Bloody Forest (Bonus)

From the first seconds when he crossed the tunnel, Ramiel felt as if he had entered a well-directed horror movie. The first thing that struck him was undoubtedly the smell of concentrated blood. Ramiel would recognize it anywhere and at any time of day, although there was something strange and unnatural about it. That in itself laid a good foundation for a horror film.

It's worth mentioning that this was only the first of the surprises. The air here was heavy, rough, unpleasant, and irritated the airways. Each breath caused a small burning sensation and pressure in the lungs. Further exploration required some adjustment, but not just that.

The atmosphere in the new abyssal segment was grotesque, to say the least. The former hunter felt an unpleasant pressure on him and a constant mental pressure exerted by the barely tangible aura in the air.

A terrible feeling.