Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade

An hour passed before Avi calmed down. During this time, Ramiel simply remained silent without doing anything. Of course, all the while, his hand moved lovingly over the little fairy's head.

Snif Snif

Not caring at all, Avi wiped her nose on Ramiel's clothes. Her eyes became bloodshot from constant crying. The fairy was definitely not interested in the fact that this was the last blouse of the man, which wasn't destroyed during the fight.

" Already well? "

In response, Ramiel received a gentle nod.

Snif Snif

" Do you know... that this is my last blouse? "

" Mhm..."

Ramiel didn't want it to get awkward, but he didn't know what to say. He wasn't very good at comforting people. Let's just say that he doesn't always achieve the desired effect. Often, he only makes an already bad situation worse.

" You don't have to make an effort... I'll be fine. " Avi's soft whisper reached Ramiel's ears. Hearing her hoarse voice, he felt an unimaginable sadness and depression. Momentarily, his heart was filled with negative feelings.

Together with them came immeasurable and even irrational hatred. Ramiel's feelings weren't directed at Avi but at the people who had put him in this hopeless situation.

Like a parasite feeding on its prey, this hatred grew in him every day, becoming greater and greater. At first, Ramiel could control it, but it became more difficult each day.

The sight of the broken Avi acted on Ramiel like a key, which should never be turned. When all the pawls aligned, a wild beast would be unleashed to destroy everything in its path. In this case, the beast was Ramiel.

Of course, he wouldn't be a mindless creature, sowing destruction wherever he appeared. The recipients of his wrath would be a group of clearly defined individuals. If Ramiel ever manages to meet them, it would be better if they commit suicide. It will spare them inhuman pain and suffering.

" What are you going to do now? " Avi's quiet voice snapped Ramiel out of his dark thoughts. The man imagined the very horrible things, which he would do to his former comrades. Unfortunately for his victims, there was no such word as pity or compassion in his vocabulary.

" Isn't it obvious? I will do what I have always done: explore the abyss, develop the dungeon further, and take care of Caera and Asme's training. Knowing my past, you should know that I'm not the type of person who sits around feeling sorry for myself about how bad things are in life. Sometimes, I can have a worse time, but it passes. Besides, I don't know anything about Caera's past yet. I'm curious how she ended up here. "

Ramiel didn't have to think about what answer to give to Avi. For him, it was as obvious as breathing. He never thought things like life is unfair, it's not right, and why he has something, but I don't. Such behavior didn't suit him. Sometimes, he complained in his head about the characters in lightweight web novels, but this was to vent his accumulated frustration. He never said such things seriously.

Ramiel's answer lifted Avi's spirits. Deep in her heart, the fairy was afraid that Ramiel would break down and give up. After all, if he doesn't, there is always a glimmer of hope.

" That's good... You know... I was scared that you would turn into a human turtle crying in the corner. "

A small smile crept onto Ramiel's face. With it, the depressing atmosphere that surrounded them dissipated.

" Ohh? Did you think so lowly of me? " Ramiel didn't mean it seriously. He wanted to tease Avi, and she knew it very well. Seeing Ramiel's carefree face, the fairy also smiled. No matter what happens, Ramiel will always be Ramiel. Even in the face of impending death, he tries to hide his true emotions so that those close to him don't suffer seeing him in a broken state.

" It's better if you don't find out. " Avi sticks out his tongue at the man.

" Tsk. Brazen, as always. "

The carefree conversation continued at its best for another hour. It was their own way of releasing the accumulated tension.

When the situation seemed under control, Ramiel decided to bring up another unpleasant topic. It was something that had been nagging at him for a long time.

Avi, seeing his serious face, also became serious. Despite appearances, she was a smart girl and knew when it was okay to joke and when not to. Sometimes only she did something stupid, which destroyed her good reputation, but this couldn't be avoided, it was an integral part of her personality.

" What will happen to the dungeon... When you know... When I die. "

Avi took a deep breath while slapping her cheeks. For a brief moment, negative thoughts returned to her, but she quickly got rid of them. Just like Ramiel said, you can't sink into a spiral of grief. You have to move forward with your head held high, no matter what's going on around you.

