Chill Time

On his way back, Ramiel stopped at a cave with a lake. He had been doing this often lately to refresh himself. After several baths, the water gave a pleasant cool breeze, aside from its great effect on small injuries. The strenuous pain faded in no time, the bruises swelling disappeared faster, and tense muscles relaxed.

Ramiel stripped off his clothes and submerged in the icy water. The temperature no longer bothered him; he even found it pleasant. It was a matter of getting used to the new environment.

The former hunter sat down comfortably, and Lilies flowed towards him. Ramiel didn't know why the flowers surrounded him every time. It was definitely not their natural behavior. Unfortunately, Avi didn't know anything about it either. Ramiel assumed that if my encyclopedia didn't know, then no one did.

He knew it was a foolish approach, but he didn't mind.

Along with Ramiel, a small white snake was sloshing in the water. Sarron liked the cool baths. They strengthened his body and allowed him to relax. The snake swam around the bond happily, hissing. With the willow of his hand, the man stroked the halyard's back.

" A little more, and you will shed your skin, little one. " - Ramiel muttered, feeling the thickening under his fingers.

" Ssss ? " - Confused snake tilted head

" This is a natural process among snakes. When your skin becomes too small for your body, you shed it, and a new one grows underneath. "

" Sss ssss? " - Sarron tilted head even more, leaving the man with a mass of questions.

Ramiel, looking for rescue, looked at the little fairy soaking feet in the water. Avi had been reluctant to bathe in the lake at first, but after a forced dip by an ex-hunter, she changed mind. Bathing in the refined liquid positively affects her skin.

After all, which woman wouldn't want their skin to be beautiful and wrinkle-free?

Avi rolled her eyes, feeling Ramiel's gaze on her. Working as a private translator made her nervous, especially if the only payment was food!

According to the fairy, this was blatant exploitation and a violation of the worker's rights! The few drops of mana she receives are definitely not enough! When they return, Avi will apply for a raise. Starting tomorrow, Ramiel will have to pay her one jelly a day. Otherwise, she will rebel!

The poor fairy didn't know that blackmail would have the opposite effect, but that's a story for another time.

" You could learn the language of snakes. It is not that difficult. "

Ramiel smiled roguishly. Avi didn't like this.

 " Do you really want me to let him have you? I think he will be happy to play with you. " - The former hunter's threat worked better than he thought.

"... Sarron asks if it will hurt. " - The little fairy lost her enthusiasm to keep fighting. Ramiel's arguments were too good. The white monster was too strong for her. His immeasurable reserves of energy terrified the poor creature.

" I'm not a snake, nor have I ever known one. As far as I know, it should only itch and pinch a little. When you feel your skin begin to peel, come to me. Then I'll help you. It will be much easier for me to take it off than for you. " - Ramiel scratched the snake's skin.

" Sss " - Sarron rubbed his muzzle affectionately against Ramiel's hand. The man played with the white snake for a few more minutes. Sarron, despite his deadly techniques, was still quite young. A little innocent fun from time to time wouldn't hurt him.

Given the subject treatment of all dungeon creatures, it may seem strange, but the former hunter became attached to the snake. This may be due to the mystical creation that is the bond connecting their souls. After all, it's not so different from the one he shares with Avi... Who knows... The world is full of unfathomable secrets and intriguing mysteries.

Meanwhile, Ramiel's attention was drawn to two flowers that stood out from the rest. One resembled a closed bud of a white rose floating on a sheet of water. The other was similar to the Frost Breath Lilies but different. It had a larger flower, and the petals changed from sky blue to a darker shade of blue. The small ice cubes in the center turned to frost, enveloping the petals like spring dew on the grass.

Ramiel wanted to touch the white rose, but the fairy firmly stopped him.

" You can't stop! " - Her scream spread through the cave. Avi gasped and stopped Ramiel's hand from moving any further.

He pulled down his eyebrows. He didn't understand why she was making so much fuss about something so simple. Or perhaps not so simple at all? Ramiel stopped pushing and stared at the fairy with questioning eyes.

" If I'm not mistaken, the rose is at an early stage of developing an ice spirit! At this stage, any interference can bring tragic consequences. I don't know why the spirit flows to you, but you must not touch it directly. Your mix of elements can contaminate it and, in the worst case, kill it. " - Avi crossed her arms in an X-shape as if words were not enough.

" Spirit? You don't mean those cursed phenomena whose killing is damn annoying and tiresome? "

Avi slapped Ramiel's forehead. Did a screw come loose in his head after death?

How is it possible that most of the time, he is smart and clever, and sometimes he beats Rascal in stupidity? Avi couldn't figure it out. She shook her head with disapproval.

 " No, I am talking about an elemental spirit here. Rose is something like an elemental but much stronger. Elementals are limited to their corporeal forms. Spirits aren't. Besides, they can manipulate external mana from birth. You probably understand what this means? "

Ramiel nodded. How could he not know how baffling this was? In his humble opinion, he compared it to the ability to evolve.

" If you play it right, you will gain a strong ally to fight in the abyss. But until then, you must let it grow naturally. Or her, knowing your luck with women, it will be her." - Avi finished her lecture.

" And what about this, Lily ? " - Ramiel pointed to a flower, different from the rest.

" Hmm, it is the Lily of the Frost Touch. A better version of the Lily of Ice Breath. You should enjoy it. With it, bathing in water will bring you more benefits. However, you have to wait. It will take two months for one Lily to refine the water, but you don't have to worry. As far as I can see, more of them will soon appear. "

Ramiel didn't pursue the topic further but focused on enjoying the bath.

