Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon

Ramiel awoke from a long sleep, although he preferred not to. He was immediately greeted by a dull pain from every corner of his body. The situation wasn't improved by the three women sleeping on top of him. Asme is on his right side, Caera is on left, and Avi is in the middle. Ramiel wondered by what miracle the fairy wasn't squashed during the night. Could it be another one of her strange abilities?

The former hunter tried to wake the fairy, but nothing worked. Blowing, huffing, sneezing, and even shaking her off didn't help. He was left with only one last resort.

" Remember, you're the one who made me do it."

' It's my life!!! ' - The man sang the words of a popular song in his head.

Ramiel felt terribly sorry for the fairy because his voice wasn't suitable for this kind of thing.

" Aaaa stop, how can someone make such terrible sounds! " As if on cue, Avi jumped up, covering her ears. However, this didn't help her get rid of the unpleasant sound, as it came from inside her head. Fortunately for the fairy, Ramiel wasn't an insensitive sadist and stopped torturing her.

" Don't exaggerate. It couldn't have been that bad... " - The former hunter couldn't finish.

" Your ass, and it couldn't be that bad. It was awful! Have you ever heard yourself sing? " - The appalled fairy attacked Ramiel. If sight could kill, the man would already be lying dead.

" Yes, and he doesn't want to repeat it. " - Ramiel answered the fairy with a cheeky smile.

" You wanted it yourself! " - Furious, Avi threw herself at his neck and bared her teeth. This time, she really bit him, leaving deep marks on the man's neck.

After ten minutes, when Avi should have been full, Ramiel began.

" I know you've already eaten, you could stop biting me already... "

' Hmpf! You don't deserve mercy. Besides, I know better when I'm full and when I'm not! No pervert is going to tell me what to do! "

Ramiel lowered his eyebrows. Calling him a pervert is probably too much... right?

 " Pervert? You're not exaggerating by any chance? "

Should I really say what you think when you have sex with them, or what things turn you on? '

" ... " - Ramiel grunted. " There was no topic. "

Unfortunately, the former hunter had to wait patiently until Avi got tired of torturing him. Knowing his luck, it wouldn't happen soon...

Finally, after thirty minutes, the fairy pulled away from the bond's neck with a satisfied face. Remnants of shimmering mana could be seen at the corners of her mouth.

Avi sat on Ramiel's chest and watched him with folded arms. Now that she was full, they could begin to talk.

" So... what was it that made you wake me up? "

Ramiel knew he was facing armageddon, but he had no other choice.

" This... could you help me and wake Caera up? " It happened exactly as the man thought. The fairy's face turned red with anger. Ramiel could have sworn he saw steam coming out of her ears.

" Did you really have to wake me up to this! "

Ramiel rolled his eyes at Avi's outburst.

" It's not like I wanted to. If I could have done it on my own, I wouldn't have asked for help... "

Avi looked at him suspiciously.

" What proof do I have that you aren't trying to deceive me? "

Ramiel tried to be patient, but even a monk would lose his composure if he stayed with Avi. The man took a few breaths to regain his nerve. It was rare for him to lose control, but Avi could work wonders.

" Sarron, come to me. "

The white snake raised his head lazily, looking for the source of the voice. Seeing Ramiel crushed by the women, he moved toward him to help. Of all of them, he was most interested in Avi and loved to play with her. No one was as good at tagging along as she was.

" Stop, this isn't allowed! This is a gross exaggeration! There are some limits. " - Avi protested, knowing the man's intentions. His emotions went from neutral to negative in a second. " Ramiel, stop joking. This isn't funny! "

" Do I look like I'm joking to you? " - The man was clearly angry with the fairy. He really needed her help. He was unable to get out or wake the women, and the dull pain slowly increased.

" It's okay, I'll help you! Just don't make him hunt me again. See? I'm trying my best! "

After Ramiel's firm threats, Avi got to work. She tried with all her might to wake Caera up, and finally, after several minutes, she succeeded.

The woman rubbed her drowsy eyes. The first thing she saw was Ramiel's face. Caera, finding that everything was fine, closed her eyes again. However, Ramiel didn't allow her to sleep any longer.

" Caera, could you get off me? " - The elfess rose lazily when she heard the man's voice. For a moment, she wasn't sure if she was still asleep...

" Mmm... what is it ? " - Caera muttered sleepily. Ramiel was so comfortable. She wanted to spend the rest of the day on him.

