An enemy or a friend? (2)

Ramiel lifted the flask and looked at it in the moonlight. Unless Cynthia had tricked him, he had poison in his hands from one of the stronger snakes on the low-high level.

Some time ago, with the help of his intelligence network, he spread a rumor. A notorious assassin who was terrorizing Elif was allegedly interested in buying all kinds of low-level toxins and poisons. Ideally, these should come from snakes, but this isn't a key requirement. He was particularly keen on the essence of the Dreaming Iris. It is a rare poison with a strong paralyzing effect. Rumor has it that it pays well for someone to provide him with a substance he doesn't already have.

Ramiel didn't collect them for himself but for Sarron. An improved version of evolution finally allowed him to see the future paths of the white snake. The greatest of the rays of light requires drinking the essence of the Dreaming Iris flower. The other conditions remain unknown.