Where I'm?(3)

Ramiel couldn't enjoy a peaceful sleep. From the first seconds, he was greeted by nightmares, and they were of the worst kind, as they were directly related to his past.

The former hunter was able to experience the worst moments of his life all over again from the position of a passive observer. He had an insight into everything but couldn't interfere or bring about other consequences, although some decisions spent his sleep.

He felt powerless, able only to watch events unfold and the consequences that come with them. It was one of the worst tortures he had ever taken part in.

Ramiel didn't have it lightly. The first vision was emotionally tumultuous and made him feel guilty. He re-experienced the quarrel with his parents just before the tragedy.

At that time, the former hunter was young and foolish. He said many words that he regrets to this day and would have liked to turn back the clock to at least say goodbye to Ceti and Nathan...