Just... just believe yourself

" Caera. " The elfess involuntarily tensed up. The cool tone of the man's voice caused cold chills along her spine.

" Yes? " A tentative voice, tinged with anticipation, resounded in the dangerous wilderness.

" You take over the role of scout. "

" I- I? " The elfess stuttered. The pupils of her green eyes widened in shock, and her mouth opened slightly.

" I won't be able to do it... " Caera felt overwhelmed by the weight of the duty Ramiel had placed on her petite shoulders.

With fear painted in her eyes, she looked up at the faces of the creatures she would be leading through the wilderness. Instead of them, she saw the faces of her former companions.

Taking responsibility once again for the lives of others fills her heart with fear.

Caera was racked with doubts about whether she could handle it for sure. She won't forgive herself if she collapses and dies a creature that can't be reborn with the dungeon's core.

Ramiel sighed heavily in his thoughts. The lowered self-esteem of his beloved elfess had become problematic. Not only did she get on his nerves, but she was also a source of serious danger. He regretted terribly that he hadn't been able to correct this terrible trait.

A lack of confidence in one's abilities could be even more disastrous in its consequences than overconfidence.

" Caera... you can do it. I believe in you. You are far more competent to hold this position than I am. All you have to do is trust your instincts. If you do that, I'm sure everything will turn out well. Besides, I'll be here if anything goes wrong. "

Ramiel played quite a risky gamble. He placed a high bet with high leverage, putting all his capital on the line when he was down. If he wanted to help Caera, he had to take drastic measures. He didn't have the luxury called time to play the good therapist. A few days are definitely not enough for a successful therapy. Such things take time, a lot of time... Sometimes, they can even take years.

There are two possibilities. Caera will realize that she isn't as hopeless as she thinks if everything goes well. This will boost her confidence and lay a solid foundation for the future.

On the other hand, if things are painted in gloomy colors, the elfess' future is doomed. She may completely lose confidence in her abilities and herself. She will become a crutch that will drag Asme down to the very bottom.

Ramiel has risked a lot, but in his opinion, this is a game worth the candle. From a moral standpoint, it is wrong. But he's not comfortable being guided by moral principles. Not when the specter of death is trampling on his heels.

Caera's petite fists clenched to white. A chaotic flame of determination flared in her eyes.

If Ramiel says so... maybe he's actually right. The man had become her workhorse that powered the intricate machine called Caera.

It is amazing how sometimes all it takes is a little help from a third party for true talents to mature and show their face to the world.

Ramiel took one last brief glance at the elfess, who was carefully mirroring the surroundings, her ears perked up, trying to pick up the slightest rustle from the bushes.

At least she's doing her duty now. - He thought.

With an indifferent gaze, he took in the rest of the army, waiting obediently like lambs going to slaughter. He didn't care if they died or survived. If Caera and Asme are safe, the rest doesn't matter to him. In his eyes, they were no different from cannon meat at the moment.

" As for the rest. Asme is in charge of you from now on. You treat her words as if they were mine. If she tells you to jump into the fire, you jump. If she tells you to kill the being standing next to you, you kill without a second thought. Do you understand? "

The army responded in the chorus as one. It was a mixture of goblin shouts, wolf hisses, and The Condemned Sloth squeals. For them, Ramiel's word equaled a final order. There was no room for any discussion or self-will.

Unlike Caera, Asme had no doubts. Ramiel had already discussed the issue of commanding units with her.

Their discussions went on for hours. The horned beauty insisted that she didn't have the talent to lead an army. However, she changed her mind after listening to her lover's arguments and a small simulated battle.

Ramiel pointed out qualities she couldn't see for herself. It was only when he pointed them out clearly with his finger that Asme saw through. After much thought, she decided she couldn't waste the opportunity that life was pushing into her hands. After all, a skilled commander is more valued than mere cannon meat.

" Seraphine, this applies to you as well. "

The joyful rays that danced merrily in the empty eye sockets just moments ago became sullen and faded.

