
" I wish ... that you weren't right for once, Mom ... "

The monster, destined to be nothing more than a sleazy antagonist in a tale passed down from generation to generation, stood across from Ramiel and held up quite well despite his advanced age. His matted fur emitted an ashen glow, highlighting his bright green eyes, assessing the butterflies dancing in the air with a grim gaze.

" Azazel... the contract we were bound by wasn't by any chance called the Eternal Oath of Azahiel? "

A sluggish voice echoed in Ramiel's head. He would have given his hand that he sensed a subtle hint of annoyance and attachment in it.

" Does it change anything? "

" No... just... just forget that I said anything. "

Azazel remained silent. Shedding tears or tightening ties wasn't in his nature. He might have liked the current host or even felt a slight affection towards him, but that was all. Nothing less, nothing more.

" Azahiel... he was a good companion. However, in the end, he turned out to be a son of a bitch... if he had kept his word to me, I wouldn't be here with you... "

Azazel didn't know why he did that. Maybe he liked Ramiel the most of all the people he had met so far... or he just had this whim. Understanding the intentions of a being whose mood changes ten times in a minute borders on the miraculous.

Ramiel didn't pull the demon's tongue any further. He appreciated the kind gesture. The usually arrogant entity would have laughed at his request.

" Thanks... "

" Kid, I remind you, the clock is ticking... Are you sure you can waste time on pointless conversations? "

" So much so, you want to send me to meet Charon? "

" Pff Hahahahahahaha, if this rotten old man is still alive, I don't see the slightest problem with it... "

" ?_? " - Ramiel

" Ehh... If you have a bit of time left... I'll reveal a bit of the secret to you... but for now... "

Azazel didn't have to finish. Ramiel's instinct alerted him to the impending danger.

The Night Deuce disappeared from its current location, moving in an undetermined direction. In doing so, it activated a series of explosions that erupted in a cacophonous mix of different elements.


Time unspecified. Several hours earlier.

Deep in the dense canopy of trees stood Ramiel hiding. With the psychopathic grin of a mentally unbalanced man, he watched the hordes of Night Rippers scurrying under his feet like irritated ants.

The monsters scoured every inch of the ground, searching for the brazen man who had been deceiving them by the nose for an hour.

Unlike Avi, who was trembling with fear, Ramiel seemed unfazed by the actions of the overgrown cats. He had full confidence in his knowledge and the magic he wielded. He used a simple spell that distorts the wavelength of visible light so that it appears invisible from all angles.

The problem was smell, but there was also a solution for that. Together with Avi, they found themselves inside a sealed bubble of air. With a little effort, Ramiel managed to isolate the sound as well.

' Tsk... '

Unexpectedly, a familiar voice emerged from nothingness in Ramiel's mind. Suddenly, with the speed of lightning piercing the sky, a wave of memories flooded the man's mind.

" Azazel, old bastard, how did you survive my death? "


Ramiel let out a snort filled with derision.

" You are funny. Do you know how long the queue of beings who make similar proposals and threats to me is? You are currently at the gray end of it. But know my kindness. Because of our long acquaintance, I can give you some newspapers to keep you busy. " "


" I'm happy to hear you too. "

' On a side note... I don't have the faintest idea what happened. The last thing I can think of is the sight of your pathetic and distraught face as you cried like a little brat begging for mercy. Now, as I think about it... it is my favorite memory. '

" Thanks, you know how to comfort a person. Can we get back on topic? "

' You think who are you talking to, your maid? Maybe I should wear a maid outfit and a fox tail with ears? Don't you expect too much? '

Ramiel involuntarily rolled his eyes. Despite the seemingly hopeless situation, he was enjoying himself.

" O great and mighty ruler of hell, who has allowed himself to be enslaved like a fucking retard. Self-proclaimed lord of anger and bipolarity. Would you be so gracious and enlighten this poor ignoramus with a fraction of your immeasurable wisdom? This poor servant will be honored if you show him a little kindness. "

Ramiel made a theatrical bow, restraining himself with all his might not to burst out laughing. His words were even dripping with toxic mockery.

