Chapter 33: The Invite

As the lesson progressed, Du Fan stood from his seat near the front of the classroom and casually made his way to the back. His cold gaze swept across the room until it landed on the empty desk beside Feng Yan. Without saying much, he looked down at her.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked, his voice cold and indifferent.

Feng Yan barely glanced at him, offering a nod in acknowledgment before returning to her business proposal plan. Du Fan took his seat beside her, his sharp eyes occasionally glancing at what she was working on. He caught sight of the documents and spreadsheets, and his brow furrowed slightly. A business proposal? At her age? he thought, astonished. Though his face remained composed, the flicker of surprise in his eyes didn't go unnoticed. But just as quickly, his expression returned to its usual coldness.

Class continued as normal, with Du Fan seemingly uninterested in anything else around him. When the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, he got up and left without a word.

Feng Yan, still absorbed in her work, didn't bother to watch him go. Her focus was on expansion strategies, financial estimates, and the logistics of her new pharmaceutical venture. Everything else seemed irrelevant, especially the petty drama brewing around her.

However, that drama wasn't far behind.

Feng Yue had been watching from across the room, her eyes narrowing with seething jealousy. How is she still so unaffected? Feng Yue scolded herself internally, turning her anger towards Bai Shuang. That good-for-nothing can't even handle a simple task. In Feng Yue's mind, she was the true heiress of the Feng family, the one who deserved the attention and admiration. Yet, here was Feng Yan, the "butterfly," basking in the spotlight, as if she belonged there. I'm the real daughter. Why is she getting the attention? Why is everyone talking about her? she fumed silently.

No, Feng Yue seethed. I won't let her get away with this.

With a practiced smile, she strode toward Feng Yan, her mind already formulating a plan. Her voice turned sweet and timid as she approached, a stark contrast to the venom swirling within her. She wanted everyone around to see her as the delicate and rightful daughter of the Feng family, oppressed by the cold, ungrateful adopted daughter.

"Sister," Feng Yue said softly, her tone dripping with fake sincerity. "Our parents have been worried about you. They were asking about you yesterday. I think it would put their minds at ease if you came home for dinner tonight." She glanced around, ensuring others were watching, before adding, "I know... I know things are different now, with you being acknowledged as the butterfly, but... they just want to see you. Just once. They miss you. They want to see you tonight for dinner. Just to make sure you're okay. You know... as a family."

Her words were laced with an underlying accusation, as if implying Feng Yan had been neglecting her "adopted" parents, ungrateful for their kindness after being acknowledged as Butterfly. Her tone, carefully chosen, made it sound as though Feng Yan was abandoning her responsibilities, leaving her adoptive family in the cold. The perfect setup for the onlookers to believe Feng Yan was the one at fault.

But Feng Yan saw through the facade instantly.

Without lifting her gaze from her papers, Feng Yan sneered, her lips curling into a subtle, mocking smile. She knew exactly what Feng Yue was trying to do. The girl wanted to paint her as an ungrateful, heartless person in front of their peers. But Feng Yan had no interest in playing along with her games.

"Is that so?" Feng Yan's voice was soft, but the sarcasm was biting. "I didn't realize you were so concerned about me. How thoughtful of you."

Feng Yue stiffened, her eyes narrowing. This wasn't the reaction she had expected. She was prepared for defiance, not this calm acceptance. For a brief moment, she faltered.

Still, she pressed on, trying to maintain her act. "Please, come to dinner. It would really put their minds at ease," she added, her voice shaky as she forced a smile. "They miss you."

To her utter shock, Feng Yan nodded. "Fine. I'll come."

Feng Yue froze, her eyes widening in shock. That wasn't the answer she had expected. She had anticipated a cold rejection, something that would make her look like the victim. But Feng Yan had agreed so easily, without hesitation. Why... why did she agree?

Feng Yue's eyes widened in disbelief. She had been prepared to use Feng Yan's refusal as proof of her ungratefulness in front of the entire class, but now, with Feng Yan agreeing so easily, it was she who looked like a fool. Her carefully laid plan had backfired, and she found herself at a loss for words.

Quickly masking her surprise, Feng Yue forced a smile and said, "That's great, sister! I'll tell them you're coming. They'll be so relieved."

Before Feng Yue could recover, Feng Yan gave her one last look, her smirk growing wider. "You don't have to try so hard next time, Feng Yue. I'll always keep our parents' feelings in mind."

Feng Yan gave her no further attention, already turning her gaze back to her work. Feng Yue, her plan in shambles, walked away feeling humiliated. She had expected to control the narrative, to paint herself as the loving daughter and Feng Yan as the ungrateful outsider. But Feng Yan's unexpected agreement had thrown her off completely.

As Feng Yue walked away, her hands clenched into fists. How does she always manage to turn things around like this? she seethed. 

As the rest of the day passed, Feng Yan remained undisturbed in her corner. Her mind, however, was far from idle. The game Feng Yue was playing was laughably transparent, and Feng Yan could have easily exposed her. But she chose not to—for now.

Let her keep trying, Feng Yan thought coldly. I'll deal with her in due time.

In the meantime, she had bigger plans to focus on. Feng Yue's petty schemes were merely a distraction from the larger game she was playing—one that would soon shake the very foundations of those who thought they could control her.