
This was the umpteenth time Kirito had flirted with her.

At first, Kurenai Yuhi didn't take it too seriously, thinking it was just a prank played by a younger ninja. But as Kirito grew more mature and continued to prove his worth on missions, a change began to happen. Kurenai, who had closed off her heart after the death of her father, felt it slowly start to open again.

Just as Kurenai was lost in her thoughts, a familiar voice called out from afar, "Hey, Kurenai."

Startled, as if caught red-handed, her face flushed red, and she quickly looked away from Kirito. She turned towards the voice, and saw three familiar figures approaching. All of them wore Konoha Jonin vests.

The man in the lead looked strikingly similar to the Third Hokage, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, smoke trailing behind him. Behind him were two younger shinobi. One wore a bright green bodysuit, his forehead protector tied around his waist, and had an unmistakable watermelon-shaped haircut along with thick eyebrows. He shouted about "youth" every other step. His enthusiasm was obvious.

The other ninja seemed more composed, sporting a bandana wrapped around his forehead protector and a senbon cigarette between his lips. He walked with a casual air, a bit scruffy but undeniably confident.

These three were none other than Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, and Genma Shiranui—Konoha's respected Jonin, and comrades of Kurenai Yuhi.

"It seems like your friends are here. I'll see you tonight," Kirito said, glancing at the three approaching men. With a swift bow to Kurenai, he disappeared using the Body Flicker Technique, vanishing from sight.

Asuma and the others arrived just as Kirito left.

"Kurenai, was that man also a Jonin from Konoha? I don't think I've seen him before," Asuma asked casually, though there was a hint of suspicion in his voice as he glanced in the direction Kirito had vanished.

"Oh, him? That's my student, Kirito. I've mentioned him before. He just completed the Jonin test and was promoted today," Kurenai replied, a little distracted.

Upon hearing that the young man was Kurenai's student, Asuma visibly relaxed, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. His initial worry that Kurenai had some kind of romantic connection with the young Jonin faded. After all, she was still so young herself, right?

"A Jonin at his age? No way! He can't be more than twelve years old!" Genma said, astonished. "I know Kakashi was promoted at twelve, but seriously?"

Even Might Guy, known for his lack of recognition in faces, was puzzled. "Who's Kirito?" he asked bluntly, clearly confused.

Kurenai sighed, ignoring Guy's usual behavior. "It's true, believe it or not. Kirito's abilities are already beyond mine."

"That's incredible," Shiranui Genma said, grinning. "He made Jonin faster than you, his own teacher."

"Well, actually, I've also been promoted to full Jonin recently," Kurenai said proudly. "So Genma, I'm afraid it's just you and a few others still at the Special Jonin rank."

Genma's jaw dropped, his eyes wide in disbelief. "What?!"

Asuma, keen to keep the conversation going, asked with curiosity, "Is Kirito really that strong, Kurenai?"

"If you want to know, just ask Kakashi. He was Kirito's opponent during the test." Kurenai glanced at her friends and changed the subject, "Anyway, what brings you guys here?"

"We just got back from a mission," Might Guy explained enthusiastically. "And Asuma wanted to invite you to a gathering tonight."

Asuma immediately went red, glaring at Guy for revealing the plan too bluntly. He looked to Kurenai with a hopeful expression.

"Ah, I see. Sorry, I already have plans tonight. My students and I are celebrating Kirito's promotion," Kurenai said with a slight smile, though her mind was still occupied with Kirito's earlier teasing. She waved her hand gently, bidding her friends goodbye as she disappeared down the street.

Asuma stood there, visibly disappointed at the rejection. Guy looked confused as ever, while Genma was still recovering from Kurenai's unexpected news about her promotion.

Meanwhile, word of Kirito's promotion spread quickly through Konoha. In no time, people throughout the village were talking about it. To further elevate Kirito's position, the village council even gave him the title of "Phantom God Kirito" in recognition of his exceptional genjutsu prowess, comparing him to none other than Uchiha Shisui, famed for his illusions.

Unbeknownst to Kirito, the village leadership was pushing this narrative to solidify his role. They hoped that with his connection to Uchiha Izumi, Kirito could be used to monitor the Uchiha clan from within as tensions in the village grew.

Kirito was not surprised. He had a good understanding of Sarutobi Hiruzen's strategies. The Hokage wanted him close to the Uchihas as a potential spy, using his personal ties to Uchiha Izumi.

And as for Danzo—his support of Kirito's promotion was also expected. Danzo, who sought power above all else, probably saw this as a way to gain leverage over Kirito.

But Kirito knew all too well that Danzo didn't trust anyone. He valued Konoha above all but was more than willing to sacrifice individuals, even his own shinobi, to achieve his version of the village's protection.

Once Kirito had outlived his usefulness, Danzo would undoubtedly act. The Uchiha clan was headed for destruction, and anyone linked to them—whether it was Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, or even Kirito himself—would face grave consequences.

Kirito was prepared for that day. He knew it was only a matter of time.

(End of Chapter).

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