Lust (4)

Ramiel pulled Asme closer and planted a hot kiss on her tart lips before she left his lap. It lasted longer than he wanted. He simply couldn't tear himself away from the woman. The temptation to have her closer was too strong.

" Kgh... " - Frustrated, Ramiel gasped. He lost himself in their little exchange of caresses to the point where he lost his breath.

" You know...? You are extremely dangerous... " - The corners of the man's mouth lifted to form a devious smile. He subtly tilted his head to the side and cupped Asme's face. Then, with the utmost tenderness, he gently stroked her blushing cheek.

Ramiel delayed the inevitable a little more and savored the image before him. He rarely had the opportunity to see an embarrassed Asme, and the sight was priceless to him.