
" I am looking for a dungeon. A new one seems to have appeared recently. "Vitia's confession immediately woke Ramiel. His mind soared in search of an answer to an extremely important question. How?

I was careful. The entrance to the dungeon looked like an ordinary cave, and I obliterated all possible traces every time I left it. I even removed the roots from the trees I cut down. So how did she find out?!! - An avalanche of thoughts went through Ramiel's mind like a tornado.

" Looking for a dungeon? This is unusual. " - Ramiel asked indifferently. He didn't give any indication of anything. From a third-person perspective, it looked like the sudden revelation didn't affect him.

Ramiel was a professional. When necessary, he was able to hide his emotions and give an Oscar-worthy performance. The deviation from the norm is the safety of those he cares about. That's when emotions take over, and he does many stupid things.