" Um... I'm not sure, but I think there will be a new Master. At least it's been that way so far... but you know, you're an exception. If it's you and your dungeon, I can't tell what's going to happen. "

Ramiel nodded gently. For a brief moment, an expression of sadness crossed his face. His embrace around the two women tightened slightly, causing the corners of their mouths to rise involuntarily.

" There is no way for them to leave the dungeon after my death ? " Ramiel wasn't stupid. He could guess what would happen to them even without knowing the future. Two beautiful women left at the mercy of their new master. This couldn't end well.

At all costs, Ramiel wanted to avoid such a development.

" If you upgraded the dungeon one more time, two gates would open. One leads to the Underworld, the other to Avalon. "

Ramiel didn't speak for a while, trying to find a way out of the difficult situation. When nothing came to mind, he looked at his space ring. Like a bolt from the blue, he received enlightenment.

" What if you make a contract with the new master? "

Avi pulled down her eyebrows. She didn't understand what Ramiel had in mind.

" Umm... Can you explain it? "

Ramiel tapped his thumb on the silver ring located on his left hand.

" You will make a contract with the new dungeon master. In exchange for Asme's freedom and safety with Caera, he will receive the space ring with all its contents. "

" This may work... but what will stop the new master from taking it from me? "

Avi's concerns were correct. No one in his right mind would sign a contract restricting his ability to take something for himself without any consequences.

" I will cast some spells on this; thanks to them, no one but you will be able to touch it. Everything should be fine unless a " Monster " like me shows up. "

" Hmm... " Avi muttered under her breath, looking for loopholes in Ramiel's plan. Finally, after a few minutes, she gave up. There were a few things that could go wrong, but it wasn't something Ramiel could influence. After all, even he won't do anything if someone similar to him shows up.

" You don't have to worry about the details of the contract. Before I leave, I will prepare the contents for you. All you will do is force the new master to sign it. "

" Alright, if that's all it takes, I think I can do it. " With newfound determination, Avi proudly thumped her chest.

She really resembles a general in the army. - Ramiel thought.

" Now that we have that out of the way, why don't you check your statistics? " Avi played with a loose thread from Ramiel's shirt, trying to hide her curiosity with this. As a dungeon fairy, she had access to the interface, but the area responsible for master status was inaccessible to her for now. She could only see it when Ramiel checked it.

A roguish smile appeared on the man's face. Any opportunity to tease Avi was a good one.

" Admit it, you want to see how much I've grown. "

" ... "

" If you don't, I won't check them. "

" Fine, I'm curious. "

" Curious about what? "

" You !?!?! " Furious, Avi angrily stomped her foot. Forcing her to say such embarrassing things should be punishable by death! At least, she thought so.

Seeing Ramiel's unyielding attitude, Avi gave in.

" Let me see how much you have grown... " The fairy's cheeks blushed, and her wings fluttered in embarrassment.

" Couldn't you do that right away? "

| Master Status |

| Name Ramiel |

| Race Human |

| Age 21 (26) |

| Strength 20 > 31 |

| Stamina 19 > 28 |

| Vitality 16 > 22 |

| Agility 21 > 30 |

| Defense 23 > 40 |

< Ice element resistance 30% >

| Mana 36 > 47 |

| Enriched mana 0 |

| Intelligence 48 > 50 |

| master's unique skills |

| Evolution < !@#!@%!@#!%!^@#@!# >.

