Demon In The Sky.

Liam stared at the shocked faces looking at him.

"What?" Liam asked.

"The Underground is not a playground." Sophia commented.

"If I don't step inside this Underground, how do I know what I can even do? Even you guys seems condused on what I am." Liam said while looking at the three girls.

"How about we join them?" Leny suggested.

"Are you crazy?" Ruby said as she turned to Leny.

"We already have our own systematic training, I don't think it is necessary." Sophia said.

"This might be another form of training, you saw how fast Noah is getting stronger, I don't think it'd be nice if he surpasses us." Leny said solemnly.

Leny who was normally playful was surprisingly serious today.

"Ok, when we get back we will think about that, as for the two of you." Soohia ssid staring at Liam and Max. "Get ready, tomorrow we go underground." Sophia said as she stood up.

"Are you guys leaving?" Lucas asked.