A mole in the ranks

Ramiel almost froze when he saw Lily among the group of hunters. Her silver hair, gradually turning halfway to velvety black, stood out among the sea of heads. There wasn't the slightest possibility that he couldn't recognize his younger sister.

The sensations accompanying the former hunter were strange, as was the way he perceived his surroundings at that moment. His senses were sharpened to the limit, and he went crazy. He could hear the humming of the blood being pumped through his heart and clearly felt the unpleasant process of cell reproduction. But this was merely a prelude to the image his eyes were registering. He had the impression that the whole world had suddenly slowed down. Everything seemed slow and sluggish as if everything and everyone were moving slowly.

This tendency was exacerbated when Ramiel encountered Lily's cold and bright purple eyes. They were simultaneously beautiful and so similar to his. The resemblance was even striking.