| Master's innate and acquired skills | 

| Sight of the Condemned | < Allows the user to see the superimposed effects of skills. %!^@#!@%^@#!@#!@% >

| Darkness Manipulation - Allows the user to manipulate darkness. Thanks to the user's deep understanding of the element of darkness, the cost of all skills based on the element of darkness is reduced, and the skills themselves are easier to use and more deadly. Creating skills based on the elements of darkness is made easier. |

| Ice Manipulation - Allows you to create and manipulate ice. The user's deep understanding of the ice element reduces the cost of all ice element-based skills and makes them easier to use and more deadly. |

| Lord of the Dark Spectrum - The Dark Spectrum is a special variety of ice created by combining two elements. Creations created with this skill will have the characteristics of the elements of darkness and ice. Dark Spectrum is characterized by a much lower temperature and much better durability. A unique feature of Dark Spectrum is the ability to seal living creatures in a block of ice. Trapped creatures will slowly but gradually lose their vitality until they die. | < Thanks to an above-average understanding of the Dark Spectrum element ( formerly the ice element ), the cost of the skills associated with this element has been drastically reduced. The power of spells containing the Dark Spectrum element has increased dramatically. >

| Lightning Manipulation - Allows you to create and manipulate lightning. Thanks to the user's tremendous understanding of the lightning element, the cost of all skills based on lightning elements is reduced, and the skills themselves are easier to use and more deadly. Creating skills based on lightning elements is made easier. |

| Familiarity with space - The user has a basic understanding of the element of space, allowing him to create skills based on that element or add an element to existing ones. Within 100 meters, the user can summon items previously marked with a special seal. The larger the item, the higher the cost. The cost of using skills containing the space element is slightly less. |

| Crlaw in Gravity - The user has an outline of knowledge of what gravity is and how to use it. This allows you to add a gravity element to your already existing skills. | < The cost of these skills will be minimally less. >

| Leader of the Condemned - All allies within a range of 500m experience a general status increase of 5%, and their mental state and will to fight is stronger. |

| Leach - Can be activated if the target is at a distance of 100 > 150 meters; after activation, the target cannot move more than 1 kilometer away. After activation, the process of stealing the target's stats by 0.5% > 1% for every 5 minutes of combat begins. | < Due to the great understanding of the skill and most of the elements in it, the cost is zero >.

| Cursed Condemnation - Injuring a target creates a circle of Cursed Condemnation 3 > 3.5 centimeters in diameter at the location of the injury. The number of circles that can be applied to a target simultaneously is unlimited. If the target is wounded again within the circle, the circle activates to poison the target with a random poison. If the target is stronger than the caster, the poison will be of a lesser rank; if the advantage is significant or the target is immune to poisons, a random negative status effect will be applied, such as freezing, bleeding, stunning, weakening, blindness, reduced immunity, and the like. | < Due to the great understanding of the skill and most of the elements in it, the cost is zero >.

| Shadow Walk - Allows the user to step out of the shadows within 100 > 150 meters of the user. It also allows the user to travel between shadows or hide in the shadows. | < Due to the high understanding of the skill, the element of darkness and space, the mana cost is reduced and the activation conditions are simplified. >

| Spikes of Darkness - Within 100 > 150 meters, the user can create countless spikes of darkness. | < Due to the significant understanding of the skill and the large darkness element, the mana cost is reduced. >

| Chains of Darkness - Within 100 > 150 meters, the user can create Chains of Darkness that wrap around the target and begin to slow them. | < Due to the high understanding of the skill, the element of darkness, and the negligible understanding of the element of gravity, the gravitational pressure will be higher, and the cost of use will be lower >.

| Spark - After driving the weapon into the ground, the user can send lightning bolts within 150 meters. The skill can be infused with other elements for better effects, but this will increase the mana cost. | < Due to the understanding of the skill and the elements in it, the cost is slightly reduced. >

| Second Blade - Allows you to imbue the weapon with learned elements, which gives it additional effects. With the number of elements used, mana consumption increases. | < Due to the great understanding of the skill and most of the elements in it, the cost is reduced. >

| Ice Prison - Allows the user to trap a target in a block of Dark Spectrum ice. Note physical contact is required. | < Due to the high familiarity of the item, the cost of the skill is greatly reduced >.

| Note: Due to the master's unnatural arrival in the dungeon, the Core was forced to seal most abilities for the master's sake, weakening them and blocking the understanding of other elements. It is recommended to increase the status of the master, and the level of the dungeon core to adapt the body to the ability. The stronger the dungeon, the stronger the master! |

| !@#!@%!^@#!@%#^@#!@^ |

" MONSTER ! " - Avi shouted!