Despite her overt displeasure, Seraphine showed professionalism. The corners of her bony mouth lifted into a fearsome smile.

" I understand, Master. Your word is an order to me. "

Proud of herself, Asme looked at the cocky necromancer with superiority. Her beautiful, blood-red eyes dripped with arrogance. She couldn't pass up such a wonderful opportunity given to her by Ramiel. Who knew if she would ever get another chance like this.

The man's attention hadn't escaped Asme's good humor. He knew her well enough to guess her twisted thoughts.

" I wouldn't be so happy if I were you. Treat Seraphine with respect and listen to her advice. She deserves some of it, given her knowledge and the power she wielded before. I don't think I need to remind you who she was. "

Asme's facial expression turned dark. Unfortunately, Ramiel was one hundred percent right. Seraphine not only surpasses her in every way but is also a veritable treasure trove of knowledge. There's a reason why she held sway over the entire continent for centuries.

The horned beauty hoped for sweet revenge and got a subordinate to whom she must obey.

 It was enfranchising in its own way. But Asme is an intelligent woman. She can pass over a short-term humiliation in favor of long-term gains. In the end, someday, there will be an opportunity to repay the beautiful for the good.

" One more thing, Seraphine is the only one with the right to challenge your authority if you do something stupid. "

" Honey? Don't you think it's a little too much? ~ "

Asme didn't like the last part. With her eyes, she could already see how

Seraphine laughed at her with a mocking smile.

" Asme, it isn't negotiable whether you like it or not. Do you think that when you go outside, she will idly watch you push into the lion's mouth? If so, you are sorely mistaken. "

Ramiel didn't have to say it twice. Asme clearly received the message. All attempts to object disappeared even faster than they appeared.

The divine ability to shout without raising her voice played a large role. The autocratic tone of voice, combined with piercing calm, was enough to pacify any signs of rebellion or opposition.

Ramiel was very grateful to Ceti for passing on such a powerful skill in his genes. It saved him astronomical amounts of time that would have been lost to pointless arguments.

" That's it? " In the tone of Asme's voice, a gentle resentment and anger could be sensed. Her melodious tone was gone, and there wasn't the slightest hint of flirtation.

Ramiel shook his head disappointedly. If this was how Asme wanted to spend her remaining time, he could do nothing about it. Only a fool would put his fingers under a closing door.

' Sarron, take care of Caera. "

The white snake immediately used the Shadow Walk, emerging from the sleeve of the blue-haired elfess. In less than a second, the Sarron wrapped itself around Caera's slender fingers, purring pleasantly. The white creature's love for the elfess was immeasurable. If Sarron had been human, Ramiel would have feared for the competition.


The expedition was a great success. Although they didn't manage to find any Fear of the Night, they hunted down a few Dark Biters that didn't pose much of a threat.

Despite some initial problems, Asme found herself in a great leadership role. Under her watchful eye, no victim escaped with his life. To say more, no one was more seriously injured than a few abrasions and scratches.

Even Seraphine complimented her on her performance. Of course, she couldn't deny her pleasure and pointed out a few things that could be done better.

Other than that, the horned beauty reigned supreme on the battlefield, wreaking havoc from the rear ranks. The places where she appeared were immediately filled with the monsters' desperate screams. Her crimson ice danced gracefully amid the controlled chaos, hunting like a hungry predator for wounded prey.

Even in death, the poor bears dreamed of a frozen hell where the most beautiful creature they had ever seen sat on a throne. Despite the differences between their species, they could appreciate her extraordinary beauty.

Despite her apparent lack of confidence to the naked eye, Caera did a great job. She easily found one group of monsters after another, clearing new paths and warning of dangers lurking in the wilderness.

The elfess felt like a fish in water. The forest, the hunting, and the only things missing were evening stories around the campfire or drinking together in the tavern.

Her confidence returned in a small way, temporarily solving a serious problem.

Additionally, Caera's skills increased by a small margin. The reason was simple. She no longer restrained her instincts by force but swam with them like a fish with the current of a mountain river.

