Chapter 28: Retaliation

Feng Yan leaned back in her seat, her eyes glinting with calculated coldness. In her hand, she held the proof of the transaction between Bai Shuang's brother and the hired henchmen. The proof was a trump card, but she wasn't in any hurry to use it. Slow revenge was always sweeter, and she had every intention of making Bai Shuang squirm under the weight of her own actions before delivering the final blow.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Bai Shuang was growing increasingly anxious. The night had passed, but the photos she had so eagerly awaited never arrived. She had tried calling the number, only to hear the flat, automated response—out of reach. Her nerves twisted in a tight knot of frustration and fear. What had gone wrong? Why hadn't her plan to humiliate Feng Yan succeeded?

The next morning, Bai Shuang sat in the classroom, her foot tapping nervously against the floor as her mind raced. She glanced at the door every few seconds, waiting, hoping for some sign that her plan had gone unnoticed, that Feng Yan would walk in humiliated or disfigured.

But when Feng Yan entered the classroom, her heart stopped.

Feng Yan looked completely unscathed, her presence as cold and commanding as ever. There was no mark on her, no trace of the ambush Bai Shuang had orchestrated. Worse, Feng Yan caught Bai Shuang's wide-eyed stare and smirked—a slow, mocking curve of her lips that sent a chill down Bai Shuang's spine. It was a silent message: I know what you tried to do.

Bai Shuang's breath hitched, and she collapsed into her chair, her face drained of color. Fear clung to her like a shadow, the weight of guilt pressing down hard on her shoulders.

When the bell rang for break, Feng Yan made her move. She strode over to Bai Shuang's desk, her posture poised, her presence sharp and unnerving. Bai Shuang tensed up, avoiding her gaze as Feng Yan stood next to her, folding her arms casually.

"You're looking nervous today," Feng Yan said, her voice as icy as ever. "Guilty conscience, perhaps? Expecting something bad to happen?"

Bai Shuang swallowed hard, her throat dry. "I—I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, her voice wavering. She quickly gathered her things and bolted from her seat, escaping the tension that threatened to choke her. Feng Yan watched her leave, her smirk growing even wider.

She knew Bai Shuang's type—arrogant but fragile. Breaking her wasn't a matter of brute force; it was a psychological game, and Feng Yan was playing it masterfully.

Later that evening, Feng Yan met with Lu Sicheng at a quiet, upscale café in the city. It had been a few days since she had rescued him from bankruptcy, and the progress of their business collaboration was something she needed to keep tabs on. Lu Sicheng greeted her with a grateful smile, though his demeanor was much more relaxed now that he had seen tangible results from her strategy.

"The company's moving forward faster than I expected," Lu Sicheng reported, sliding a detailed document across the table. "We've already started to see returns from the initial investments. If things continue at this pace, we'll hit our first milestone within a year."

Feng Yan nodded, taking in the information without much surprise. She had always been confident in her plans.

"Good. And what about Bai Shuang's brother? Have you found anything on him?"

Lu Sicheng's expression shifted. "Yes, I've done some digging. He runs a medium-sized business in the city, mostly involved in construction and property development. On the surface, things look stable, but from what I've gathered, he's over-leveraged and has a few debts he's juggling. One wrong move, and his entire business could crumble."

Feng Yan's fingers tapped lightly against the edge of the table as she absorbed this information. "Perfect. Keep a close watch on him. We're going to make sure he crumbles slowly, but surely."

Her mind was already working out the details. Bai Shuang's brother might have a relatively stable business, but it wasn't invincible. She had the resources, the intelligence, and most importantly, the patience to bring him down, piece by piece. With her new partnership with Lu Sicheng, Feng Yan would have the connections she needed to target his company from multiple angles.

"Let's start small," Feng Yan continued. "We'll manipulate his suppliers and dry up his resources. Once we've destabilized his cash flow, the rest will follow."

Lu Sicheng nodded, impressed by her ruthless precision. He knew that aligning with Feng Yan was the best decision he had ever made—her mind was sharp, and her approach was strategic.

"Understood. I'll get the ball rolling."

Feng Yan rose from her seat, satisfied with the direction things were heading. She glanced out of the café window, her mind drifting briefly to Bai Shuang. The girl had no idea the kind of power she was up against. Slowly but surely, Feng Yan would dismantle everything Bai Shuang held dear, starting with her brother's business empire.

As she left the café, Feng Yan's thoughts were as clear as ever. The path to revenge was being paved step by step, and she was in no rush. She had the luxury of time, and every move she made would be calculated and precise.

Bai Shuang's brother wouldn't see it coming. By the time the cracks in his company began to show, it would be too late to save it. And Bai Shuang herself? She would learn just how dangerous it was to cross someone like Feng Yan.

As she disappeared into the evening crowd, a quiet determination settled over her. The game had only just begun, and she intended to win it—no matter how long it took.