You son of a bitch did it!

Immediately after passing through the dungeon gate, Ramiel was struck by the smell of sulfur and the subtle burning odor. They were accompanied by a familiar and barely perceptible trace of a strange presence, but he wasn't quite sure who it belonged to.

The tendency intensified when the former hunter walked completely to the other side. The first thing that caught his eye was a sky-blue sky covered with white clouds. Although it was the same as in Avalon, he felt a strange intimacy and closeness with the current sky. Unfortunately, it was the only familiar thing that awaited him.

Ramiel looked a little lower and saw bare mountain peaks surrounding him from all sides, but there was something wrong with them. Huge tracts of land that should have been covered with lush vegetation and trees were empty and burned to the bare ground. Some peaks were still burning with vivid red flames, a trend that continued even at the foot of the mountains, though it was weaker there.