
That day, Seraphine accompanied Ramiel on his daily inspection of the dungeon. The reason was simple, the Necromancer had nothing better to do. Tomorrow, there will be an extensive offensive, which Ramiel has been preparing for for a long time.

Seraphine will play a key role in it. She must keep the captured monsters alive and ensure they don't stray too far from the boy. Ramiel may have grown in strength, but he was still weaker than Night Deuce. Without Leach, he could only dream of killing a relic of the past.

Seraphine didn't like the assigned task, but she didn't complain. She preferred to stand directly on the front line or command an army behind her's still better than playing nanny to Asme and Caera. At least with this, she could console herself. Besides, if she performs properly, Ramiel won't forget to reward her.

Her master wasn't stupid and thoughtless. He valued useful individuals and worked on the weak, drawing out their hidden potential. More than once, he proved himself worthy of trust. Seraphine even felt faint sympathy for him, but that was all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Perhaps she was still intrigued by his past. Inferring from the way he behaves, she could easily tell that he carries a lot of emotional baggage. Seraphine never had the opportunity to dispel her doubts. Ramiel rarely confided in her, especially after the recent incident in the abyss. He only talked to Asme, Caera, and Avi if he did.

Seraphine was curious about his past but not enough to ask about it directly. Besides, she doubted the man trusted her enough to tell her about it. They had no special relationship, as Ramiel proved the first day they met.

For the rest, Seraphine, she couldn't blame him. In Ramiel's place, she would have acted similarly. To say more, his cool and quick judgment earned her respect. This was the main reason why the Necromancer decided to bend his neck.

Besides, there was a second problem. Ramiel distanced himself from her after her death. He knew her nature and desires well, and Seraphine didn't hide it at all.

Upon his return, the first thing that stuck in Ramiel's mind was the sight of a disappointed Seraphine. Until the last second, the Necromancer had deluded herself into thinking she would regain her freedom. She couldn't hide her disappointment when her dream was dashed.

This made Ramiel aware of her true nature. He still trusted her, but only and only because of the slave oath that looped her soul. Otherwise, her head would have rolled on the ground long ago.

Both Seraphine and her master remained silent on the subject. Ramiel didn't want to mention it because he would have had to kill a talented subordinate, and Seraphine liked to live against all odds, and the current conditions weren't the worst. She had room to grow and explore. Who knows, maybe in the future, if Ramiel proves himself worthy, she will decide to serve him fully and give up the dream of rebuilding the Empire. But until then, there was still a long way to go.

The inspection went smoothly. Everything seemed to be buttoned up to the last detail. Darwin was ahead of schedule with making the potions, Felix was at the top of his game, the skeletons in charge of processing the infirnyt had provided the right amount of rocks and processed crystals, Asme and Caera were doing well in training, the army seemed rested, and morale was at its highest.

Even the goblin, who had recently lost the will to fight, had rekindled his warrior spark.

Moving on, the monsters meekly slept in solidly prepared cages. Felix's specific works perfectly, keeping the creatures in a deep coma. Ramiel had already made sure they became his free stats yesterday.

Seraphine had to admit one thing. Her master had a talent for gathering talented individuals. Even the weakest skeletons manifested unique abilities and traits that set them apart from the crowd. 

" Seraphine. "

" Seraphine ! "

Ramiel sighed, inhaling the crisp but cold air that momentarily calmed him down. He had been succumbing to his emotions more and more lately. The fault lay with his damaged weapon, which constantly affected him.

" Seraphine! " - A firm tone of voice finally broke through the Necromancer's thoughts. Ramiel wouldn't mind her rambling if he didn't need her help.

Seraphine shuddered. The tone of voice and the urgency of Ramiel's gaze made her realize the gravity of the offense she had committed. The Necromancer cursed silently, scolding herself in her mind. She was so lost in thought that she forgot the purpose of today's journey.

" What was I talking about? " - An invisible lump grew in Seraphine's throat. The pressure exerted by Ramiel didn't help stabilize the situation. The man hated being ignored.

Seraphine knelt on one knee, assuming a humble posture. She wasn't sure how Ramiel might react. He had been easy to get off balance lately.

" I'm sorry, master, but... ". - Seraphine fell silent, feeling the teasing look Ramiel threw her way.

