Priest ?

Asme woke up very sore. Her little sister was swollen. The burning sensation inside her had become irritating. The wound on her shoulder blade had healed, but the dull pain remained. The bandages were no longer adequate. The dried blood ruled them out for further use.

The horned beauty would have gladly slept longer had it not been for a certain gentleman intrusively toying with a strand of her hair.

Bored, Ramiel systematically wrapped small strands of silver hair around his finger. In this way, he wanted to kill time; he had been terribly bored for two hours. Usually, he would have taken up training or something useful, but the situation was a little different this time.

The naked beauty decided to make a pillow out of the former hunter. Apart from that, he preferred to be near Asme when she woke up. This will have a positive effect on their future relationship. Women are emotional creatures who put feelings and attachment above logic. Once a fire is lit, it has to be tended to and gradually fed. Otherwise, you will be left in the lurch.

Ramiel had another reason to stay in bed. The sky-blue-haired elf took his right hand and held on tenaciously as if her life depended on it. Caera had been awake for a long time, but the former hunter pretended not to notice.

He found her behavior quite charming.

At least she wasn't the type of Tsundere who was always in trouble. - The former hunter laughed in his mind.

In his heart, Ramiel rejoiced at the success of the plan. He wasn't entirely sure if it would work. On Earth, having more than one mate was unacceptable to most of society, but here... it was apparently different. After all, they weren't on Earth.

Here, laws and customs had their own rules.

If you're wondering why he was so confident, just think. Asme is a smart woman. Ramel had made it clear enough the night before.

" Both of you are important to me. " - Only a fool wouldn't understand a man's intentions. Asme is unlikely to fall into this group. Sometimes, she has trouble thinking in stressful situations, but that's about it as for Caera. The behavior of the elfess speaks for itself...

Ramiel felt the naked woman wriggling. In his mind, he thanked the gods. He was tired of lying idle...

Asme opened her beautiful green eyes. Her pupils narrowed, blinded by the glow of the campfire. She turned head, and her gaze met Ramiel's amethyst eyes. There was an infinite abyss in those dark, deep irises.

The horned beauty could stare at them for hours, especially after yesterday. However, Ramiel had other plans. After spending all night in one position, his back was crying out for rescue.

" Oh... the sleeping princess decided to get up? " - Ramiel muttered quietly, focusing on a pair of green eyes.

" Good morning, Master. ~ " Said a sleepy Asme. Her voice sounded mesmerizing, as always. " How was your night, Master? "

The woman stared at Ramiel with a small hint of restraint and excitement. The horned beauty wasn't expecting much. In fact, she didn't know what kind of answer she was waiting for. She simply said what her instincts told her.

" Hmm...It was supposed to be a wonderful and long night... But a certain succubus decided to spoil everything by dragging me to bed. " - Ramiel hugged Asme tenderly around the waist.

" Oh... that naughty succubus has already been properly punished, by the way... I guess you didn't complain about it, did you? " - Asme subtly bit her lower lip. She looked sexy, with loose strands of hair covering her face.

" Oh? And where did the Master go? " -One of the man's eyebrows rose. Ramiel wanted to tease the unruly demoness a little. However, there was a small misunderstanding. A trace of horror appeared on Asme's face. For a moment, the woman forgot about her position as a servant.

She had been skating on thin ice all along, and now she had collapsed all over. The intimate relationship between them changed nothing. He was the master, and she was the servant.

The horned beauty's face clouded over, and sadness dawned in the still recently happy eyes. 

" I'm sorry, Master... it won't happen again. " - Asme's voice was almost breaking. She felt disappointed. She thought something had changed between them after last night... but apparently, everything stayed the same. Asme wanted to get up, walk away, and collapse to the ground, but the man drew her close.

" Haha, your face is adorable. "

Asme pulled down her eyebrows, confused. After a moment, a daze hit her like thunder from a clear sky.

