Proper morning

On my lap sat an inseparable companion of many, many journeys, glorious battles, and bloody adventures. She was with me in good times and bad. Together, we overcame every obstacle that came our way.

At first, we didn't get along very well. But with time, we reached out to each other and formed an unbreakable bond.

Many criticized me for my attachment to the wepon. After all, it's just a piece of metal we replace when we grow stronger or wear out.

They were not even an ounce right. Your weapon is only as strong as the bond you form with it. This is old and forgotten knowledge, hidden by beings I will not even bother you with. And yes, you will never see them. To waste words would be pointless.

Will you believe me when I tell you that a rusty sword, by Ramiel's standards, can surpass a weapon of Chaos rank? If not, you'd better believe it.

That's why I put so much emphasis on this imbecile, to repair the relationship with the weapon he got. Binding to an already existing weapon soul is much simpler than creating it or implementing it.

I don't recommend the latter option. It carries with it several negative consequences.

Together with @%!@#$!@, I watched my worse half's doings. It was our only entertainment lately, but we didn't complain too much. After surviving the first millennium, I became patient.

Who am I kidding... I'm not patient... It's just that the reward I get for doing !@#!%!@# will make up for my wasted time and minor unpleasantness.

Secondly, who cares about the time when the treasure that the whole universe envied me was just playing with my hair? With @%!@#$!@ by my side, it was impossible to get bored.

Reflexively, my eyes followed the fluffy tails dancing freely in the air. Not to mention the foxy and fluffy ears emerging shyly from between the thick and lush ashen hair.

Damn... Whoever invented this genre was a true genius. I am forever in his debt.

" I feel sorry for him. "

Reacting to my words, three soft and fluffy fox tails wrapped themselves tightly around my body. An intense wave of heat washed over me like a tsunami.

By some miracle, I managed to get one of my arms out. Having a bit of freedom, I could feel the unique texture of the tail. Stroking it had become a habit of mine that I loved.

Especially when it made an angelic murmur. The barely perceptible vibrations sent me into pure ecstasy.

Ugh...I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm addicted to it.

The @%!@#$!@ apparently got bored playing with hair, so her cat eyes found a better target.

The sneaky vixen dived deep into my shoulder, caressing my neck with hot gasps... This little pervert knew very well how to attract attention and arouse desire.

" Do you feel sorry for him? " - Her angelic voice teased the sense of hearing. I could give my hand cut off that for a split second, @%!@#$!@ she moved her nose along my neck.

I won't cheat. The woman had me wrapped around her finger. Do I regret it? Definitely no.

" Mhm... " In retaliation, I bit her on the exposed lobe of her plump ear. My eyes enjoyed the spectacle of the seductive fox's quivering body.

" Unwillingly, Ramiel inherited one of the worst things he could have been given. "

@%!@#$!@ slowly straightened up, looking lustfully into the depths of her eyes.

" I don't think it's a bad thing ... on the contrary. To be honest, I can consider it sweet and amazing. "

A pair of oversized fangs stood out during the sincere smile she gave me @%!@#$!@. If I had to describe it somehow... I would call it beautiful.

" What is amazing about it? Look at how Ramiel behaves ... ".

" And that's what's sweet. " - Vixen interjected quickly. Throwing her arms around his neck.

I hate it when someone interrupts me, as Ramiel painfully found out, but she always gets away with it.

@%!@#$!@ She carefully studied the image formed in the spatial crack. Her attention was focused on Samantha, sweetly sleeping in Ramiel's embrace. The man stroked her hair occasionally, casting a complicated look.

" Do you think he will ever forgive her? "

I didn't have to think long. The answer slipped on the tip of my tongue by itself. After all, he is me, and I am him.

" And have I forgiven Sandra or Zangetsu? " - I was abrasive and unkind. I even threw @%!@#$!@ an angry look.

Revisiting memories of the painful past is never nice or pleasant. Especially when... Sigh... never mind. Let's just forget about it.

The @%!@#$!@ took on a complicated expression. Before I noticed, she laid her head on my chest and murmured softly.

" No, but you couldn't hurt them either. "

" That's why I made sure Ramiel didn't have that problem. " - My words were cool, and my attitude was firm. I won't let the boy make the same mistakes as me. After all, he is just a child.

I think you deserve a few words of explanation. As I recently found out myself, I am not human.

I mean... it's complicated. I'm still human, but I belong to a faction of a race called @×+÷-@+. Don't worry if you don't understand its name.

My species is better than average humans in every way. I'm faster, smarter, understand mana better, and adapt to the environment faster.