In Ramiel's mind, a three-meter-tall figure suddenly emerged from the darkness. Its four hands moved with synchronous precision, and every time he saw them, they caused him a peculiar feeling of discomfort.

When the dark curtain fell completely, he could see a human head with three identical dark purple faces. Only one difference could be seen between them. Each one represented a different emotion. Starting with anger, moving through happiness, and finally, ending with what Ramiel called a mixture of war veteran and mad scientist.

Azazel's head was adorned with noble flames, said to have been born in the darkest depths of hell. They formed an elaborate crown that even Lucifer wouldn't have disdained.

From his belt dangled the richly ornamented empty sheaths of the four blades. From the beginning of their acquaintance, they were interested in Ramiel. Unfortunately, Azazel was as silent as the grave on the subject.

The demon's figure, with an oversized ego, was enveloped by an airy robe that stretched to the ground. It consisted of loose strips of airy fabric joined together to form a cohesive whole.

" If you have already graced me with your presence, you can swap places with the face of an arrogant madman. At least she has straight teeth... "

' One zero, kid ... this time, you succeeded. '

Azazel's head turned 120 degrees with an unpleasant crack of broken bones. No matter how many times Ramiel witnessed this, he couldn't get used to it. The sight filled him with disgust.

' Going back to your question, I cannot help you. After it got to what really happened, the movie broke off. To say more, if your soul had been in one piece, I doubt if we would have seen each other soon. '

Azazel turned his head to the side. Soon, his face was adorned with a wry smile showing two rows of sharpened teeth.

' By the way... what the fuck, you let yourself be killed so miserably. I was missing for two years... I literally slept for two fucking short years, and you got yourself into some shit. ' '

' If I had known, we wouldn't be talking right now ... "

' Explain one more thing to me. How did you become so pathetically weak? '

This time, the roles were reversed. Ramiel, from a proud predator, suddenly became docile prey.

Within a second, a Siberian chill had set in the amethyst eyes. A single glance into the winter abyss was enough for a person to be pierced by a sulfurous chill.

" I know as much as you do. I was prepared to solve a mystery that has plagued people for centuries, but before I knew it, I woke up in a dungeon... "

' If you call a mystery what is after death, I am curious to know what you will call the intricacies... '

Azazel trailed off in mid-sentence. He had accidentally let himself get carried away by his emotions. He would have faced unpleasant consequences if he had not come to his senses in time. Mentioning knowledge that is meant only for higher beings is a shameful and unforgivable act in the eyes of the universe.

' Forget about it. It is still too early for you. At this rate ... maybe in ten years ... '

" Have I told you how much you screw me up when you don't finish what you started? "

At the same time, exotic, by human standards, faces adorned an unnatural smile. Unintentionally, Ramiel felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He wanted to rip the mocking smile from the demon's lips.

This-this is the end! He - he's gone crazy!" - Avi thought.

You can't blame the fairy for her thoughts. In the situation she found herself in, any normal being would think the same thing... After all, who normally talks to himself... especially when surrounded by bloodthirsty monsters?

" Ra- Ramiel? Everything is okay? " A soft whisper escaped the trembling lips of the little fairy. Although she wasn't one of the cowardly creatures, the mad Ramiel frightened her even more than the specter of death hovering in the air. "

At the fairy's words, a barely visible glint passed through Ramiel's eyes.

" It couldn't have been better Avi. "

" Are you sure ... usually - usually you - you don't talk to yourself. "

The amused man shook his head. The bond between them had caused him to sense Avi's confusion and fear.


Ramiel ignored the rough voice of the arrogant demon. For a moment, a longing for the times when the space inside his head belonged only to him resurfaced in the depths of his heart.

Avi found herself inside Ramiel's hand before she had time to react in any way. The man's thumb rubbed the top of her head gently, turning her carefully arranged hairstyle into chaos.

