to his hand.

Where did this shy girl get the courage to do this? - Ramiel tried to find an answer but gave up after a few minutes. Women are difficult to understand and not worth trying. Their logic is different from that of men.

To the left lay Asme, who was bolder. She laid her head on his chest, her arms entwined around his torso and her legs entangled around his limbs. Ramiel, having no choice, put his arm around the woman's waist.

Avi fell asleep on his chest. Only her head was sticking out from under the leather jacket.

It wasn't long before Ramiel fell asleep, ending his second day in the dungeon.