Forced Harvest

Ramiel tried to make the most of his remaining time with Caera. Unfortunately, he didn't have much of it left. The moons were just entering the final stages of their trek across a sky bathed in darkness. There were literally seconds left before they reached their highest point before the inevitable decline stage began. This heralded midnight arrival, and thus, the timekeeping counter in the dungeon's interface would strike 00:00:00 evenly.

The former hunter was more or less aware of what was coming, so he became a tad more daring and selfish. Instead of being restrained, he did what he wanted and let his emotions take over. He took the elfess' fragile chin and turned her to face him. Her beautiful golden eyes glistened slightly, standing out against the night sky. It was just a dearth of appetizers compared to her petite, slightly parted lips that even begged for attention.