
The little fairy flew nervously in front of the gate that led to the abyss. She feared for Ramiel's safety. The brazen man had given no sign of life for more than five hours. The tension caused by not knowing slowly pushed her into the hands of madness.

Avi had certain mechanisms by which she knew Ramiel was still alive. One of them is the bond between them. Breaking it means the inevitable death of a man. Everything should be fine as long as it doesn't disappear, but that's where her knowledge ended.

Besides, she was still concerned about Caera's condition. Things were getting worse for the elfess. More than half of her body was covered with black spots. Her skin in the areas covered by the black areas was cracking, and it resembled a dried-up lake in the middle of the desert.

However, the biggest problem didn't appear until the morning. Caera stopped taking in any food. This hastened the inevitable spread of the disease. 

" YHG! How I hate this! " - Avi exclaimed while combing her carefully arranged hair. By the way, she had a little tantrum, not the first one that day.

" Ohhh... I'd love to hear who you hate so much. " - Avi heard a steady and familiar deep voice belonging to a man from behind the gate. Immediately after the unexpected incident, the massive gates opened with a bang, revealing Ramiel standing on the threshold.

For the first two seconds, Avi froze in stillness, then, with the speed of a casanova, she fell on his chest, tenderly rubbing her cheek against it. She was momentarily oblivious to the fact that Ramiel was naked and soiled in Goblin blood and didn't even mind the awful stench.

" I didn't know that someone had missed me so much. " - Ramiel stroked the fairy's hair with a finger. He was amused by the small amount of intimacy shown by his bond.

Feeling the warmth on her head, Avi joyfully fluttered her wings. She realized what she was doing only after a moment and pulled away from the bond.

" Phew! Don't imagine anything! And, and, and, and, you could at least have washed yourself! Now you make me stink! " - Avi started another fight, gesturing furiously in the air. This was to hide her embarrassment. However, the fairy is doomed from the start.

" Huh? Who told you to hug me? As far as I remember, it was you who bumped into me, not the other way around... " - Ramiel mocked her.

" Idiot! Because of you, I'm hungry now! " - Avi was backed into a corner and used a wild card: a bottomless stomach. Like lightning, it dived into Ramiel's shoulder and sank its teeth into his collarbone.

The former hunter just shook head in disapproval and mentally summed up the fairy.

She probably doesn't realize how bad that sounds...

Ramiel wasted no more time and headed straight for the campfire. There, a previously prepared pot of water was already waiting for him.

' Are you sure I should cook a simple soup? ' - He preferred to make sure just in case. True, he had stolen three mandrake plants, but two of them, but he preferred to keep two of them for future experiments.

For all he knew, the plant could be used as a base for better-quality concoctions to speed up the process of cell replication. It would be a significant loss if he wasted something so valuable, especially when he no longer had easy access to this resource. To be honest, Ramiel had great doubts that it would go so easily this time. The snake seemed to be furious with him.

' Mmm, so delicious... Slice it and boil it for an hour. It can't be spoiled! ' - Avi's shout allayed any fears the former hunter had. Since it was so simple, there was no point in delaying any longer.

Ramiel took the mandrake out of the space ring and started slicing it, or at least wanted to do so. When Night Ripper's tail cut the plant in half, a shrill shriek filled the room. It resembled the cry of a newborn baby, only 10 times louder.

The former hunter covered his ears at the first impulse. He expected it to be loud, but not that loud. After a few seconds, he regained his composure and created a vacuum around the root. It cost him the rest of his mana, but it was worth it. No trace of the unbearable wailing remained.

Ramiel was cautious and waited ten minutes, just in case. After that, he dispelled the spell. He preferred to wait a little longer, but the modest amount of mana didn't allow him to do so.

" I need to increase my mana's reserve as soon as possible... " - Ramiel added another item to the long list of things to do in the near future and got to work.

After an hour, the soup was ready, if it could still be called soup. The liquid had turned a light green color, and its consistency resembled pudding.