He's teasing me! - The horned beauty gasped in thought. She pretended to be offended, or at least tried to, but the wagging tail betrayed her. If you can't guess a woman's emotions, her tail will always help you.

" Asme, you don't have to address me as "Master," especially when we are in bed. " - Ramiel muttered, stroking Asme's back. He wasn't doing anything inappropriate. Everything ended with a small caress.

" I would like to, but it will not affect you well. You are the master of the dungeon. It may not be a problem now, but what will others think in the future? Will they still respect you? " - The horned beauty sighed sadly. Deep in her heart, she was pleased with Ramiel's proposal. It gave birth to a modest flame of hope. But on the other hand, she couldn't accept it. She was nothing more than a lover of the Dungeon Master.

Addressing him by name was an insult.

As Asme mentioned earlier - Ramiel is her master, and she is his servant/slave.

" Do you think I care? If someone won't respect me for such a trivial reason, then he doesn't deserve my respect. I may not understand some of the intricate aspects and parts of the culture of this world, but usually, respect must be earned. Rather, it always remains the same. " - Ramiel stated while moving his hand to Asme's hair. Seeing the hesitation in her eyes, he added. " End of the day, you will do as you wish. I can't force you to do anything but don't even think about it at times like this. "

A sincere smile appeared on Asme's face. For a moment, she was afraid that she had made a mistake by giving herself to a real demon. But her fears blew away like flour in the wind.

Poor woman, she didn't realize how billowy the truth was. Unfortunately, Asme didn't have the slightest chance to escape her fate. Her fate was sealed with the appearance of the former hunter in the dungeon...

The pair lay like this for a while longer. During this time, Asme explained the meaning of the oath of loyalty to Ramiel. Her knowledge was limited, but she did her best. 

" So... you are all mine now?" - Satisfaction rippled through Ramiel from the inside out. After all, what man wouldn't be happy to hear that his woman belongs only to him?

" Mhm... " - The horned beauty purred while kissing the man on the lips. This was enough for Ramiel to lose his alertness. Driven by educated reactions, he wanted to move his hand lower, but Asme stopped him.

" I... " - The succubus lowered gaze, blushing.

 " It's okay. I got a little carried away yesterday… You should rest today. Later, I will help you with the bandage.

" - Ramiel knew what Asme wanted to say and silenced her. He didn't want to spoil his good mood with Samantha's words from their last morning spent together.

" Can't we stay like this a little longer ? " the horned beauty asked with hope in her voice. In truth, for Asme, this was all new. No one had ever shown her as much affection as Ramiel. The sense of security the man gave her was like a powerful drug. The more she got of him, the more she wanted.

The horned beauty simply wanted to savor the sensations provided by the former hunter for as long as possible. Frankly, she was afraid that it was all a dream and would disappear, along with the man's departure.

And that's how a short moment turned into a long hour. During this time, Asme felt better. At least, despite the discomfort, she could move normally.

When Asme stood up, Caera followed suit... With a big blush on her face, she greeted Ramiel and went to help friend with a bath. Despite her nature, the elfess bombarded Asme with a thousand questions. The horned beauty had no secrets from her and gladly answered everything, including the smallest details.

At the same time, Ramiel was experiencing a difficult moment. During her morning routine, the little fairy launched a massive attack on the bond. She really had a lot to say.

"Pervert, have you no shame in doing this before me! Phew! Insolent!

You could have at least kept your voice down! For God's sake, at least watch your thoughts! Do you know how hard it is to sleep when you keep thinking about how good you are or how Asme's pussy is tight and tastes great? Ugh! I really didn't want to know that! ' - Avi's shameless nature made everything worse. She had no inhibitions about scolding a man.

The fairy was much in the right. Ramiel humbly admitted his mistake, and here he made a mistake. Smelling fresh blood, Avi's offensive took a turn for the worse. After ten minutes of incessant shouting, the former hunter's head was already bursting. Finally, he sent a white snake to her when he couldn't stand it.

