Letting them know

Sara returned home and took a quick bath before leaving for the Snow residence. Reaching there. She was immediately taken to where they had been waiting for her.

Lively chatter could be heard as Sara approached the room. Sandra and aanne could be heard making fun of each other, and she could imagine Jessa shaking her had at them and calling them children.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Sara said to the housekeeper who had happily shown her the way.

"I am happy you be help," the woman replied with a trained smile and a simple nod of the head.

Sara smiled back at her before opening the door and entering inside while the housekeeper returned to her duties.

Inside, no one even noticed her presence yet. Sandra an Anne were engaged in a pillow fight while Jessa tried to stop them but whenever she holds one, the other throw the pillow causing Jessa to move back and forth in an attempt to catch at least one of the pillows but proved futile.