The Well (3)

The next hour passed in a tense and nervous atmosphere. Ramiel began by outlining the plan of action and explained everything to Morgeth.

Then chaos ensued, and the rest of the events unfolded rather quickly. In the blink of an eye, the area around the well became overgrown with brave warriors and beast folk proficient in using the element of nature.

The latter took care of setting up makeshift barricades and scolopendra traps, while the former took care of evacuating civilians and securing the area.

The operation went smoothly but too slowly. Time was trampling on their heels. Ramiel wanted the preparations to be finished in an hour.

First and foremost, the fight against the Night Walker would be much easier on a day that was slowly coming to an end. The sundial indicated around 5 pm, but the former hunter preferred to blow hot and cold.