Unfortunately, not everything is as rosy as one might expect. Life has brutally made me aware of this.

You see... if someone takes a place in my heart, he will live there forever. No matter how much he or she hurts me. My feelings for that person will never diminish, nor will they ever change. They can only grow stronger.

It sounds beautiful, doesn't it? Two people in love, lost in each other forever. They need nothing more to live than their own presence.

Well, not exactly. If you don't have the right strength to defend and stop happiness in place... this feature becomes your worst curse and nightmare.

Sleepless nights... the constant feeling of emptiness, consuming you bite by bite, the lack of any desire to live... each new day seems like a nightmare... All this, and much more, are the effects of losing a person close to me.


I have visited countless worlds, crossed impassable boundaries ... and never found a species with the same characteristics.

Apparently, there used to be hundreds of millions of us, and now I'm left alone... No... the way I look at it, I was alone from the beginning... A little sad, but I've gotten used to it.

It's not that our love is limited only to representatives of our race. It's just easier that way...

Throughout my life, I have given my heart several times...

Sigh... each of them turned out to be a mistake. Sometimes, it was due to my stupidity... I was too weak to keep them safe.

Sometimes... I just didn't get it right.

@%!@#$!@ She went back to playing with her hair. Her catlike pupils contracted, experiencing a daze.

" Mrr... I didn't think your race would be so strong. You put in so much effort, making him ordinary, and in the end, it didn't do anything anyway. And so he inherited the best from you. "

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I can explain and argue for years why I hate it, but she will still stand firmly by her opinion.

" You are half right. " - I summarized briefly, arousing the latent curiosity of @%!@#$!@.

" As you mentioned, for the time being, Ramiel is an ordinary man. To some extent, he managed to suppress it, but as you can see, I screwed up the job. "

@%!@#$!@ ran her finger over her exposed shoulder, causing goosebumps on back.

" For now? "

" Mhm... "

The woman's finger nervously tapped against my shoulder. She didn't like it when I teased her.

" It's only up to the kid what path he chooses. In the end, I managed to win evolution."


Ramiel woke up in the worst mood he had ever been in. He reflexively checked to see if the life-giving energy that was the basis of his existence had accidentally left him.

 Mana is... that's probably a good thing. At least I'm not dreaming.

Ramiel didn't know if he had left the blissful dreamland. He had to check to be 100 percent sure.

The smell of yesterday's adventures, mixed with the scent of forest vegetation, could reassure him of this. However, his consciousness had already deceived him once.

Ramiel struggled to open his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. In front of him stretched the familiar sight of a rock vault, on which several crystals could be seen, emitting a pale light.

" Welcome home. " - Ramiel laughed lightly, letting the dream go to the past. He still felt discomfort and slight disgust, but they were nothing compared to his feelings when he met Samantha.

" Khm... " - A quiet groan escaped Caera's small mouth. A sudden laugh cut short her blissful sleep in Ramiel's embrace.

" More - five more minutes... ".

Caera opened her sleepy eyes only to close them.

The elfess' charming behavior lifted the corners of Ramiel's mouth. This one didn't mind spending the rest of the day at the lake, but he couldn't do it for free.

Minutes passed, and Ramiel's weariness caught up with him. Waiting became more boring than he thought.

To kill time, he played with the hair of the sleeping elfess. Bored, he brushed the sky-blue strands away from his face.

" Rahmiel... " - Ramiel could sense a hint of anger in the sleepy Caera's voice. The man, instead of letting her sleep, effectively made it difficult.

" It was supposed to be five minutes. "

Caera's legs stepped between the man's legs. The elfess didn't even think to move from her favorite position. Her firm and ample breasts have melted the lover's chest.

" In that case, I should have woken you up about two hours ago. "

"..." Caera let out only a quiet murmur of displeasure. The discussion with Ramiel didn't make the slightest sense. The man will always find a way to win.

" You are terrible ... ".

" Thank you." - Ramiel shot back before Caera could finish, taking her by surprise. Ramiel's sudden confession was unexpected. The emotion it contained caused a faster heartbeat, which caught the elf even more off guard.

" What - what? I don't understand. " - Caera let out a quiet whisper. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink, and her pointed ears curled up in embarrassment.

" I'm just... I'm just happy to have you with me. Isn't that in itself reason enough? "

Ramiel's words further confused the embarrassed elfess. Caera covered her face with her hands and stammered continuously.

Ramiel launched a massive attack in the morning, which Caera wasn't prepared for.

The elfess took it as Ramiel's usual daily taunts. However, she couldn't know that the man wasn't joking.