Why is this elf smiling so strangely ?

" Mmm." An enticing moan, filled with a little pain and discomfort, left the swollen lips of the horned beauty. Her snow-white hair cascaded down, hiding two shapely twin peaks.

Asme felt strange. After last night, a peculiar feeling of uneasiness filled the back of her body. It was as if a large object was stuck inside her. However, when she examined her rear hole, she found nothing of the sort.

Well, almost nothing. The hand of a certain gentleman was possessively guarding her pink flower, along with the back door. Under the guard's watchful eye, no intruder was allowed to slip through. Even if someone managed to do so, they would have to prepare for future consequences, which would certainly not be pleasant.

" Khaw, Ramiel, stop ~ " Asme squirmed under the touch of the sleeping Ramiel. Not good... This isn't good! After the madness of the previous day, Asme was uncomfortable. The strange pressure, instead of giving pleasure, caused the opposite. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't mind, but now she needed a break.

" Mmm... Forgive me... " Asme, in no way known to her, was able to cope with her insistent lover. Her fine teeth clamped down on the exposed earlobe with no other option.

" Ygh... " Ramiel sighed, feeling a pinching pain in the right side of his face. His lips curled into a grimace of exasperation, and his eyes, cool as a blizzard of ice, scanned his surroundings for potential trouble.

When two dark purple horns with sparse white features appeared in Ramiel's line of sight, his cold stare eased.

If Avi had been in Asme's place, the fairy would have gotten the lecture of the century. It's not that Ramiel didn't like her. It was quite the opposite. She was very important to him, and for this, he applied double standards. Maybe it wasn't right, but he didn't care. Besides, Avi effectively took revenge at every opportunity.

" Good morning, my devil. May I know the reason why you are treating me to such a... hmm... special wake-up call? "

Hearing a constipated voice, Asme stopped biting her lover's ear. Her alluring eyes found themselves in a straight line, with amethyst pupils whose depth of color was capable of absorbing the soul of the other being.

" Uhhh... If a little boy is naughty, he deserves to be punished. ~ "

Ramiel's eyebrows furrowed. Sometimes, he didn't understand a woman's flirtation. " I was naughty? "

" Mhmmm ~ You should ask your hand what she did like that. "

" Huh? What do you mean... " Ramiel's hand squeezed something soft, and his fingertips dipped into a viscous liquid, the consistency of which he would recognize at any time in his life.

" Mhn... Ram - Ramiel, stop. "

Like a bolt from the blue, Ramiel received a daze. Criticizing himself in his mind for his foolish habits, he immediately took his hand, bathed in divine liquid.

" This... was unintentional. I'm sorry."

Ramiel was angry with himself. Because of his high sex drive, he didn't control himself, even in his sleep. But could he be blamed for that? After all, it was Asme who alerted the guard standing at the gates of paradise, thus forcing him to take defensive action. In part, it was also her fault... yes, it was definitely her fault.

" Oh... interesting... a little boy feels guilty? ~ " Asme took pleasure in being able to tease Ramiel. It was one of the few occasions when she had the upper hand and could take full advantage of it. Otherwise, she wouldn't have even attempted it. The consequences of losing were better not mentioned. Last time, Asme couldn't get out of bed for a whole day.

" Hahaha," A gentle laugh left Ramiel's amused lips. " Didn't I tell you not to play with fire because you might get burned? Ramiel's fingers draped over Asme's silky and pink skin, going lower and lower in the direction of her little flower.

When Ramiel stood facing the gates of paradise, he glared at the naughty devil. He sighed resignedly, and his hand stopped midway. " Forget about it. You won this time. "

Seeing Asme's passive attitude up close, combined with the fear and uncertainty evident in her jade eyes, Ramiel decided to let go. After all, Asme was bound to feel some kind of consequence related to their fun yesterday. Of course, he tried to control and do everything slowly, taking care of the succubus' comfort. But he had never heard a case in which everything was fine the next day.

