First kill in the new world

A day and a half has passed since Ramiel left the dungeon. During this time, he has traveled more than half the distance that separates him from Elif. He was accompanied only by Sarron, who slept under his cloak most of the time, and Avi's voice, which was filled with concern.

Although their separation lasted no more than two days, they both took it badly. Ramiel was haunted by a terrible feeling of emptiness, as if someone had taken a part of his soul forever. The distance magnifies this tendency traveled...

Avi endured it worse. She couldn't focus on anything and walked around distracted and angry at everything. Her sudden mood swings only worsened the mood in the dungeon. She was on the verge of tears one second, only to shout furiously at Darwin a few minutes later for wasting resources.

Frequent and long conversations helped a lot to get over the separation. It still wasn't physical contact, but it was better than no contact at all.