Chapter 12: The Calm Before the Storm

The first rays of dawn filtered through the window, waking Feng Yan gently from her sleep. She felt surprisingly refreshed, the weight of her memories from the night before giving her a strange sense of clarity. Today was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one where she would take control of her destiny.

After freshening up, she made her way downstairs, the scent of breakfast wafting through the house. In the kitchen, Ning Jue was already setting the table, a warm smile on her face as she looked up at Feng Yan.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" Ning Jue asked, her voice cheerful.

Feng Yan nodded, returning the smile. "Yes, I did. Thank you for letting me stay here, Ning Jue. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."

Ning Jue waved her hand dismissively, her expression light. "What are friends for? Besides, it's nice to have some company. Now, come and eat. I made your favorite—steamed buns and congee."

The two friends sat down and began eating, their conversation easy and relaxed. Feng Yan allowed herself to enjoy the moment, appreciating the warmth of Ning Jue's friendship. It was a stark contrast to the cold and oppressive atmosphere of the Feng family.

"You know," Ning Jue said between bites, "you seem... different. There's a new confidence about you. It's like you've finally found your strength."

Feng Yan paused, thinking about how true those words were. "I guess I've realized some things recently. It's time for me to stand up for myself and stop letting people push me around."

Ning Jue smiled approvingly. "I'm glad to hear that. You deserve so much better than what you've been given, Feng Yan."

They finished their breakfast, and after getting ready, the two girls headed out to school together. Feng Yan felt a strange sense of peace as they walked side by side, the cool morning air invigorating her. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile, back at the Feng family's residence, Feng Yue was sitting at her vanity, anxiously scrolling through the details of the upcoming painting competition on her tablet. Her heart raced as she read the list of participants, many of whom were well-known for their exceptional talent.

Feng Yue's confidence wavered. Deep down, she knew her skills weren't up to par with the competition. Her mind drifted back to Feng Yan's room, where she had once seen her adopted sister working on a beautiful painting, its delicate brushstrokes and vibrant colors mesmerizing. It was a work of art that could easily win any competition.

If only I could get my hands on that painting, Feng Yue thought, her eyes narrowing. Feng Yan has always been the better artist, but she's nothing compared to me in status. She should be grateful to live in our house and do whatever I ask.

But as she continued to scheme, her pride and arrogance made it impossible for her to simply ask Feng Yan for help. She despised her adopted sister for being more talented and beautiful. In her mind, Feng Yan's gifts were an affront to her own position as the beloved daughter of the Feng family.

She'll come begging, Feng Yue assured herself. She's desperate to stay in this family. I'll use that to my advantage and make her paint something for me.

Hours passed, but Feng Yan was nowhere to be seen. As the morning turned to afternoon, Feng Yue began to feel a sense of unease. She glanced at the clock, her frustration growing. Where is that useless girl?

Unable to wait any longer, Feng Yue stormed out of her room and grabbed the first servant she saw. "Where is Feng Yan? Have you seen her?"

The servant looked nervous, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Miss Feng Yue, but I haven't seen her all morning. I don't think she's in the house."

Feng Yue's heart skipped a beat, a flicker of anxiety running through her. Where could she have gone?

Panic began to set in as she imagined the possibility that Feng Yan had left the house for good. She needed her for the competition—without her, there was no way she could win.

Frantic, she ran to her mother's room, tears streaming down her face as she burst through the door. "Mother! Feng Yan is gone! She's not in the house, and I need her for the painting competition! What am I going to do?"

Mrs. Feng looked up from her magazine, startled by her daughter's outburst. "Calm down, Yue'er. What do you mean, she's gone?"

"I don't know where she is!" Feng Yue sobbed, clutching her mother's arm. "I was going to make her paint for me, but now she's disappeared! What if she doesn't come back? I can't lose this competition!"

Mrs. Feng frowned, a look of concern crossing her face. She knew how much this competition meant to Feng Yue, and the thought of her daughter losing was unacceptable.

"Don't worry, my dear," Mrs. Feng said, her voice soothing. "We'll find her. She can't have gone far. But you need to stay calm and focus on what's important. We'll handle Feng Yan."

Feng Yue nodded, trying to steady her breathing. But deep down, the anxiety gnawed at her. She had always taken Feng Yan's presence for granted, never imagining that she might leave or resist.

I have to find her, Feng Yue thought desperately. I can't let her slip through my fingers.

But as the hours ticked by, Feng Yue couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed. For the first time, she was beginning to realize that she might not have as much control over Feng Yan as she thought.