Chapter 22: Rage

Feng Yue stormed into her room, her face twisted in rage, her heart a boiling cauldron of jealousy and humiliation. The door slammed shut behind her, echoing through the grand halls of the Feng mansion. Inside, the fury that had been building within her since the moment she realized Feng Yan was the legendary Butterfly finally exploded.

She screamed in frustration, her voice a raw cry of anguish. Her hands reached out, grabbing anything within her reach—vases, picture frames, books—and hurling them across the room. The delicate porcelain shattered against the walls, the glass from the frames splintered, and the room soon became a chaotic mess, mirroring the turmoil in her heart. Every crash, every broken piece seemed to only fuel her anger, her disbelief that she had been outshone by the sister she despised.

Feng Yue's screams and the sound of destruction echoed through the mansion, alarming her parents. They rushed to her room, worry etched on their faces. Feng Yue's mother, Madam Feng, pushed open the door, only to find her daughter in the midst of the wreckage, her face streaked with tears, her body trembling with the intensity of her emotions.

"Yue'er!" Madam Feng cried out, rushing to her side. "What's happened? What's wrong?"

At the sight of her mother, Feng Yue's fury dissolved into despair. She collapsed into her mother's arms, sobbing uncontrollably, her body shaking with the force of her tears. "Mother… Mother, it's Feng Yan! She's Butterfly! Feng Yan is Butterfly!"

Madam Feng's eyes widened in shock, the words piercing through her like a knife. "What did you say?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Feng Yan… she's the Butterfly," Feng Yue repeated, her voice cracking with bitterness. "She's been hiding it from us all this time!"

For a moment, Madam Feng was stunned into silence. Then, her shock turned to anger. "That ungrateful girl!" she spat, her voice filled with venom. "How dare she hide this from us? How dare she keep something so important from her own family!"

Feng Yue's father, Master Feng, who had been standing at the door, listening, felt a mix of emotions. The revelation was shocking, yes, but as a shrewd businessman, he quickly saw an opportunity where his wife and daughter saw only betrayal. If Feng Yan was indeed Butterfly, her talent and fame could be invaluable to the family. He could use her connections in the art world to elevate their status, to bring wealth and influence to the Feng family.

"Enough!" Master Feng's voice cut through the room, silencing both his wife and daughter. He stepped forward, his expression stern, his mind already formulating a plan. "This is not the time for anger. If Feng Yan is Butterfly, then we must use this to our advantage."

Madam Feng turned to him, her eyes blazing with indignation. "You want to use that girl? After everything she's done?"

"Yes," Master Feng replied, his tone cold and calculating. "We will use her talent to build connections, to bring profit to the family. This could be the opportunity we've been waiting for."

Madam Feng hesitated, torn between her hatred for Feng Yan and her husband's undeniable logic. Her mind raced with thoughts of how they could leverage Feng Yan's identity to their advantage. As much as she despised the idea of using that ungrateful girl, the prospect of wealth and influence was tempting. Slowly, she nodded, her expression hardening as she made her decision. "You're right. We should use her."

But Feng Yue was not so easily convinced. "No!" she cried, her voice desperate. "We can't let her win! We can't let her take everything from us!"

Master Feng's eyes narrowed as he looked at his daughter. "This is not about winning or losing, Yue'er. This is about what's best for our family. Feng Yan may have deceived us, but now that we know the truth, we can turn it to our advantage."

Feng Yue's anger flared again, but one look at her father's stern gaze made her bite back her retort. She knew better than to argue with him when he had made up his mind. But the bitterness in her heart only grew, seething beneath the surface, waiting for an opportunity to erupt once more.

Madam Feng tightened her grip on her daughter, her own anger still simmering, but she forced herself to focus on the bigger picture. "We'll play along for now," she said, her voice cold. "But mark my words, that girl will pay for her deceit."

Feng Yue nodded, but her mind was already elsewhere, plotting her own revenge, her own way to reclaim what she believed was rightfully hers. She might have been forced to silence herself in front of her father, but she would not forget this day. She would find a way to bring Feng Yan down, no matter the cost.

As the Feng family plotted their next move, Feng Yan remained blissfully unaware of the storm brewing back home. She had no idea that the truth she had so carefully revealed had only served to ignite a new fire of hatred and jealousy within her family. The battle was far from over, and as Feng Yue wiped away her tears, a new determination took root in her heart—a determination to destroy Feng Yan, no matter what it took.