Who Should Fear Whom?

" Buddy, don't you understand what I'm telling you? Give us Vixen, and no one will get hurt... We'll just borrow your friend for a little while and play with her. You see... we are very sociable gentlemen and suffer from a lack of sophisticated company in this cursed forest. The presence of such a treasure will improve our mood! " - "The bald bandit licked his lips ostentatiously and devoured Vitia with his eyes. His intentions were obvious, and his lie blatant. Not even a child would believe him.

" Of course, we will return it to you later for a small fee. You have an interesting ring, my friend... I think we can get along somehow if, um... you voluntarily share a few things with us. " - Another of the thugs added, rubbing his hands together greedily.

Silver and gold numuses were reflected in his pupils.