Sarron was extremely happy to " play " with the fairy. Avi, on the other hand, didn't look happy. Sarron, as Ramiel's hanyard, inherited the Shadow Walk.

The fairy had to run relentlessly without a chance to rest. The former hunter finally had time to himself and could care for what was important...

A few hours later, Ramiel stood in front of the dungeon's core, ready to improve it. He had already taken care of the necessary resources. He didn't have much to do anyway. It was enough to replenish the core's energy. The former hunter was one simple thought away from activating the process, but his attention was caught by one of the skeletons.

Within seconds, Ramiel was in front of the skeleton. This time, it wasn't restricted by the gloomy fog.

Ramiel was confused. Previously, this kind of thing only happened with physical contact, but now the stream was visible without it.

Ramiel was in front of the skeleton in seconds. Even faster, his hand met the creature's skull. At the moment of physical contact, a peculiar sensation entered Ramiel's body. He had felt them before when the goblins were evolving. 

The skeleton humbly standing before Ramiel was one of three unique ones. Its watery stream of light now emitted a strong glow.

So... did I meet the requirements? But when it happened... all I had to do was move all the raw materials to the warehouse. If that's the case... the cost will be huge. - It seemed that Ramiel came up with something. He carefully considered all the pros and cons. But in the end, his gambler nature won out after ten minutes.

I just hope I won't be left with nothing. - With this thought, Ramiel proceeded to evolve into a servant.

In a second, almost all the mana was sucked out of his body and injected into the meager skeleton The shock caused by the sudden loss of energy particles caused the man's nosebleed, but he didn't notice it. The former hunter was completely focused on the evolutionary process.

Before his eyes, the skeleton's bones were surrounded by a mystical dark green liquid. The streaks of external mana also added their five cents; they pervaded the monster's graphite bones, subjecting them to an internal metamorphosis.

The mana molecules broke down the structure of the graphite bones and then rebuilt it stronger. Soon, the process was successfully completed, moving to the next stage. This time, the green liquid seeped in, forming dark green symbols on the surface of the bones, which at first glance resembled the scribbles of a newborn baby.

At the end of it all, the skeleton became taller, with tendons and faint muscle fibers appearing in some places. The last thing worth mentioning is the creature's eye sockets. The earlier flames were replaced by a dark green version, matching the patterns on the bones.

Ramiel wiped away the trickle of blood with the willow of his hand and examined what such fate had brought him. It must have been something special, inferring from his wide and pugnacious smile.

| Status |

| Name |

| Race Skeleton Healer |

| Direction of Evolution Healer |

| Age ? |

| Strength 10 |

| Stamina Infinity |

| Vitality 5 |

| Agility 10 | 

| Defense 5 |

| Mana 80 |

| Enriched mana 0 | 

| Intelligence 26 |

Yes, this is a damn healer! - Ramiel was almost jumping with happiness. On Earth, healers are a rarity. This was due to the difficulty of understanding the elements that makeup healing spells. Learning them required years of hard study. Unfortunately, talent alone wasn't enough here. In addition to understanding the elements, knowledge of human anatomy was also required. A healer had to know the structure of a bone or a cell in the body to know how to reconstruct it. This and many more factors elevated this particular branch of hunters to a closed and rarefied elite.

Once a free or new healer appeared, they were immediately recruited by the top team. This created a hole in the market and increased the number of deaths among low-ranked hunters...

Ramiel had been thinking intensely about where he would find a healer for some time. But now he didn't have to do that anymore. The solution fell into his hands. For a moment, the former hunter felt like a child with a silver spoon in his mouth, but then he remembered how he had ended up here, and all the charm fell away.

Avi put the final nail in the coffin of the former hunter's good mood as if that wasn't enough.

' Ramiel! All the monster cores have evaporated! ' - The terrified fairy screamed in panic, rushing at top speed straight out of the storage.

The former hunter clicked tongue, feeling a strong bitterness. He had been partially prepared for this... but his heart was still bleeding. He had spent two weeks hunting the Night Rippers. During that time, he had accumulated a sizable number of cores.