Guided by muscle memory, the fairy stood on tiptoe, stretching her head as far as she could. A pleasant murmur escaped from her lips, dispersing the gloomy atmosphere.

Ramiel's slight caress, or rather a specific kind of warmth, wrapped Avi like a thick winter blanket on a cold and gloomy night, providing a sense of security and comfort.

" You don't have to worry. I didn't suddenly become crazy... It's just that I remembered a certain annoying parasite that attached itself to me some time ago. "


Threats without backing up, just empty words passed by Ramiel's ears.

" Pa - Parasite? What are you talking about ? "

" Remember when I told you a story that you never found in my memories? "

Avi remained silent, combing through the dusty recesses of her mind. There had been a lot going on in the Dungeon of Condemnation lately... The fairy's impetuous nature wasn't conducive to good organization and management.

Suddenly, the creature's violet eyes lit up like hundreds of stars lighting up the sky on a cloudless night.

" Then, when you left me alone to " play " with Asme and Caera after all? "

" Mhm... exactly. "

" I remember all too well ... "

Avi's face was covered with a scarlet blush. That day, she had succumbed to temptation and peeked at Ramiel's "fun" with women.

" I didn't tell you the whole truth then. "

" Did you lie to me? "

" And yes, and no. It's complicated ... "

" So explain to me... "

In Avi Ramiel's small eyes, he saw a smoldering flame of hunger for knowledge.

The fairy fully trusted her bond. She knew that the man hadn't done this on purpose. Most likely, he couldn't tell her about something.

" Let me start by correcting a few facts. The rewards I mentioned for killing the fallen angel weren't all I received. In addition, I received something like a contract in which Azazel was sealed. The self-proclaimed ruler of a part of hell, the first of the sons of chaos and Lord of Infinite Wrath. In my humble opinion, he is no more than a demon with an oversized ego and problems with his personality... "

' ... '

" Since it is a contract, both of you must receive something in return ... otherwise, it would be a slave oath. Am I right ? "

Smart girl." - Ramiel thought.

" I call it a contract, but it is more like a relationship between a parasite and a host. Azazel literally devours a negligible part of my soul in exchange for lending some of his power. Additionally, it feeds on the negative emotions I feel. Without them, he would have died long ago. "

Avi tilted her head gently to the side. So far, everything in Ramiel's story was holding together. Knowing his unique ability to attract anything strange and beyond the bounds of common sense, she could believe in Azazel's existence. A demon who calls himself the ruler of hell? This is the beginning of the iceberg compared to the phenomenon of resurrection or anomalies inside the Abyss. The list of oddities around Ramiel is really long.

" I don't understand what the connection is, with the gap in your memories, and why you didn't tell me anything about it... "

Ramiel sensed Avi's disappointment in his voice. He couldn't help it. He would feel bad if a person he trusted hid something so important from him.

" It's not that I didn't want to do it... I just didn't remember it. You see, despite his twisted character, Azazel has a useful skill. When he wills it or falls asleep from exhaustion after a fight, all creatures that ever come into contact with him forget about his existence. He once boasted to me that he managed to erase traces of the Book of Creation, whatever it was. Unfortunately, his ability isn't omnipotent. Memories come back like a boomerang when someone experiences a manifestation of his power or hears the demon's name directly from my mouth."

" As a demon host, he should be immune to this... However, since I was sent to the dungeon, nothing is as it should be... Anyway... I don't need to explain it to you. You know very well what is going on... "

" If Azazel hadn't spoken my mind, I most likely wouldn't have remembered him until now." 

Avi's brain paused, trying to process the sudden influx of information. At last, the jumbled puzzles of the puzzle began to form a coherent whole.

" Emm... Good morning, Mr. Azazel. Nice to meet you, I think? I am the one and only Avi. The brazen and greatest fairy of the Dungeon of Damnation and the irreplaceable bond of Ramiel."

Avi felt like a fool speaking to a being she couldn't see. The prevailing silence didn't prove very helpful...

' Kid, I already like her. Unlike you, she can show a little respect. '

  1. end of Chapter 99