Chapter 18: The Art Teacher

The sun was barely up, casting its golden hue over the sprawling campus, as Feng Yue made her way toward the art room. She had barely slept the night before, tossing and turning in frustration over Feng Yan's behavior. The silent disregard from her sister had stung, and even now, Feng Yue's mind whirled with anger. Feng Yan's transformation was unnerving. She had always been the docile, invisible sister, someone Feng Yue could manipulate and belittle at will. But now, Feng Yan's cold indifference and newfound confidence were enough to make Feng Yue's blood boil.

Feng Yue spotted her target ahead—Feng Yan, sitting alone on a bench by the garden. Her figure was calm and composed, as though she didn't have a care in the world. It infuriated Feng Yue even more. She straightened her expression, carefully crafting her face into a look of hurt and concern. She needed to play the victim, to rally sympathy from everyone around her. After all, it was what she excelled at.

Taking a deep breath, she walked toward Feng Yan, her eyes softening with what she hoped appeared to be sisterly affection.

"Yan'er, can we talk?" Feng Yue asked in a gentle voice, though it was laced with bitterness.

Feng Yan didn't respond. Without even turning to acknowledge her presence, she stood up gracefully and began walking away. To Feng Yue, it was as though she had been brushed off like an insignificant speck of dust. The casual disregard cut deeper than any insult, and the fury bubbling within Feng Yue was barely contained. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she watched Feng Yan walk away without a second glance.

Invisible air. That's how Feng Yan was treating her. She didn't even exist in her sister's eyes anymore.

Feng Yue's frustration swelled as she saw Bai Shuang approaching. A perfect opportunity. Bai Shuang, who had always been her loyal lackey, could easily be manipulated to stir the pot further. With a soft sob, Feng Yue pressed her fingers to her eyes, feigning tears that weren't there. Her shoulders trembled delicately, a perfect picture of a girl deeply hurt by her sister's cruel treatment.

Bai Shuang noticed the scene and rushed to Feng Yue's side, her concern immediately piqued. "Yue'er, what's wrong? Did Feng Yan do something again?" she asked, her voice thick with concern.

Feng Yue sniffled, lowering her hands and looking up at Bai Shuang with watery eyes. "It's nothing," she whispered, as though trying to be strong despite her 'pain.' "I just don't understand why she's treating me this way. We're sisters, but lately, she's been so cold and distant. I've tried my best to make things right, but she... she just ignores me."

Bai Shuang's eyes narrowed as her gaze followed the retreating figure of Feng Yan. Without thinking, she marched toward Feng Yan, her chest swelling with indignation. "Feng Yan, stop right there!" she called out, her voice ringing through the air.

Feng Yan, who had been walking toward the art room, paused but did not turn around. A smirk played on her lips as she anticipated what was about to happen. She had long since predicted this kind of move from her so-called sister and her minions.

Bai Shuang stomped up to her, anger flashing in her eyes. "How can you treat Yue'er like this? She's your sister, and you're acting like she's a stranger! Don't you have any sense of decency?"

Finally, Feng Yan turned around, her expression calm but cold. "And what does that have to do with you, Bai Shuang?" she asked, her voice icy and measured.

Bai Shuang blinked, caught off guard by the intensity of Feng Yan's gaze. "I-I'm just trying to help—"

"Help?" Feng Yan's lips curled into a sneer. "Help who, exactly? Feng Yue, or yourself? Because from where I'm standing, you're just another pawn she's using to do her dirty work."

Bai Shuang flinched, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "That's not true! I care about Yue'er!"

"How naive," Feng Yan said, shaking her head. With that, Feng Yan turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Bai Shuang standing there, speechless and humiliated. Feng Yue, watching from a distance, seethed in anger. She had hoped that Bai Shuang would be able to at least draw some sympathy from Feng Yan, or at the very least, make Feng Yan look bad in front of others. But instead, Feng Yan had turned the tables, humiliating Bai Shuang and leaving her looking like a fool.

As the day wore on, Feng Yue's frustration only grew. She needed to salvage this situation, and she knew exactly how. The art competition was drawing closer, and with her family's resources, she had secured the best painting teacher in the industry to guide her. She would submit her work and prove that she was the superior artist, the one who deserved all the praise and admiration. Feng Yan had always been in her shadow, but this time, Feng Yue was determined to outshine her.

In the afternoon, Feng Yue visited her painting teacher, a man known for his remarkable skills and influence in the art world. He had been arranged by her family specifically to ensure that she had every advantage in this competition. His reputation was untouchable, and his recommendations could make or break an artist's career.

The teacher, an older man with sharp features and a haughty demeanor, glanced at Feng Yue's painting with a critical eye. "Not bad," he muttered, stroking his chin. "It's certainly an improvement from your previous works."

Feng Yue's heart swelled with pride. She had worked tirelessly on this piece, pouring all her efforts into it, knowing that her teacher's endorsement would carry significant weight in the competition.

"But," he continued, his tone dismissive, "it's still lacking something. There's no depth, no emotion behind it. You've got the technique, but technique alone won't win you the top prize."

Feng Yue's smile faltered. "But… with your recommendation, surely I'll make it into the top three, right?"

The teacher nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "With my recommendation, you'll certainly place high. There are many talented artists in this competition, but your family's influence and my endorsement will ensure that you stand out. However, you'll need to refine your style if you want to truly shine."

Feng Yue breathed a sigh of relief. She could count on her teacher's influence to push her forward, just as she had planned. Even if her work wasn't as strong as some of the other competitors, she knew that the power behind her name would carry her far.

Later that day, she submitted her painting, feeling a surge of confidence. Her teacher's words echoed in her mind—she had the technique, the resources, and the recommendation to secure a place at the top. What could possibly go wrong?

But there was one thing Feng Yue had not anticipated: Feng Yan. She had no idea that the quiet, unassuming sister she had always looked down on was none other than *Butterfly*, the mysterious artist whose works had captivated the art world for years. And when the time came for the competition, Feng Yue would face a humiliation unlike any she had ever experienced before.

For now, she reveled in her submission, confident that victory was within her grasp.