And this is what ambush looks like (Bonus)

Ramiel didn't let on that he had detected anything that deviated from the norm. He stood like the rest of the hunters, waiting for orders, and calmly monitored his surroundings with mana sense. The only things that could give him away were his relaxed muscles, but they were hidden under the illusion and a slightly bent spear that was ready to fire at any moment, but that too bordered on the miraculous.

Only masters in spear wielding could recognize this particular position. He doubted whether any of the hunters present had the necessary experience and familiarity with weapons. So he was relatively safe, as far as he could be.

Three hundred and fifty meters... - Ramiel muttered in mind as he watched the approaching creatures. Based on the mana signature alone, he couldn't classify the monsters. Besides, they used spells or skills to hide their presence, which made the task even more difficult.

Three hundred meters...