Home - Tree, one and the same.

How did that happen? - Vitia groaned in thought, casting surreptitious glances at Ramiel. The vixen still didn't quite understand how the man managed to convince her to do it.

Oh, right... he said he would spend the night at Maya's place... - The blood in Vitia's veins boiled at the thought of it. That sneaky viper will do anything to lay hands on her Ramiel!

Wait, since when is he mine... - The vixen shook her head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. She had to. Otherwise, a blush would have crept onto her face. She could already feel her cheeks growing warm. She couldn't let it go any further.

Vitia, to some extent, was grateful for such a tiring day. Otherwise, her mind would surely play tricks on her now. It would have been humiliating in Ramiel's presence.