Chapter 39: Outshine

Feng Yan walked out of the night market with a heavy heart. The old diviner's words kept swirling in her mind, despite her best efforts to push them aside. As she glanced back, the man still looked like nothing more than a beggar, a madman muttering strange prophecies. Yet, his cryptic words—about her being a reborn star and of ancient bloodlines—refused to leave her thoughts. How could he know about her rebirth? How did he sense her hidden past?

Questions plagued her, creating an inner turmoil that refused to settle. She had been through enough for one night. From the tough confrontation at the Feng family dinner to the mysterious pull towards the rusted dagger, and now this old man's words, her energy had been drained, both mentally and physically. Exhausted, she decided to let it all rest for now. As much as the diviner's words unsettled her, she was determined not to let it consume her.

After leaving the night market, Feng Yan returned to her room. The quietness of the night wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, but the day's strange events still lingered in her mind. She washed up, climbed into bed, and stared at the ceiling, trying to piece together the puzzle of the divination and the dagger. But soon, her fatigue overtook her, and she drifted into a restless sleep.

The next morning, the soft aroma of breakfast filled the air as Feng Yan made her way downstairs. Ning Jue was already seated at the dining table, her bright smile greeting Feng Yan as she entered the room.

"Morning, Yan Yan," Ning Jue greeted, gesturing to the plate of food she had set aside for Feng Yan. "I've made your portion too. Come, sit."

Feng Yan smiled faintly as she sat down, feeling slightly more refreshed after a night's rest. As she picked at her food, she spoke up. "Ning Jue, I've been thinking... I want to apply for the school dormitory. It'll make things easier, and I can focus more on my studies."

Ning Jue looked at her with slight surprise but nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. It'll give you space to focus on yourself. You've been through a lot recently." There was a brief pause before Ning Jue added, "If you need help with your studies, don't hesitate to ask. I know your grades have been... low."

Feng Yan smiled, felt warm inside from her care. "Thank you, Ning Jue, but I can manage. I'll catch up."

Ning Jue didn't press further. She had known Feng Yan long enough to understand that everyone carried their own burdens, and some were too deep to be shared. If Feng Yan wanted to open up, she would do so when the time was right. Sensing the conversation had reached its natural end, Ning Jue stood and left the room, leaving Feng Yan alone with her thoughts.

As Feng Yan sat in silence, memories of her past life began to surface. She had been a bright student, once upon a time. When she was first adopted into the Feng family, she had thought that excelling in her studies would earn her the love and approval she desperately craved from her adoptive parents. She had worked hard, achieving top marks in her exams, even surpassing Feng Yue.

But that had been her first mistake.

She still remembered the look of fury on Feng Yue's face when she had outshone her in school. And her adoptive parents—Feng Liang and Gu Li—had been even worse. They didn't want their adopted daughter to overshadow their biological one. They had taken Feng Yan's good grades as an insult, as though she was trying to prove she was better than their precious Feng Yue.

Gu Li had ripped the report card from her hands, her face twisted with rage. "How dare you try to overshadow my daughter?" she had yelled, slapping her hard enough that she stumbled backward. "You think you can outshine Feng Yue? Know your place!"

Her punishment had been harsh and unforgiving. They had made her kneel for hours, stripped of food and water, while they berated her for daring to "disrespect" Feng Yue. For three long days, she had been starved, left to suffer in silence. By the end of it, she had been half-dead, her frail body barely able to stand. It had only been the intervention of a kind servant who had secretly brought her food that had saved her from dying in that cold, empty room.

From that day on, Feng Yan had learned a painful lesson: she was not allowed to outshine Feng Yue. She had to keep her talents hidden, bury her intelligence, and live in the shadow of her sister. She had deliberately scored poorly in her exams, pretending to be less capable than she truly was, all in the desperate hope that it would make her adoptive family love her. She had lived like that for years—timid, obedient, and always striving to please Feng Yue.

It was a life built on fear and desperation, all because she had longed for love that would never come.

But now, in this life—this second chance she had been given—Feng Yan knew things had to change. She was no longer the timid girl who sought approval from those who would never give it. She had no intention of hiding her talents any longer.

Her thoughts shifted to the school she would soon return to. In her previous life, she had never cared much about her studies after those early years. She had let herself slip into mediocrity, always playing the part of the weaker, less intelligent daughter. But now, she realized just how much potential she had squandered. She had always possessed a sharp mind, a remarkable memory, and the ability to understand complex concepts with ease. She could memorize entire textbooks with a single glance, yet she had wasted that gift for the sake of people who didn't care about her.

No more, she told herself firmly. This time, she would rise to her full potential. She would reclaim the bright future she had sacrificed. Her grades would no longer be a reflection of her attempts to please others—they would reflect her true abilities. The world would see who Feng Yan truly was, and no one would be able to hold her back.

Her hand unconsciously clenched around the handle of her teacup as she made her silent vow. This life would be different. She would no longer live in fear of the Feng family or anyone else. She had been reborn for a reason, and she intended to make full use of this second chance.

After finishing her breakfast, Feng Yan rose from her seat and prepared to leave for the school office to submit her dormitory application. As she stood at the door, she took one last glance at the quiet house she had briefly called home.

Feng Yan smiled faintly. She would always be grateful to Ning Jue for her kindness and hospitality, but it was time to step out on her own. She was no longer the weak, dependent girl she had once been.

With renewed determination, she stepped outside and walked toward her new future. The weight of her past still lingered, but it no longer controlled her. She had shed her old skin, and in its place, a stronger, more resilient Feng Yan was emerging. She will let herself shine.