Because two is not one (2)



" Hmfm... Harder... Ahh!!! Yes !!! HERE ! "

Asme's blissful sleep was interrupted by the peculiar sounds of a couple copulating with each other. The woman was very upset by this fact. After all, both women of Ramiel, there was a tacit agreement, not to do it in the presence of the other.

This was to avoid annoying situations such as now.

Asme opened her sleepy eyes, and the scene she witnessed caused a peculiar sensation in her intimate area.

She saw Ramiel pleasuring Caera's lower sister in the 69 position, and from such close proximity Asme was able to see exactly how the man was penetrating the woman's insides with his tongue.

She found the sight extremely enticing. For moments she imagined herself in her friend's place. With her eyes, she could see Ramiel doing the same to her.

Unwittingly, she reached for her underwear, but there was nothing there. What ?!!! What is going on here ? Why am I naked ?

 Asme was in shock, the memories of the past few hours evaporated from her mind.

The sensation was so intense that her mind temporarily cut it off for her own safety.

Asme tried to get up, but her body would not allow that. She felt extremely weak as if she had just had an intense session with Ramiel. Her legs were like cotton wool, and her hands trembled at the slightest movement. Trying to raise her head, the world swirled before her eyes, and her brain restored feeling to every corner of her body.

In an instant, Asme's body was flooded by unbridled pleasure. Experiencing a sudden shock, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Her mind was a mess. Slowly but effectively, she connected all the dots together, arriving at a single thought.

This - This is crazy ! A monster... Asme realized that she had done this with Ramiel. Otherwise, she saw no other explanation for the current situation. Only one thought frightened her. How intense their relationship must have been to get her into such a mess.

Asme's gaze once again shifted to the entertaining couple. From this perspective, the woman had a perfect view of Caera's perverted face. The elfess, no longer having the strength to please Ramiel, moaned wildly with her tongue sticking out. Her right cheek hugged Ramiel's rock-hard stick, spreading the man's semen over it.

" Mhm... " Asme instinctively inserted two fingers into her little sister, letting out a muffled moan. She felt the familiar warmth spread through her body, filling every corner of her body. 

Wanting more, the woman accelerated her characteristic movements, additionally helping herself with her hips. Within a short moment, her flower was ready to receive Ramiel. The amount of nectar it produced would definitely be enough for several sessions.

The perpetrator of all the commotion accidentally noticed what the horned beauty was doing. A wide smile appeared on his face. For a long time, he had been waiting to wreak havoc on Asme's sacred place.

The woman had flown away some time ago, leaving the poor elfess to the mercy of Ramiel. Not that she didn't like that, but an hour of uninterrupted torture was far too much. Caera was barely in touch with reality, and the main spectacle had not yet begun.

Ramiel momentarily stopped tormenting the golden-eyed beauty. Using his remaining strength, he lifted her up into an unequivocal position. The elfess' body weight rested on her spread legs, supported by Ramiel's hands. Her little sister was perfectly above the torturer's rod.

" Finally you're up sleeping royal ~ " Asme nodded slightly, involuntarily swallowing her saliva. All this time, she had been staring at Ramiel's pulsating weapon as if hypnotized. At the very thought of placing it in her vagina, drool dripped from her lips.

In her beautiful green eyes, the image of the approaching Ramiel grew larger with each passing second. Her mind, under the right stimulus, unlocked previously blocked memories.

Asme was at first shocked by what had happened, but in time the expression on her face was replaced by unbridled lust. The sight of Ramiel playing, combined with the earlier memories, blew a new feeling inside her. With all her heart, she longed to feel the same again.

At the very thought, her little sister trembled slightly. One thing Asme had to admit. Ramiel had a brilliant idea for combining their sessions together. The sensations from it will surely be deeply ingrained in her mind.

" Do you still think I can't handle it ? " At the man's words, Asme's body trembled. She suddenly regretted her earlier words. If she knew the consequences of her actions... she would definitely repeat it again. Such a thing... cannot be described in words. The conflicting feelings that battled in her heart brought her to a new level of ecstasy.

Seeing the wild beast in Ramiel's eyes, she spread her legs wider. Her pink skin, covered with a sticky liquid, glistened in the soft light of the cave.

