Shadow Merchant (2)

Ramiel drew the glass closer. Then, he stirred the amber liquid inside with a deft and oval wrist flick.

As soon as he brought the glass closer to his face, the unique yet familiar scent filled his nostrils. Ramiel didn't think long before tasting the drink. The scorching but subdued liquid flooded his throat, being the source of a sudden wave of warmth and satisfaction.

Ramiel let out a quiet sigh while savoring the drink. The alcohol was strong and deceptively reminiscent of his favorite whiskey. The tart aftertaste that the beverage left behind brought back some pleasant memories.

Shadow Merchants didn't remain indebted. He followed in Ramiel's footsteps, savoring one of the favorite spirits he had available in his arsenal.

Max would be proud of me. - Ramiel thought, pulling another sip in the meantime. The alcohol was exceptionally to his liking.