
" Not what I expected. " - Ramiel muttered under his breath. He was prepared for a cloud of people vying for the time of one of the best blacksmiths in Elif, Zyfi. However, what he encountered disappointed him, although he couldn't complain.

People on the street shunned the blacksmith's arrival by a wide margin. This was strange, to say the least, considering the blacksmith's reputation. From what he had heard, the dwarf provided the best service in the area. He is reliable, hardworking, passionate, and, like most dwarves, stubborn and full of character.

However, the lack of traffic is one of the many things that surprised him. The glass behind the metal bars in the windows was broken, a simple illusion spell had been cast on the walls, concealing patches of fresh paint and marks indicating an attempt to vandalize the building, and the door bore signs of recent repair.