Naughty Things

The calm in the seemingly empty cave was disturbed by a series of sloppy and loud moans. The air was filled with a peculiar smell of sweat mixed with the striking scent of sweet alcohol.

On the shore of a lake filled with dozens of Lilies, a pair of lovers lay in carnal pleasure. Next to them stood a half-empty bottle of wine, which the man had saved for special occasions, and one had just arrived.

Caera couldn't stand it any longer. She spread her legs while throwing her arms around Ramiel's neck, enclosing the hunter in a tight hug. In the blink of an eye, her face was close to his.

She had held back long enough and kept her instincts in check. Every second separating her from the treasure at her fingertips was an immeasurable torture, stretching into infinity.

Unexpectedly, Caera's right hand became entangled in Ramiel's lush hair, drawing his head closer to hers. For a brief moment, their lustful gazes met.

It wasn't enough for the elfess. It wasn't long before she changed her object of interest. It was enough to lower her eyes a little to understand her intentions.

Their lips joined in a passionate and long kiss until they ran out of breath. The soft texture of the woman's fine lips teased her partner's sensitive senses.

Ramiel was struck by the sudden taste and smell of alcohol, which, like an inseparable and insidious companion of many parties, entered his system along with the kiss.

Combined with the elfess's naked and voluptuous body, it made for a deadly combination. Tightly squeezed thighs around Ramiel's waist drove him to the brink of madness.

Alcohol played a big role here. After months of abstinence, Ramiel's head was weak... in fact, he had always had a weak head but never openly admitted it.

The pair tumbled around on the ground for a while, fighting for dominance. Whoever stayed on top the longest would be the undisputed winner of their little contest. This led to an absurd situation. Ramiel changed positions with Caera now and then, but at all times, the pair didn't tear their joined lips from each other. Such a shameful act would have been tantamount to an undeniable defeat.

The fun continued at its best, but there could be only one winner, and it wasn't Ramiel. Caera showed her cunning by bringing them to the shore of the lake.

Then she pressed her body firmly against Ramiel, not allowing him the slightest movement.

Ramiel unexpectedly found himself in a tricky situation. With no other choice, he conceded defeat inconspicuously.

His hands ran down the bare skin of Caera's back to her voluptuous buttocks and stopped there. Ramiel squeezed them, and a sincere smile appeared on his face.

" One zero... " - A sensual whisper, bordering on a quiet murmur, caressed the pointed ears of the impassioned elfess. Little by little, a life-threatening fire would have been unleashed.

With wild satisfaction, Caera pulled away from Ramiel's hot body and sat on top of him with her arm around him. A smile of pride and arrogance dawned on her face.

In the meantime, she was careful not to knock Ramiel's hands off her accidentally. Its warm and rough surface evoked a unique kind of pleasure.

All this, and much more, is the man's fault. It was him and his preference for the back of his body that led to the development of a unique fetish in his women. A single touch was enough to make them go crazy for him.

He performed the intended task perfectly, " training " the women appropriately under his own preferences.

Ramiel tilted his head gently, reciprocating the passionate glance his partner threw his way. The sight that graced his eyes could knock many a guy off his feet.

An exotic and unparalleled beauty, a pearl among pearls, sat on top of him, rubbing her intimate zone from time to time against his rock-hard manhood. Her ample breasts, of which she was clearly proud, obstructed his view, her face bent in a bawdy grimace. Her sky-blue and wet, sweaty hair clung to her cheeks, fluttering with excitement.

Ramiel laughed in spirit. Giving up a small victory was a small price to pay for the one and only view in the world.

If he tried, he could absolutely dominate Caera and throw her into the lake. But where would all the fun go then?

It was definitely worth it.

" Who are you, and what have you done to my shy and stammering elfess. " - Ramiel was just teasing Caera, but she knew very well. In part, he loved how, in bed, she turned into a wild and untamed monster.

Thanks to her dual nature, Ramiel could give vent to his innermost and darkest fantasies. The more rough and brutal he was, the more pleasure Caera took in their shared and intimate moments.