" Help me get Asme off me... "

Caera momentarily experienced a daze. The woman had completely forgotten about yesterday's events. In fact, she didn't want to sleep next to Ramiel. She knew that he needed rest. Unfortunately, her instinct proved stronger.

" Are you all right? " - In the trembling voice of the elfess, the former hunter to feel concern mixed with a hint of fear. The woman was worried that her greed had made Ramiel's condition worse.

" I've been better... Unfortunately, stupidity is paid for. I just hope I can recover before the attack on the dungeon. "

Caera was aware of Ramiel's dire condition and didn't want the man to suffer even more. Therefore, she removed Asme from him without a moment's hesitation. The horned beauty let out a quiet murmur of displeasure in her sleep, then turned to the other side.

Ramiel stretched, feeling free at last. However, not everything went the way he wanted. His bones shot up like broken branches. A grimace of pain appeared on the former hunter's face. It hurt like hell, but he had to endure it. He didn't have much other choice.

" Avi find Felix and bring him here." The fairy seeing that Ramiel wasn't faking it made her feel stupid. At first she thought the man was bullying her, but the truth turned out to be quite different. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, she immediately went in search of a healer.

Ramiel wanted to stretch at first, but quickly gave up on the idea. His body was still too weak and prone to more injury.

Caera sat behind the former hunter, serving as his support. He appreciated the help and gladly accepted it. Ramiel felt the twin peaks pressing against his back. Her slender arms embraced his waist, and her chin rested on his shoulder. Usually, it seemed the other way around, but now, he didn't bind. It was pleasant and, in a strange way, relaxing.

" Sir Caera, I see you enjoyed the role of a knight. " - Ramiel joked, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Although the woman felt a beating coldness from him, she didn't care. After the time she had spent with Ramiel, she knew that this was something she couldn't get rid of.

The woman's ears fluttered happily, tickling Ramiel's neck.

" Mmm... Don't you like it? Should I stop? " - Caera didn't want to interrupt, but if it bothered Ramiel, she would have no choice.

" No, it's perfect... " Hearing Ramiel's words, the elfess' heart beat faster. She was happy. Honestly, she could do this for hours.

The couple enjoyed the intimate moment for some more time. At this point, Ramiel began to wonder if he was really doing all this just to take advantage of women...

However, he didn't come to any sensible conclusion, and his thoughts were interrupted by Avi. The fairy arrived with Felix. The skeleton stood at attention. It was his peculiar way of showing respect.

Avi was jealous at the sight of the little caresses between Caera and Ramiel but did nothing. Saying more, she levitated in the air, keeping her distance. The fairy felt guilty for her morning tantrum.

" Felix, come here. " The skeleton obediently obeyed, and Ramiel pulled a piece of paper with a pen from the ring.

The man's hand moved quickly, carefully drawing a magical formation.

" Can you do it?

Felix looked at the piece of paper and then wrote a few words on it - I'm not sure, Master. I need to know what it is for.

" It is a magical formation that enhances the healing spells of healers. Its structure is simple, consisting of one level and two rings spinning in opposite directions. Between them, there are several activation runes. On the outside, you aren't interested in anything. The only problem may be with the center. You need to carve four mana channels there in the ratio of 1:2:3:6. "

Ramiel wasn't a healer, but he had a basic knowledge of the field, thanks to Ariel. He used to have some interest in healers and asked a former friend for help. Ariel explained the principles of spells and basic magic formations to him.

Felix looked carefully at a piece of paper and then wrote a message on it. - I should be able to make it. What spell should I cast?

" All of them, including limb restoration. You may not be able to see it, but my bones crackle with more violent movements. Their condition currently resembles a twisted branch of a young tree. It looks good on the outside, but inside, it is in tatters. "

Felix needs no further explanation. He placed his hands on Ramiel's forehead, and the runes on his bones lit up with a green light. A magical formation appeared beneath them. 

It was a perfect reproduction of Ramiel's drawing. Two massive circles moved, and the runes and symbols pulsed with different colors.

The former hunter felt an alien mana spreading over his body. It was sucked in by the vortexes raging within and distributed throughout his body with their help. This accelerated the healing process of his wounds.

After an hour, Felix ran out of mana. The healer was told to return and repeat the process when he regained his lost supply. Ramiel was feeling better, but it was still bad. He needed a dozen more of these treatments to get back to optimal form. The only downside he felt was a terrible itch in his bones. A small price to pay for a quick recovery, but very annoying nonetheless. Of course, this overlooks the unbearable pain, but he was used to it by now.