" Are you able to accept the consequences ? '' For a long moment, Asme stared uncertainly into the face of the man standing before her. He had once told her not to play with fire, as she might get burned.

She had a strange feeling that she had jumped into a raging forest fire with her actions. She didn't know if what she was about to do was wise. But after all, she was a succubus... if she didn't, she would never forgive herself.

During her provocation, she tried to sound confident, but her trembling voice combined with her restless tail betrayed her. Ramiel had long been able to see through a woman. The easiest way was to observe her body language. No matter how hard she tried, Asme was unable to stop her tail movements. In his own way, he found it charming, as did her attempts to provoke him, but if she really wanted that... who was he not to give it to her ? Currently, he had lost all security.

" Are you sure you can enforce them ?

Ramiel, hearing Asme's insolent attitude, laughed in spirit. He did not give her an answer, but the gleam that dawned in his eyes was confirmation enough for Asme. The woman knew she had awakened a monster she shouldn't even think about.

" Huh, how brave... let's see if you're still like that when we're done. " Asme swallowed her saliva. She didn't know if she had done the right thing... but the dice had been thrown. They could no longer be stopped.

The momentary pause that Asme provided Caera was enough for the elfess to regain her sanity. Knowing that the real fun was just beginning, she looked at her friend with desire.

It had already been great, and now it would only get better.

Ramiel, not making the women wait any longer, gently laid Caera on top of the bravura succubus. His lips found their way over the elfess' right ear, whispering a few words to him.

" Take care of her ~ " Without waiting for her response, he bit through them gently, eliciting a quiet moan from the woman.

" Mhmmmm... " 

Hearing the words of her future tormentor, a cold shiver ran through Asme's body. Accepting her fate, she joined her lips with Caera's. Their tongues joined together conducting a bloody battle for dominance.

There was no outright winner in this duel. The battle, after moving repeatedly to a new environment, ended in a stalemate in no man's land. In the air between their lips hung two tongues entangled with each other.

Unable to claim victory, Asme decided to change the front. With dizzying speed, her mouth moved to Caera's ample breasts, or more precisely to her swollen nipples. The elfess definitely did not expect such a development.

The feeling of something wet tugging at the pink part of her twin peaks caused a real mess in her mind. Caera became vulnerable. Combined with Ramiel's stimulation, she gave in completely. Just when she was about to lose herself in the land of pleasure, ironically, the man who brought it all about came to her rescue.

Seeing that not everything was going his way, Ramiel decided to fix that. With a gentle but firm motion, he entered Asme's lower sister. In an instant, the walls of her vagina clamped down on the intruder, intensifying the man's sensations.

" This - This is not fair. AHH... " Asme feeling the sudden movement of Ramiel protested ! When she was so close, victory was snatched away from her by the man, who was now pounding her mercilessly.




The succubus could not control herself, writhing under the weight of Caera's body. The elfess wanted to take revenge on her friend, but a better idea popped into her head.

Keeping an anxious Asme under her, she turned her face toward Ramiel. Their eyes met for a brief moment, then their lips joined in a passionate kiss.

There was only one winner in this battle. Ramiel's tongue took no prisoners, brutally invading the woman's oral cavity. Caera didn't even resist; she knew there was no point. Instead, she rubbed her little sister, against Asme's belly.

" Slo - Slower... please... " Asme knew she was losing badly. She no longer had any hope of winning. At that moment, her mind was fully consumed by primal instincts. Only one word resounded in her head. AGAIN. The woman thought of nothing but Ramiel's cock.

Her defeat was confirmed by Caera's actions. The exasperated Elf had gotten hold of her precious tail. Asme was aware of what this could end, but she didn't have the strength to stop her. As she prepared for the impulse to come, nothing happened, or rather a better statement was that something was missing.

Huh, why ???

Instead of being led to the gates of heaven, Asme saw Caera's face contorted in ecstasy. The unsuspecting elfess was impaled on Ramiel's rod. Her mouth opened wide under the immense shock.

The man did not even give her time to get used to it, but immediately went into action, forcefully ravaging the woman from the inside. Unwittingly, Caera lost strength in her entire body slumping against Asme.

The woman was happy and disappointed at the same time. As a result, she was able to enjoy her time together with Ramiel longer. But on the other hand, she was deprived of something she was prepared for. The itch her lower sister felt had become unbearable.