" I must eventually bring Asme here with Caera. The sooner they become stronger, the better. " - The former hunter muttered under his breath.


At the same time, two women sat across from each other in the dungeon. 

" So? How long are you going to carry on your ridiculous ruse? " - Asme asked in a firm voice. Her seductive attitude was nowhere to be seen. It was replaced by a firm and stern one.

" It's ... not that simple. " - Asme rolled her eyes when she heard Caera's answer.

" How much longer are you going to wait? You heard our conversation, so you know what he thinks. Don't blame me later if Ramiel stops being interested in you. Everything is fine for now because we are alone, but what will happen when the dungeon gets access to the outside world? "

Asme had heard many stories about lustful dungeon masters and their partners. They were quite promiscuous. This applies to both female and male rulers. Power changes everyone. That's why the horned beauty tried to secure her position in the dungeon and pressured Caera to do the same.

" Easy for you to say, I'm not a succubus like you, but what if he doesn't want me? " - The elfess lowered her ears. All this time, she didn't make any move, fearing the man's rejection.

Asme let the air out of her mouth faster. How can this girl be so stupid... - Of course, she kept it to herself.

" Have you forgotten the punishment Ramiel gave you? "

At the mention of the punishment, Caera's ears turned red, and her face blushed pink.

 " The master comes from another world ... he doesn't know about such things. " - The elfess barely squeezed out, embarrassed.

" Stupid girl, he has an omniscient fairy with him. Do you think she didn't tell him what it means? " - Asme wrongly scolded Caera. Ramiel didn't know that ears are very intimate and are one of the erogenous zones for elves. In their culture, his punishment was equal to an invitation to bed.

A small misunderstanding arose, for which none other than Avi was responsible. The incompetent fairy was too busy devouring mana to explain the necessary basics.

Besides, it wasn't the first time.

" Listen to me. Interest passes with time, and then comes indifference. I don't think you want that, do you ? " - Asme threw her a sharp look.

" I ... I will try! " - Caera raised her head and looked at the horned beauty with newfound determination.

Asme nodded with satisfaction. Her little manipulation had worked. She couldn't watch her friend get tired any longer. Besides, sneaking off for private sessions with Ramiel was annoying.

" Now listen to me, you will do exactly that... " - Asme whispered something in the woman's ear, and her ears twitched. Perhaps from excitement or embarrassment!


A tired Max sat on the floor of his office. There were terrible bags under his eyes, and his complexion was dry and damaged. The last few months had been a real mess. Since Ramiel's death, the outside world has been in chaos.

The sudden death of one of the most powerful people on Earth caused a huge amount of trouble. Many illegal organizations that feared him came out of hiding like rats after the rain, expanding their influence.

The "righteous groups" were no better. Like hungry wolves, they pounced on weakened prey, in this case, Ramiel's group and companies. A fierce battle ensued, killing many hunters and weakening the Earth.

It was Max who was responsible for embracing the mess. His superiors were merciless, demanding immediate results.

For this reason, the blond man had been giving one hundred and twenty percent lately, but it hadn't been easy for the man either. The only person he could call a true friend died in the dungeon.

Moreover, the circumstances of his death seemed a terrible stretch. A dead dungeon where a previously unknown monster suddenly appeared? Maybe Ramiel would have been able to sacrifice himself to save the team, but such circumstances don't happen too often.

Besides, his team was well prepared for their leader's death. They quickly secured the relevant assets and got rid of inconvenient people. It was as if they had carefully planned everything in advance.

Even at today's funeral, their behavior seemed artificial, and their acting regrettable. Max could swear that they were behind Ramiel's death, but without evidence, there was nothing he could do. Even if he had collected the proper evidence, they would still have gone unpunished.

There had been a huge dungeon recently where many talented people had lost their lives. They couldn't afford to lose another team. The fate of humanity depends on them.

But there will always be a method. With the evidence, he could use public opinion to tarnish their reputation. Then, they wouldn't be able to reign so much.

Max felt most sorry for Synthi. When the woman heard about Ramiel's death, she broke down and became depressed. The man for her was the whole world. Without him, her life had no meaning.

Max knew that Synthi wouldn't last long like this. Currently, she slept in his house, drugged with psychotropics. This gave the man a terrible headache.

I will have to take time off to take care of her. Otherwise, I will let him down.

A long time ago, they made a manly promise to each other. If one of them died, the other would care for the valuable people to him.

In Ramiel's case, those are Samantha, Synthi, and his younger sister Lily.

Samantha didn't need his help. From what Max noticed, this bitch had already jumped into Alex's embrace... Max never had a good opinion of her. Of the three, Synthi's condition was the worst of all, but Max had already prepared remedies. Would they help? He didn't know, but it couldn't hurt to try.

The hardest nut to crack was Ramiel's sister. In her case, he had to pull some strings to ensure the woman's safety and a stable job.

Max couldn't reveal himself because Lily would never accept help from him. In fact, Ramiel's younger sister hated him to such an extent that she didn't even show up at the man's funeral. The woman still blamed him for the death of her parents.

However, Lily didn't realize how much her brother loved her and tried to help her in many ways. Sometimes, a perverted boss lusting after her body was able to disappear overnight, or a co-worker looking to take advantage of a drunk Lily was found dead in the river. When the woman was in high school, she quietly took up the cause of her bullies. Since then, Lily has enjoyed quiet school days.

The list of things Ramiel has done for his sister is long and impossible to count. Most of them, not even Max, knew.

The man tilted his glass of scarlet liquor and, with tears in his eyes, recalled the old days.