The solution smelled compelling and probably tasted even better. It took an iron will not to eat the medicine. 

Now that Ramiel has the cure, the most challenging part awaits. He must somehow get Caera to eat it; another problem arises here. The elfess has been in a coma for several hours. If the supposed cure were a real soup and not a thick liquid, he could use a similar trick as with the medicines.

Unfortunately, this isn't the case. He must look for another solution... He even already has an idea, but it is risky and mostly depends on Asme. Unfortunately, the woman is indispensable. If only he had more mana, he could do it himself, but to the point.

" This will work? " - the succubus gasped in surprise. What she had just heard seemed crazy and risky.

" Yes. It should work if you're careful and don't damage any internal organs. " Ramiel paused for a moment. He saw Asme's hesitation, but there was nothing he could do about it. The woman must decide if she wants to take responsibility for friend's life.

" This... Tell me what to do... ". - The woman wasn't sure if she would be up to the challenge, but she had no choice but to try. Not if the elf was to survive today.

" It's not difficult, you just have to... ".

Ramiel's plan was simple, at least in theory. All Asme had to do was create an ice tube that led directly to Caera's stomach. He would administer the medicine through it. 

Unfortunately, this is currently the only solution available. The ex-hunter lacks the specialized medical equipment from Earth to deal with this in any other way.

However, the task entrusted to the horned beauty sounds only simple, but in reality, it is hellishly difficult.

Asme had to demonstrate above-average mana control and composure. Otherwise, by creating an object inside Caera's body, she could simultaneously injure or even kill her.

This was a stressful situation for the succubus. Streams of cold sweat ran down the forehead, and her hands trembled with exertion. The realization that Asme held the elfess' life in hands, didn't help her keep cool blood.

Fortunately, the whole procedure went without much trouble, and Ramiel had just finished administering the medicine. Of course, it wasn't the whole pot. He had divided the soup into four parts.

The whole thing is too strong for Caera and could harm instead of help.

The medicine began to work immediately and brought the desired results. The dark spots on her skin slowly began to fade, and her hair regained its former luster.

Full recovery will take some time for the elfess for a simple reason. The treatment needs to be repeated at least three more times. Ramiel only hopes that the woman will regain consciousness the next day.

He doesn't want to use Asme's services a second time. Creating an object in the body of a living being is too difficult for her. All the while, he wonders by what miracle the horned beauty has succeeded.

" I guess the goddess of luck likes us. " - Ramiel muttered to himself and left Caera in Asme's care again. Her condition should be stable now. It will be enough to wait until the elf regains some strength.

He went to wash himself instead. He smelled horrible and was heartily sick of it. The stench of stale goblin blood made him vomit.

Afterward, he wanted to rest a bit, but he had no such luxury. The dungeon had to be taken care of.

And thus, Ramiel ended up looking at the dungeon's core. Ever since he had first interacted with it, the object had remained a great mystery to him. At first, he tried to figure out how the core worked, but after a few days, he gave up. His curiosity wasn't satisfied, although he wanted it very much.

" So how do I transform monster cores into core energy? "

Avi lazily lifted herself out of Ramiel's hair. She silently hoped for a longer break, but he shattered her naive dreams.

" It's easy, just put them on the dungeon core, and it will eat them. " Avi hurriedly lay in the bond's hair again. Evidently, she had overestimated the man.

" And that's it? I don't have to do any elaborate rituals or make blood sacrifices for Nenneke to accept my gift. "

Avi fainted for a brief moment and looked at him as if he were a mentally limited person.

" I don't know what you have read in the past, but I would advise you to stop... ". - The fairy stopped midway and shouted enthusiastically. "Wait, I know! You should stop reading internet novels. They mess with your head! " 

Avi burst with pride from inside. For the first time in a long time, she accurately pointed out Ramiel.

" Everyone must have a hobby... " - Ramiel sighed.

