Moments later, Dominic arrived with his family. And none besides Olivia had a genuine smile on their faces. Adam didn't even thither to pretend as everyone already knew his displeasure towards everything.
Hushed murmurs followed their arrival, but when they were approached, everyone would become friendly, putting on smiles that they all knew weren't genuine at all.
"Mr Crawford, can we have a moment of your time?"
"Sir Dominic, a moment please…."
The reporters were eager to interview Adam Adam and his father, but following the rules, they were not permitted to do that as the security team flagged around them instantly.
Shortly after they arrived were Sean and Selena, who accompanied Williams and Mr Wilson, Williams' trusted secretary.
"Chairman Crawford," Mr Kingston said, extending his hand to Williams before the other board members and shareholders present walked up to them one after the other to give their salutations.