' The cores aren't all, one mandrake is also gone, and the core energy is 0 ' - After Avi's despairing report, there was silence. Ramiel took a deep breath.

I think I know what happened... Meet Felix, our new healer... ' - Ramiel sounded indifferent, but inside, he was dying of grief. Two weeks of hard work had gone up in smoke.

Avi looked around. Only now did she notice the strange skeleton. The fairy added two to two, connecting the facts together.

' So it's that strange ability again? ' - Avi groaned.

' It looks like it... ' - Ramiel reluctantly muttered.

' Isn't it still too much? There were 40 cores and one the size of half a finger ! ' - Avi's words further wounded the already bleeding heart of the former hunter. ' Hmm, but I guess it's not so bad. After all, you have a healer... I hope it's worth the price. '

' We'll find out soon enough. ' - Ramiel sighed and ordered Felix to follow him.

Soon, they were both standing in front of the gossiping women.

" My ladies, meet Felix. Felix is our new healer. I don't know what he can do yet, but we're about to find out. " - Ramiel looked meaningfully at the horned beauty. " Asme if you can. "

The woman obediently turned her back toward the man. Ramiel then removed the bloody bandages from her. Asme's wound was healing nicely. The edges had sealed up, and a scab was forming inside. Modern medicines designed for the hunter's market can work wonders.

Unfortunately, stocks of medicines were shrinking at an alarming rate. It was for this Ramiel's sleep was pulled from eyelids by thoughts of a healer.

" Felix, heal her. "

The skeleton stretched hands. The patterns on his bones were filled with a bright green light. It resembled fluorescent paint. Then, a bright green ribbon of mana came out of Felix's hands.

The healing energy surrounded Asme, then one of its ends wrapped around the horned beauty's wound. Before everyone's eyes, the edges began to heal. After ten minutes, not even a trace remained of the wound, the skin in the area was as smooth as a baby's bottom.

When the process was complete, the ribbons of mana returned to the symbols engraved in Felix's bones. The skeleton lowered hands and waited obediently for further instructions.

" It's not too bad. As far as I know, it was a lower healing of the middle degree and accelerated lower regeneration. If he can heal simple diseases, he will be useful. " - Ramiel expressed a frank opinion.

" Felix, follow me. We need to test some things. " - Immediately afterward, Ramiel headed toward the core, digging into his memories of the intricate ranks of healers. Yes, except for the standard power distribution, there is an internal ranking.

The healer magics of the hunters are divided into several categories. Healing, Accelerated Regeneration, Limb Regeneration, and Purification.

Healing involves fusing the cells of the body together. In this respect, it has no limitations. They are divided into smaller, small, medium and large. Each class is divided into three levels: low, intermediate, and high. The higher the level, the faster the bonding process.

Accelerated regeneration for a given period artificially increases vitality statistics. Like healing, it is divided into the same ranks.

Limb Regeneration... as the name suggests, you can guess what it's for. The ranks are the same, and the higher the rank, the less treatment is needed for limb regeneration. For the lowest rank, the process takes a year.

Cleansing removes negative status effects like freezing, bleeding, weakening, and curses. The higher the rank, the more negative effects are removed.

When the ranks of all spells reach high, they are fused into True Healing, a universal version for healing all types of damage.


Before the day came to an end, Ramiel conducted several tests. One of them was a communication test. Felix could write and read. At least, that's a good thing. Although, the character of the writing left much to be desired.

It took the former hunter a while to understand the skeleton's scribbles. However, the man shouldn't complain. He writes twice as bad...

The rest of the day flew by, testing Felix's limits. Skill ranks looked more or less like this.

Healing - small - intermediate

Accelerated Regeneration - small - low

Limb Regeneration - low - high

Purification - medium - low

Ramiel was pleasantly surprised. His calculations turned out to be worse than the actual condition.

The man sighed tiredly and looked at the other two skeletons. He couldn't wait to see what their evolution would bring.