This created an interesting contrast with her everyday attitude. Sometimes, Ramiel wondered if the Caera he knew every day and the one in bed were one and the same person.

" I don't know what you're talking about."

Caera plunged her face into Ramiel's exposed neck, placing numerous kisses on it. From time to time, he could feel the rows of sharp teeth tenderly biting his exposed skin.

The elfess was very, very thorough in what she did. Not only did she give vent to the accumulated sexual tension, but she also administered an appropriate punishment to Ramiel for his misconduct.

She hated it when her man smelled another woman during their solitary encounters. That time was to belong to them alone. And the delicate scent of a foreign woman spoiled the romantic atmosphere.

Last night belonged to Asme, and Ramiel screwed up big time by not washing off her scent thoroughly. But he couldn't be blamed for that. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the scent of the succubus in love that had penetrated deep into his skin. It bordered on a miracle of the magnitude of the century.

So, with dignity, Ramiel endured the little punishment that wasn't so terrible. To his surprise, it was pleasant.

Caera stopped when her lover's neck was fully covered with wet and red bite marks.

Maybe a little overdone? - Concerned about Ramiel's condition, Caera ran her rough tongue over the irritated skin. Her ears perked up, hearing a sudden gasp, and her hips bucked as the angry dragon forcefully tried to force its way inside the pink flower.

" Caera... " - Ramiel tried to mouth the rest, but the feeling of something soft sticking to his lips knocked him out of rhythm.

I have to teach her a decent lesson...," Ramiel thought, rolling the naughty elfess over on her back in the meantime.

" Kha~ "

A short squeal of surprise escaped Caera's lips.

Ramiel could allow a lot, as long as it was within reason... but he hated to lose his edge in bed. A little fun wasn't bad... but the naughty elfess crossed a fine line.

In retaliation, Ramiel began caressing her bare skin, leaving even more red and burning marks.

Caera loved how possessive and aggressive her man was. Her sensual moans and restless movements only confirmed the pleasure Ramiel's caresses provided.

" Ra- Ramiel ... You promised ... ".

Holding her crossed arms above Caera's head in a tight embrace, Ramiel raised a puzzled gaze.

" Promised what? " - He waited patiently until Caera, who was gasping heavily, could put a sentence together properly. It took a long while, but Ramiel didn't complain. In the meantime, he could admire how the streaks of sweat paved the way amidst the elfess's exposed breasts.

Ramiel felt like throwing himself at them, but in the end, he managed to control the urgency of his desire.

" You promised me ... that we would do this ... "

Ramiel's pupils dilated. A memory from a few months ago came to life in his mind.

In fact... I made her such a promise...

It's not that Ramiel didn't keep his word. He just couldn't do it. A few weeks after the promise, he died... and after that, there was just no time for it.

" Are you sure? There will be no turning back after this. "

" Yes! " The quick and decisive answer reached Ramiel faster than the speed of light.

He felt uncontrollable excitement blind his sound judgment. He had always wanted to try a certain thing but never had the right partner for it. Samantha would never agree to it, and the relationship with Asme is based on other conditions.

The succubus would agree to Ramiel's fantasies, but she wouldn't take pleasure in them. Ramiel didn't want to be selfish with women he felt something for. After all, sex is supposed to be pleasurable for both of them.

Although Ramiel wanted to throw himself at Caera as soon as possible, he had to draw the line first.

The elfess' mind was cluttered with indecent thoughts, but she focused when she saw Ramiel's serious gaze.

" Promise me something... Never, you can't do it alone. It's... dangerous. "

Black pupils, surrounded by irises bathed in gold, took on a playful shape. The elfess's lower lip hid behind her teeth, which pressed gently.

" You have to make an effort... It speaks ill of you when you don't satisfy a woman's needs. At least that's what Avi says... "

Caera was sure she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. She saw it in Ramiel's eyes. At her words, a miniature storm arose in the amethyst eyes. But this is what she wanted. The more Ramiel lost control, the better the future experience would be.

