Source of the problem

Ramiel and Vitia left the massive tree like lightning. They were accompanied by Morgeth and immediately followed by Maya and Hodo. The old man wasn't pleased with the former hunter's presence. Because of the vixen's explosive nature, his plan to keep the former hunter at a distance was in ruins.

Besides, he wasn't the only one dissatisfied with the present group members. Vitia also had reservations. The first of these was Maya, for obvious reasons. Nothing needs to be explained here.

Of course, the village guard sensed the fox's hostility. She had heightened senses, so it wasn't difficult. It would have been strange, to say the least, if she hadn't noticed anything.

Maya was straightforward and, like Vitia, preferred a direct approach. She wanted to ask the vixen directly if she had a problem, but fortunately, Morgeth was awake enough to stop the village guard. Otherwise, there could have been a bloody butchery.