The last thing Ramiel wanted was to cause his women pain and suffering. Lately, he has been paying more attention to that. The exception was the long-eared elfess. Her masochistic inclinations terrified Ramiel. The worse he treated her in bed, the more pleasure spread through her body. Sometimes, he wondered if he had done the right thing by unleashing this part of Caera's personality.

Although he didn't want to do it, Ramiel freed himself from the grasp of the two women. Before he stood up, he blew a passionate kiss, thus saying goodbye to Asme and Caera. As for the elfess, it could have been counted under sleep harassment, but the wide smile on her lovely face said otherwise. 

" Can't you stay with us? It was so warm and soft. ~ "

Asme had premium tickets for the spectacle of Ramiel stretching. Although he wasn't a walking mountain of muscle grown on steroids, his physique was good, very good. Hard as steel, his muscles formed a fine outline against his skin. Combined with a little sweat, a true work of art was created.

Asme didn't notice when her heart beat faster at the sight of the naked Ramiel. She was snapped out of a moment that could have lasted forever by the indifferent voice of Myron's marble sculpture.

" If you feel unwell, you can let go of today's training with Caera. If there are any problems, ask Seraphine for help. Also, don't wait for me with food. I don't know when I'll be back. "

Asme's face was decorated with a small grimace of displeasure. " Ara, ara ~ When did my boy become so arrogant? Haven't you heard that it is rude not to answer a question? Doesn't this poor slave not even deserve a simple answer? ~ "

Asme's lower lip hid behind her snow-white teeth, drawing Ramiel's attention.

He opened his mouth but closed it abruptly, shaking his head in denial. " Keep trying, my slave. ~ " Walking away, Ramiel turned around for another brief moment. " Don't tire yourself out today, and take care of Caera. If she acts strangely and blushes... ignore her. Her mind works differently than yours... take my word for it, and don't try to figure it out.

?_? - Asme

" Huh? Emm... Fine? But what do you mean by that? Is there something wrong with her? " Asme felt like a cat was chasing a mouse in her head, making a huge mess. Ramiel often said strange things out of context, using incomprehensible words, but now he outdid himself.

" Haven't you noticed yet that Caera feels pleasure in a " Different " way? "

The cogs in the succubus' head were in the right place, setting the intricate mechanism in motion. Asme got in a daze as the ancient machine in her head started up. Her gaze shifted to Caera, who was sleeping next to her. Looking at her for a long moment, she noticed a strange-looking smile on her face.

Asme wanted to make sure her theory was true. With that in mind, she lifted up the skin of the dead gnu under which the elf lay and then put it down. Her face turned pink within two seconds, and her tail curled in embarrassment.

" This... I understand... I will take care of her... "

" Pff Hahaha." Ramiel laughed lightly at the charming behavior of his succubus. What he didn't understand was how, all this time, Asme hadn't noticed anything. But that's a story for another time.


" Ramiel! I repeat again, this isn't a good idea. To venture alone so deep into the forest is asking for problems. "

The little fairy, dressed in an airy gothic dress, frowned as she lay in Ramiel's lush headdress.

Avi was skeptical from the start about exploring the Night Rippers' forest alone. Unfortunately, Ramiel ignored her pleas, doing what he felt like doing. Lately, he had become heavy-handed, becoming a huge headache for the little fairy.

Ramiel sighed heavily. His chest rose, showing the delicate outline of steel-hard muscles hidden beneath a Swiss cheese-like hunting jacket. His amethyst pupils narrowed, and his mouth formed something like a straight line in a gesture of exasperation.

" How many times do I have to repeat this before it gets through to your empty head? We're not here to fight. We're here to scout the area for an expedition. "

" But always! It ends the same way! Last time, you almost lost your arm! I understand that you are about to die, but live another month... "

Avi scoffed, and her cheeks filled with air and became plump. At the same time, her petite hands crossed, and her head turned to the side.

Feeling a headache coming on, Ramiel rolled his eyes. Maybe his solo expeditions didn't always go the way he wanted, but to say he almost lost an arm was far too much. It wasn't even that close... he still had a spare five millimeters from the jaws of the Fear of Night...

