End of Trade

After long and arduous negotiations, Ramiel and Mendes managed to reach a joint agreement. It required some concessions from both sides, but I can tell you a secret. Neither side came out a loser from the deal made. To say more, both men felt satisfied.

Ramiel got what he wanted, and Mendes gained a new partner, but from the beginning.

Ramiel was adamant in his demands, but even he had to give in. He managed to keep complete secrecy around the dungeon, the things associated with it, and the creatures living in it. Simply put, Mendes had to keep his mouth shut from now on. Nothing he saw or learned could leave the perimeter of the Dungeon. Otherwise, his Shadow Merchant symbol would take care of the rest.

Moving on to other things important to him. Ramiel will be at the top of the Imp's list of needs for the next ten years. Unfortunately, Mendes didn't even want to hear about indefinite loyalty after a compromise regarding "confidentiality".