" AHH... Gmhf!!! '' Asme didn't want to remain passive. Although she was disappointed, she decided to use the given time to take revenge. Using her hands, she caressed the eflka's ears, bringing her to the brink of tears.

Caera was no longer able to speak or think logically. All that came out of her mouth were unintelligible words mixed with moans of delight. Asme, moreover, was not holding up much better. If not for Ramiel's unexpected help, she would have been in a similar state.

Wanting to relieve her friend, she moved her hands to the woman's firm buttocks squeezing them tightly. At that moment her eyes widened in shock experiencing a daze. After so long, Asme finally understood why her master was so crazy about her firm butt.

This !!! This is amazing... To describe what Asme felt was impossible. This could only be experienced firsthand.



Ramiel, together with his last few thrusts, cum inside Caera, thus bringing her to her peak. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and her insides clamped down on Ramiel's rod like a gorilla's hand.

" Khm " A quiet moan came from his mouth. He did not expect that his loose proposal would have such a good ending. He waited a few minutes until Caera's lower sister allowed him to leave her territory, then pushed the woman's inert body aside.

Panting heavily, he approached the nervous Asme. After all, he still had to take care of her properly. Moving closer, he took her beautiful face in one hand. With his thumb, he gently parted her red lips. For a moment, he lost himself in the view before his eyes.

One thing he had to admit. Asme looked insane in her current arrangement. For a split second, he was even able to forgive their provocations. But then where would all the fun go ? Of course, it would have been lost, and he couldn't let that happen.

" Do you still think you can survive this ? "

The embarrassed woman blushed while lowering her head. She definitely could not survive this !

That was enough for Ramiel to deduce the answer. Asme showing remorse at the last moment, she saved herself from the wild beast that is a horny Ramiel.

Do not misunderstand him, he did not forgive the woman but decided to be more gentle with her. Her actions still deserved punishment. What Ramiel didn't know, however, was how much his decisions were influenced by Asme's past actions. His soul, thanks to the long-term treatment of the succubus, consciously treated her in a more gentle manner.

Using the remnants of his remaining strength, he turned the woman over, placing her in a doggie position. Before his eyes, Ramiel had a beautiful view of Asme's perky ass, with her younger sister bathed in love juices.

Placing his hands on her hips, he felt his partner tremble. Slowly but firmly, he entered her vagina moving inside her. He leaned his body over the woman's back, embracing her shapely breast with one hand.

No trace remained of the previous brute, replaced by a more tender version of him. Ramiel's breath teased the back of Asme's neck, giving her goosebumps.

" AHMMMMMMM !!! " Asme let out a penetrating moan. At first, she was surprised by Ramiel's actions, she had expected something different... but she enjoyed this much more.

Sharp and brutal sex, she found interesting and interesting, but her heart will always remain with tender and caring intercourse. Wanting to get the most pleasure out of this, the woman leveled her pace with Ramiel's movements.

Wanting once again, to feel his warmth, she turned her head toward the man's face. Seeing the green eyes that were even begging for his attention, Ramiel joined their lips in a tender kiss.

This time there was no violent battle as last time, but more like a meeting of lovers after years. Asme involuntarily let out a stifled moan.

Ramiel, sensing that he would not last too long, accelerated his pace. Somehow he caught Asme's tail by biting through it.

An electrifying pulse went through the woman's body, bringing her to orgasm. Her flower released immeasurable amounts of heavenly nectar, mixed with Ramiel's white liquid.

" Uhm ! I love... " This time there were no screams of delight or bawdy sounds. Asme only gained a quiet sigh. The woman definitely wanted to say something, but unfortunately, she lost consciousness.

The man slumped inertly on Asme's petite body, gasping heavily at the same time. Looking at the sleeping woman's face, which hosted a wide smile, he felt a strange prick inside his heart.

Without knowing why, a few tears gathered in the corner of his amethyst eyes. What could it have been caused by ? That no one knows. Maybe he subconsciously craved the closeness of the other person without even realizing it... or just the scene seemed terribly familiar to him... This question even he could not answer.

Wanting to get rid of this strange feeling as soon as possible, he closed his eyes, falling asleep, while being snuggled into the bodies of the two women.