
Ramiel didn't even notice when he stood leaning against the door leading to his bedroom, or should I say Ramiel, Caera, and Asme's. The room had long since ceased to belong only to him, although, in fact, it had always been shared.

The man remembers much of the way into the dungeon as if through a fog. He has small glimpses of the winding corridors and the farm on the third floor, but that's only so much, or so much. It all depends on one's point of view...

But one can't hold it against him... The former hunter has been very busy.

Most of his memories are filled with the image of two alluring women who took turns vying for his attention. The competition was fierce to the point where they lost most of their clothes along the way.

It ended quite lewdly. Caera and Asme wore nothing but the sexy lingerie that barely covered their private parts. Ramiel couldn't deny himself the pleasure of removing every last piece of clothing from both women.