Bloody Forest(5)

" Fuck... I didn't think this moment would come so soon... " - Ramiel cursed silently under his breath, hiding in a snowdrift and watching the distant clash of two forces fighting for dominance over a small patch of land with a barely visible spark of irritation in his eyes.

The current battlefield wasn't a place he wanted to be in. On one side stood the wolves he knew well, with whom he had managed to befriend and get to know inside out. It was definitely a fleeting acquaintance, but it belonged to the type of intimacy that left an influence on a person for a long time.

But the wolves were not alone. A trio of grotesque hybrids led them. Ramiel looked at the scorpion-human combination with a complicated mix of feelings.

The monster had inherited its lower body along with its deadly claws and tail from the menacing crustaceans, and that's what the former hunter would have liked to end up with, but life had once again mocked him.