" I won't comment on that. " - Avi replied briefly. "Besides, Nenneke has nothing to do with it. She is only responsible for the creation of the core. Everything else is already the will of the dungeon and the universe! "

At least, that's what the fairy thinks. She can't give the former hunter any information other than the knowledge implanted in her head. Are these true? Let me leave this delicate subject for later.

Ramiel kept silent about Avi's comment and threw the previously prepared monster cores into the dark sphere. He left only the two largest ones. You never know if they'll be useful for something.

The core, with the appetite of a black hole, sucked in the small stones with a loud swish. Its surface shimmered rhythmically, and the purple patterns became more intense for a brief moment.

Ramiel placed his hand on it, and a status window appeared in his mind.

| Dungeon of Condemnation |

| Dungeon level 0 |

| Number of floors 1|

| Dungeon mana 200 / 200 |

| Core energy 260 / 200 |

| Life essence 0 / 0 |

| Storage capacity 12/3000 |

A trace of surprise appeared on the man's face.

Seeing his reaction, Avi hastened to explain.

 " Core energy has no upper limit. The limit you see is the threshold needed to reach the next level. " - The fairy mused for a few seconds. " I think you have met all the conditions needed for development... Just think you want to advance the dungeon to the next level, and the core will take care of the rest. "

Ramiel didn't think much and followed Avi's instructions. Moments later, an abundant amount of mana poured out of the core and penetrated the room's walls.

Under the influence of the mass of energy, the dungeon shook, and the next thing you know, the walls moved away from each other, and a stone staircase rose from the ceiling.

The decorations on the walls became more distinct, the crystals emitted more heat, and the stone chair was as uncomfortable as ever. Aside from minor visual changes, no major improvements were made.

Last in line was the dungeon core. It had grown a few millimeters in diameter, and the stone vines that supported it were now a tad thicker.

Ramiel looked around, there was definitely more room, but it was still damn cold. To his eye, the room was now 15 x 15 meters.

However, what mainly interests him are the changes that have taken place in the dungeon's interface.

| Dungeon of Condemnation |

| Dungeon level 0 > 1 |

| Number of floors 1 > 2 |

| Dungeon Mana 0 / 200 > /600 |

| Core energy 0 / 200 > 60/450 |

| Life essence 0 / 0 |

| Resources in storage 12 / 3000 |

| Unique abilities of the Dungeon |

| Condemned Soul Collector - There is a small chance that the souls of dead creatures can be transformed into condemned souls. These creatures are condemned to wander the dungeon forever in bondage to a new master. At the moment of enslavement, they lose all sense of life. They are guided by a single goal, eternal service in the ranks of the dungeon in the hope of receiving the desired deliverance. Their destructive power lies in the group. Together, they are invincible. Although they are weak, they shouldn't be underestimated... |.

< Requirement - The creature must die in the dungeon and not be related to it. >

| Available Units |

| Skeleton 0/5 > 0/8 |

< Cost to summon 180 units of dungeon mana, 10 units of core energy, eight dice >.

" What, why are they getting more and more expensive? " - Ramiel wheezed in surprise, directing a reproachful look at Avi. " You didn't warn me about this... ".

" Hm... " - The fairy muttered thoughtfully. "Maybe it's not so bad. The skeletons should be sturdier and more useful now... In any case, remember one thing. In a dungeon, nothing happens without a cause. If something costs become higher, there must be a specific reason behind it. "

Ramiel clicked his tongue and threw in another core with a heavy heart. This one was the largest of all, providing up to 110 points of core energy.

Unfortunately, he couldn't test Avi's theory right away. He would have to wait until the dungeon had collected enough mana. Due to its early stage of development, this shouldn't take long. Nevertheless, Ramiel didn't want to stand idly by and wait, so he went to explore the new floor to kill time.

It was a huge cave with a vast network of tunnels and blind alleys. Twilight reigned there, and there was nothing but earth and rocks.