Seated comfortably, Ramiel took out a new weapon from his ring. A pair of twin swords appeared in his lap.

The new weapons caught the attention of the women. Caera peeked over Ramiel's shoulder with interest. Avi wasn't left behind. She was mirroring the weapon from all sides. Her attention was drawn to the runes engraved on the blade, which had been used to improve it. Even someone like her could appreciate the craftsmanship of the craftsman.

Caera lost her inner battle with curiosity. Unable to restrain herself, she turned to the man.

" Ramiel, they are beautiful. Where did you find them?


The former hunter moved his finger over the crystal in the weapon's handle.

 " They were hidden among the crystals in the Infirnyt Mine. I am not sure what they are made of, I have never seen similar materials before. "

The man's gaze shifted to the fairy floating in the air.

" Do you know anything about it? "

Avi looked closely at the engraved runes and the blue gem. After a moment, the fairy shook her head.

" No, this is the first time I've seen such materials... but these runes... Hmm... Didn't you feel anything strange when you touched them? "

Ramiel had to dig up past events in his mind. In fact, a strange occurrence took place while testing the weapons.

" Something like a bond ? " - He muttered.

" Yes, something like a bond. " - Avi fired out impatiently.

" And if so ? " - Ramiel asked skeptically. He didn't like being questioned.

" Then you are incredibly lucky. You found an ancient weapon from the Exodus era, and not just any weapon, one of the rarest. No wonder this mutant guarded it. " - Avi expressed her appreciation. Ramiel's twisted luck smiled at him this time.

The man took another look at the twin swords. They had a hint of mystery about them, which, in some twisted way, attracted the man.

The fairy, seeing the hunger for knowledge in Ramiel's eyes, hurried to explain.

" The swords you found belong to a category that grows with the owner. Their strength, endurance, and progress depend on how you handle yourself. If they didn't accept you, they would be a worthless pile of scrap to you. Some believe that Exodus-era weapons have their own consciousness, but no one has proven it. "

" That's brilliant. How can such a thing exist? Such a thing should be above the rank of chaos. Is there something else? " - Ramiel tried to look composed but couldn't hide his excitement. After all, he got a real gem as a lover of weapons.

" Definitely, but I can't decipher the meaning of these runes. For its unique properties, you will have to come to it yourself. "

Ramiel got excited. As a warrior, he greatly appreciated good weapons, and such a gem was something everyone coveted. He hadn't had a chaos rank weapon in his arsenal throughout his career, and now he had something definitely better. 

Caera listens intently to their conversation. From time to time, a strange grimace appears on her face, caused by Ramiel's strange terms. The man usually explains everything thoroughly, but when he talks to Avi, they both use strange words like "refrigerator," "airplane," and the like.

" Ramiel, what is the rank of chaos? " - A sweet whisper reached the man's ears. For him, it was common knowledge from the ground, but Caera, with Asme, knew nothing about it.

" In my previous world, each weapon had its own rank. They were divided as follows.








As the name suggests, Normal and Rare weapons were made of common materials, and the runes in them were among the basic ones. Next is mythical weapons. Here, rarer materials are used, but the runes used on them are nothing special. Then there are weapons of the Plague rank. The weapons' materials are the same as those of the Mythic rank. The difference, however, lies in the runes. Properly selected and applied, they wreak havoc on the battlefield.

The next rank is Disaster. In my world, this was the pinnacle of blacksmiths' and enchanters' abilities. The materials for its manufacture can only be found in a dungeon, and the runes are of the highest quality. After an unsuccessful engraving process, weapons of the rank of Disaster fall to the rank of Plague. There used to be discussions about whether it deserved a separate rank, but it wasn't strong enough.

The last items on the list are the ranks of Destruction and Chaos. These can only be found in a dungeon, and the firepower they offer is insane. Destruction is worse than Chaos, and the difference is colossal. In my previous life, I used two Destruction swords. Unfortunately, I never got my hands on a Chaos rank weapon. There are only nine of them on Earth. "

" That's amazing, you were one of the strongest people in your world. " - Caera admired Ramiel. She knew from the beginning that the man wasn't simple, and now everything fell into a logical whole. The origin of his strength and knowledge finally came to light.

For a while, Ramiel swam in larks. Like any man, he appreciated compliments, especially from a deadly beauty. But the happiness passed quickly, giving way to a sea of thoughts that forced him to reflect.

" Weapons was the main reason I was stuck in tenth place. I would have been in the top four if I had at least one Chaos rank sword. "