No fooling, Caera was a masochist, and her partner only helped her discover this dangerous part of her personality.

" Caera. " - Ramiel growled firmly.

" I trust you, and without your confirmation, I will go no further. " Ramiel was as adamant as ever. The seriousness she displayed surprised Caera. It only reassured her that her man wasn't joking and sincerely cared about her... despite what was about to happen.

Ramiel loosened the grip around Caera's wrists, allowing her to release one of her hands. Her hand immediately went to Ramiel's cheek. The warm touch carrying sincere affection calmed the agitated emotions raging inside him.

Caera looked confidently into Ramiel's eyes. Her gaze emanated sincerity and determination.

" I promise. "

The two words dispelled any hesitation or doubt that had been brewing in Ramiel's mind. He fully trusted the woman beneath him. If she decided to deceive him... there wasn't much he could do about it.

" Don't blame me if you don't like it. You're the one who wanted it," he said. "

Caera's eyes lit up at Ramiel's words. She looked forward to the next step. The serious atmosphere that surrounded them was replaced by sloppy sounds and the scent of love juices mixed together.

Ramiel went all the way from the start, making divine noises from Caera's throat. His hungry dragon furiously penetrated the elfess's tight vagina, which trembled at irregular intervals.


Caera completely immersed herself in the pleasure Ramiel bestowed upon her. Her hips instinctively adjusted to the rhythm of the brutal and intense thrusts. Meanwhile, her long, slender legs trapped Ramiel in their embrace, giving him no chance to escape.

If one said A, one must say B... Anyway, he wasn't going anywhere.

Caera's belly wiggled chaotically, making her ruddy nipples tremble. It tried to gain a bit of freedom, but it was pointless. Ramiel hadn't the slightest intention of allowing any freedom. It was just the opposite. Her actions made him even more possessive.

The grip around the elfess's crossed wrists strengthened, putting her on the edge of endurance.

Ramiel noticed how Ceara begged him to shorten her unbearable torture. He had no objection to this but would do it on his terms.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, he pounced on Caera's widely parted lips, embarrassing her. The elfess was unprepared for the attack, and the teeth clamping down on her tongue sent her into a state of near ecstasy.

Ramiel groaned along with Caera when the insides of her little sister crushed his hungry friend. He, too, was close to the limit... After all, they had been doing this non-stop for several hours, but the real fun was yet to begin.

Caera's cloudy vision brightened, and a suffocating sensation appeared in the chest area.

Ramiel's right hand still acted as handcuffs, binding Caera's wrists, but his left hand found a new target. It clamped gently around the elf's throat, cutting off her oxygen supply.

The surge of Adrenaline that Ramiel felt was indescribable. He didn't even feel it when his penis shot cum, painting the inside of Caera's wet pussy white. However, this didn't pose the slightest problem for him in continuing the fun. His dragon immediately returned to full strength, thanks to the adrenaline.

Ramiel wasn't the only one enjoying the new sensations. Caera literally went wild. Her partner crushed all boundaries, paving the way for new ones.

The elfess found herself on the verge of a breakdown. She forgot who she was, or what her name was. All she wanted was to reach another peak. In the brief pauses, Ramiel allowed her to breathe, faint words escaped her lips.

" Ra- Rahmiel... Rawhwmiel... Ra- Ra... UHG... ".

It doesn't take a genius to determine that the couple was in seventh heaven. One only had to hear Ramiel's quiet moans or look at Caera's trembling body.

A little bit of divine nectar was continuously pouring out of her little sister, and the hot walls of her vagina were effectively making it difficult for Ramiel to move.

The struggle for every, smallest breath, combined with the destruction of her lower body, completely broke Caera.

The woman's limbs drooped listlessly and her pupils turned inward.

Ramiel's condition was no better. His dragon had lost the battle with a thud. Letting out his last roar, he fell dead... Ramiel wasn't indebted to him. He soon followed the footsteps of his penis and fell asleep on top of the exhausted Caera.