The man decided that it would be the perfect home for goblins. He was sick of their smell. It drove him crazy.

On this occasion, he discharged one of his many duties as dungeon master. Among Ramiel's tasks was to create the right environment on each floor so that his subjects could live comfortably. That was one of the unwritten rules.

After all, he couldn't order a fire salamander to live in an ice ecosystem. It was illogical. The poor lizard would have died within minutes.

" Rascal. " - Ramiel shouted, and after a few minutes, he had the green creature and its minions in front of him.

The goblin stopped what he was doing and followed the master's call almost immediately. Ever since he had seen his valor and strength in the fight against the Night Ripper, he had begun to respect him from the bottom of his heart. Previously, he had obeyed the man's orders out of superior compulsion, but now it was out of pure devotion.

" From today, you will be in charge of this floor and live here with the rest of the goblins. Think of it as a reward for your hard work. Don't disappoint me, and much more will be waiting for you in the future. "

Ramiel lied with a smile on lips. He used a good opportunity to inspire loyalty and devotion in the monsters. He applied a small psychological trick, which apparently worked.

" Wrr wraa! " - The four goblins knelt before him on one knee and made shrieking noises.

Ramiel could only guess what they meant. Walking away, he put his hand on Rascal's shoulder. He was driven by curiosity and wanted to check his statistics. Nevertheless, what he saw infuriated the former hunter.

Two bright green beams of light suddenly emerged from the goblin's body. One was thicker than the other. They aren't spectacularly large, barely more than three centimeters in diameter, but it is still something the man didn't expect to see.

The strangest thing was that he had never seen them before. He only noticed them when he came into physical contact with the goblin.

It could have something to do with the ability to evolve. - Ramiel formed a theory and decided to test it. He touched the thicker ray of light. At that moment, he felt the mana from the environment awaken and gather around the goblin. The same fate befell his internal energy reserves. They were forcibly torn out and injected into the green creature's body.

In the meantime, the red core in the man's pocket tarnished and disintegrated into fine dust.

' Ramiel: 'What have you done! What have you done?!?! The core's energy is dropping! ' - A terrified scream resounded in the former hunter's mind. In a way, one can understand Avi's panic. The core energy should never decrease on its own. It was an impossible task.

However, the man ignored the fairy, leaving her alone with the problem. He wasn't doing it on purpose. He was just busier. He tried with all his might to stop the process of losing mana, but to no avail. No matter what he did, it didn't have the desired effect. It only got worse.

For a while, he even feared that he would die. Losing all your mana is no joke. It always ends in certain death. An organism that has once experienced miraculous energy cannot function without it again. That's why the brain sometimes disconnects consciousness when mana reserves drop to dangerously low levels. This is a common problem among hunters.

Fortunately, Ramiel avoided such an extreme solution.

After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity, the goblin was bathed in a glaring, pale green light. It didn't last long, a few measly seconds at most.

After all, when the blinding glow dimmed, Ramiel saw a transformed being in the goblin's place. It still resembled Rascal but was taller than him. Now, it reaches the former hunter roughly to his chest.

His face had become less hideous, resembling more human now. Thick muscles appeared on his previously emaciated limbs, and a spark of intelligence burned in his eyes. The previously frayed piece of cloth was replaced by straight pants.

The creature meekly knelt down on one knee, and an unpleasant voice came out of its mouth. It could be compared to a stripped record.

" Master! Rascal! Serve! "

Ramiel's eyes would almost come out of orbits. It was the first time he had met a goblin who spoke human language. But the biggest shock was yet to come when he checked the monster's status window.

| Status |

| Name Rascal |

| Race Goblin Chief |

| Age 20 |

| Strength 18 |

| Stamina 13 |

| Vitality 10 |

| Agility 14 |

| Defense 12 |

| Mana 15 |

| Enriched mana 0 |

| Intelligence 12 |

This thing... is stronger than me ?!!!?!?!