" Forget about it, we'll talk later, in private. " - Ramiel put considerable emphasis on the last words and quickly added. " I need your help in securing a potential retreat. We need to set up magic formations. Hurry up."

Ramiel walked past Seraphine without waiting for her response. The hunter didn't even bother to cast a single glance in her direction. There was no need to do so.

Seraphine stood up and obediently followed Ramiel. The Necromancer was silent as soon as she crossed the abyss, admiring the master's back.

Ramiel had changed, which didn't escape the attention of the astute subordinate. Seraphine had been keeping a watchful eye on him ever since she appeared in the dungeon. It was in her interest, so she could easily see the metamorphosis.

Her master became more mature, his actions exuded more confidence than before, and the cool feeling and the pressure he exerted by his presence increased. In his eyes, she could see years of unseen experience that hadn't been there before. Naivety and faith in a better tomorrow disappeared undeniably, accepting the sad and brutal reality.

But the most important change occurred in his aura. Being near Ramiel, Seraphine felt as if she was standing next to her father when she was still a small child. Even back then, he commanded a land the size of a small kingdom.

Before that, Ramiel's aura was more suited to the leader of a small faction than a responsible leader with a lifetime of subjects under his wing. His blatant self-confidence, which could hide superficial flaws, impressed her the most.

His every gesture, how he moved, and even the words he spoke gave a sense of superiority

Next was his attitude and behavior in the presence of the subjects. Ramiel finally understood the position he was in and stopped treating them as comrades-in-arms. He still valued them but kept a proper distance.

His every gesture, the way he moved and even the words he spoke gave a sense of superiority. In his eyes, they were no different from the resources he needed to make a profit.

Of course, there were a few exceptions, such as Asme, Caera, the two talented skeletons, or Pat, but that's about it. Toward the rest, the man became cold and chilly.

Ramiel stopped longer so that everything would be fine. His sudden death made him realize how weak and fragile he was. It forced him to change the way he looked at the world. If he wants to protect what is precious to him, he has to grow stronger and faster. He doesn't know what tomorrow will bring, he doesn't know what challenges await him around the corner, but sitting idly by won't prepare him for them. He can't make everyone in the world happy and has no intention of doing so.

The changes that have taken place in him have appealed to Seraphine. Accepting his role and changing his attitude is only the first step on the path of a ruler. The second will be accepting the inevitable losses and unforeseen events. The third is dealing with their aftermath.

Seraphine feared the second step, mainly because of the women around the man. She had seen how attached Ramiel had become to Asme and Caera, which was good for Ramiel but not for the Dungeon Master. The women helped him get out of his emotional hole and stabilize his fragile personality.

At the same time, they became his happiness and his greatest weakness. Where there were feelings, there were also problems. The pair of you were inseparable and contributed to the fall of not only kingdoms but also empires.

Seraphine didn't defend Ramiel from being happy, but as a responsible ruler, he should have kept his emotions on a short leash. Unfortunately, he was unable to do so. The man lost his common sense when the issue of the safety of both women came up in the game.

A great example is the recent incident in the forest of the Night Rippers. Ramiel could have quietly escaped and ensured the survival of the dungeon, but he did the opposite. He sacrificed himself for the survival of Caera and Asme. 

However, this wasn't the source of Seraphine's concern. She was worried about her master's reaction if one of his women suddenly lost her life. She had seen with her own eyes how attached he was to them. Even a small child would understand what Ramiel felt if she saw the look he gave the two women.

Although Seraphine could say she knew her master well, she couldn't predict how he would behave. His personality is confusing, and he often acts intuitively. A sudden and strong stimulus could completely break him down... strengthen him... or bring out the worst darkness, hidden in the deepest depths of his soul.

There were many possibilities and combinations. However, only a few ended well, and the conditions for their fulfillment were pure absurdity.

So yes, Seraphine was afraid of Asme and Caera's death. For the sake of the public, she couldn't let that happen at all costs. Willing or not, she had to take care of the two women. It won't be easy, but hey, who said life is only strewn with roses?

The journey to the forest wasn't long, but it was made in silence. Ramiel knew Seraphine would keep up with him, so he didn't have to restrain himself. Every now and then, his figure disappeared into the darkness, only to reappear a hundred meters away. This was the optimal distance at which mana consumption would allow for a long journey.