Ramiel's advice from a few days ago was a hit. The man once again proved that he was several hundred levels above them.

As far as he was concerned. He was hiding in the crown of a huge tree, watching the moving army in tight formation.

Caera paved the way, looking out for a potential threat. A few meters behind her, four goblins followed in loose formation. The second line was occupied by the Condemned Sloths, ready to presume a suicidal surprise attack. Asme and Seraphine followed in the middle of the formation. As the most important pillar, the Horned Beauty occupied the safest place.

In the perimeter, the Condemned Wolves were bored with the necromancer's subordinates. Their task was to provide fresh blood during prolonged battles or buy enough time to retreat.

' Ramiel... '

Avi looked around nervously, sitting on Ramiel's head. At the command of her bond, she sat as quiet as a mouse, afraid to make even the slightest rustle.

With the help of mana, the man completely neutralized the sound of her beating heart. Aside from a barely perceptible smell, it was undetectable.

' I know, we are surrounded. '

Considering the dangerous scenario, Ramiel's voice sounded calm, like an unbroken mirror of water. Panic won't help here. Besides, he's not the one in trouble.

Avi, sensing the man's emotions and the churning worries, left the fairy's empty head. If Ramiel was calm, she had no reason to be afraid. At times like this, she thanked the nenneke for the bond they shared.

' How long have you known? '

' An hour, maybe an hour and a half. I don't have a watch to tell the exact time. '

If Ramiel had his eyes on the top of his head, he would have seen the surprise painted on the face of the impudent fairy.

Once again, he managed to surprise her. By comparison, Avi noticed the impending trouble relatively recently. Plus-minus, about ten minutes ago.

Eight groups of monsters were approaching Asme from all sides of the world. At the head of each of them was most likely the Fear of Night.

Ramiel had several reasons to make such a bold claim.

First, they were in the territory of the Night Rippers.

Second, few low-ranking monsters have intelligence developed enough to carry out a plan on such a large scale. Just as Ramiel said, the oversized tigers have been following Asme for an hour and a half.

Third, and most importantly, they last encountered a single Fear of the Night when they crossed the first zone of the forest. Considering that it was their territory, this was suspicious.

' Are you going to tell them about this? ' 

Although Avi knew the answer perfectly well, she was deluded into thinking that reality would prove otherwise. However, life isn't a wish concert or a lottery where every ticket wins a prize.

Ramiel's words echoed in her head, completely crushing the frivolous hope.

' No, I'm curious to see how Asme will do. Besides, the experience of defeat will do her good. Maybe this way, I'll hammer a lesson into her head to never underestimate enemies. If only she'd hit Night Ripper, she wouldn't have such a problem on her head. '

' ... ' - Avi

' I told you that you are cruel? '

' Yes, and I'm fine with it. '

A long sigh spread through Ramiel's mind.

' Shouldn't you at least warn Seraphine ? ' Avi grasped at the last ray of hope. After all, if something happens to women through Ramiel's fault, he will never forgive himself.

' No, Seraphine already knows that something is wrong. '

The man shifted his attention to the sky-blue-haired elfess, whose curves would seduce the most reserved of men. For a brief moment, the coldness in his eyes eased, and he felt a painful sting in his heart.

He didn't like putting Caera in such danger, but he had to do it. It's not like he can be with her 24/7 and always protect her. Caera has to be able to take care of herself. Otherwise, she will die, no matter how much help she gets.

Besides, situations on the verge of death are best for developing one's skills. Under pressure, a person often experiences a daze, completing, for example, the formula for a new spell.

This isn't an invention of Ramiel pulled out of his finger but the result of years of research by scientists from the hunters' association.

' Without counting it, look at Caera, see how she looks around. She has good instincts that she has begun to trust. He is most likely subtly letting her know that a second Vietnam War is about to break out here. '

Avi remained silent, waiting for events to unfold. She had already done what she could. Now, it was all in the hands of the goddess of fate.

' Yo, Avi... let's hunt... '

A bloodthirsty glint ran through Ramiel's eyes.

Avi had a bad feeling about this.