" I promise not to fight today. If I break my word, I'll give you a whole packet of sharp chips. "

At the word " chips," Avi's eyes lit up brighter than a lighthouse on a cloudy night.

" Chi - Chips? Are you not cheating? If you lie, I will bite you to death. That's a promise! " Avi panickedly tried to hide the saliva that dripped from the corners of her tiny mouth. After all, she couldn't show Ramiel how easily she could be bribed with food.

Unfortunately, Ramiel knew the little fairy's weaknesses perfectly well and exploited them in the most rude and brazen way. The man smiled slightly under his breath. The sight of Avi dreaming of tasty food was worth any price.

" Hey Ramiel, look, if we go to the right, we will definitely find some Night Rippers. Don't you want to check it out? It'll be fun, you'll fight, you'll do your zim boom, and I'll get tasty chips... "

" Somehow, I don't feel like it today. Maybe we'll go sightseeing instead... "

Ramiel broke off in the middle of his sentence, correcting his posture. His muscles became tense, and his steps became indistinct. His heart, which should have been pounding like crazy, was as quiet as a corpse.

" What are you... " Avi fell silent at the sight of the same thing Ramiel saw.

In front of them, in a small clearing, grew a small, inconspicuous tree whose bark, at first glance, resembled graphite.

As they moved closer, they could see dark gray leaves on thin, delicate twigs, completely shrouded in darkness. However, this wasn't the most important thing. From the few twigs hanging freely were fruits that looked like hazelnuts. Unlike the ones Ramiel knew, the ones before him were covered in black flames.

' Doesn't it remind you of a bonsai tree? '

' Maybe a little... What are you talking about?!!! Since when a bonsai tree, can grow something so valuable? Do you know how lucky you are? ' Avi's lips curved into a grimace. With such luck, how come he hasn't yet become the world's ruler... Oh! However, I know! His bad luck is even greater!

While Avi was conducting an internal monologue, Ramiel didn't remain passive. Carefully examining the surroundings, he slowly approached the mystical plant, from which he could feel significant amounts of the element of darkness.

When he took a closer look at it, he saw tiny particles of mana floating in the air. However, this wasn't the only strange thing. The ground had taken on an ashy gray hue within half a meter of the tiny plant. At first glance, it looked perfectly normal, but Ramiel knew that it wasn't. This earth was a spell, acting like a burglar alarm. If someone came into its range, the spell-caster would be informed.

With a focused face, Ramiel weighed all the pros and cons, but he needed the opinion of a real expert for the final verdict.

' Encyclopedia, besides the fact that I am a real ignoramus, can you say something more? For example, what is this something, and what does it do? ' Not that it is something, but your knowledge can be helpful. ' 

Avi puffed her chest forward, feeling her insides burst with pride. After so long, she was finally useful to Ramiel.

' The plant you found is the Dark Essence Tree. It is a better version of the Tree of Ten Shadows. As the name suggests, its connection to the element of darkness is great. The plant itself isn't unique, and it is annoying and difficult to grow. It requires an environment rich in the element of darkness and a bloody sacrifice once a week. The sacrifice cannot be random. It must have some connection to the element. '

Avi took a short break. Although they were talking in their minds, she needed to get some fresh air.

' However, the situation is completely different if we are talking about fruit. ' Avi pointed to some burning hazelnuts.

I know they look like nuts, but they are not! If you eat one of them, there is a good chance that you will erase the boundary. In addition, some of your skills will be improved by the element of darkness. This also has some use in alchemy, but you'll have to ask Darwin for details. He might be able to make something out of it, but the most important thing, I saved for last. This fruit is an extremely valuable material for engraving runes on weapons. They don't require a special chisel, and the results are often stunning. '

Ramiel smiled upon hearing the good news. Finally, after a long time, he had come across something really good.

  1. Sculptor in ancient Greece. The one of the man with the disk