The establishment of numerous magical formations went smoothly. Ramiel wasn't disappointed with Seraphine. As the only one in the dungeon, she handled the task faster than he did. This only confirmed the favor the goddess of fortune had for him.

Ramiel respected Seraphine for her knowledge and experience. In some aspects, she surpassed him. As long as she doesn't decide to cause trouble, she will have a bright future ahead of her.

The pair quickly returned to the dungeon. As soon as they crossed the abyssal gate, Ramiel was presented with a unique sight. Rascal was waiting for him. At first glance, self-confidence radiated from the goblin, but it was nothing more than a false cover.

Ramiel noticed a slight trembling of muscles and nervous movements of the pupils. Rascal was nervous for some reason.

" What's the matter?"

Rascal jumped up in his seat, hearing the indifferent tone of Ramiel's voice. Seeing the master, he quickly corrected his posture, forming a sloppy bow.

" I wanted to ask for an audience, Master! " - Rascal glued his gaze to the floor until Ramiel let him stand up. The goblin respected his master wholeheartedly, especially after he gave him and the rest of the tribe a chance to grow.

Ramiel sat down on the throne and then rested his hand on his temple.

" What is the problem? "

Rascal straightened his back, fighting nervousness. Finally, after a few minutes, he took courage.

" I don't want to be rude. "

" Rascal, to a point, I don't have all day. "

" On behalf of the tribe, I wanted to ask if the master has inadvertently forgotten our reward. "

Cold sweat ran down Rascal's back under Ramiel's intense gaze.

The man quickly searched his memories for any clue. After a few minutes of awkward silence, he managed to recall what Rascal was talking about. In fact, he had promised the goblins a reward if they did a good job during the Night Ripper Forest incident.

Ramiel couldn't and didn't want to take back his words. They were due a reward for a job well done, and breaking his word, he said, could reflect badly on his image as a ruler.

" Fine, if it is within my capabilities, I will try to fulfill one of your requests. "

Seraphine looked at the situation at hand. After all, unofficially, she was acting as Ramiel's right hand and advisor. She had a little more freedom than the rest of the creatures.

Rascal spun around nervously. Saying the request gave him trouble.

" The master may not know this, but we goblins have a strong sex drive. Thanks to magic and the grace given to us by the master, it is easier to control, but it is still difficult to control. On behalf of the tribe, if given the opportunity, we would like to ask for a female... "

Rascal couldn't finish. Before he knew it, he was lying on the ground. A hot and burning sensation spread across his cheek, and an unbearable pressure nullified all movement.

" Think carefully about your answer. Rascal, have you swapped wits with a cockney? " - Ramiel didn't shout. He didn't have to. His calm but icy voice dripped with unbridled bloodlust.

Ramiel immediately shot up from his throne as soon as he heard the absurd request. His blood boiled within him as soon as he thought of handing Asme or Caera over to the goblins. Rascal kept his life only because he was useful, and Ramiel lacked talented warriors.

" MA- Maslter... " A stifled groan escaped from under Ramiel's foot. Driven by anger, the man wanted to crush the goblin's head but felt Seraphine's cold hand on his shoulder.

" Do you have anything to add? " - Ramiel didn't try to be pleasant. He was rough and unpleasant.

" You should calm down. " - Seraphine abandoned all phrases of politeness. This was the only way she could reach Ramiel and clarify the misunderstanding that had occurred. She wasn't concerned about the potential consequences because she had the right to do so. Some time ago, Ramiel asked her to bring him down to earth if he lost his temper.

" Are you kidding? "

Seraphine sighed heavily. What she had feared had happened. Ramiel had lost his mind when it came to Asme or Caera.

" Calm down, and let me explain. I doubt that Rascal is stupid enough to commit suicide. And so stupid. Think a little, soon, we will get access to the outside world... "

Seraphine froze, seeing the surprise and embarrassment on Ramiel's face. Only now she realized what had happened.

" Avi didn't tell you anything... "

" None... " - Ramiel's words were followed by an awkward silence. He took his foot off the goblin's face and then helped him up.

Ramiel made some promises as compensation and assured Rascal that he would get the right number of women when the time was right.

The hunter felt Seraphin's gaze on him. He summed him up with a few words.

" Don't beat me up, please. "