That's all…? Was what many wanted to ask but didn't dare to. They stared incredulously at him, wondering if he didn't know they were waiting for more. But when no words were uttered again from his lips, they all resigned themselves to accepting short and crisp answers from him.
Williams looked at his youngest child and held back a smile. Although his answer may have annoyed many who didn't think it as enough, he was straight to the point and very honest.
"Any more questions?" Williams asked as the silence had dragged on for a while.
The reporters looked at each other for a while before one of them raised a hand and stood to her feet. "My question is to Adam Crawford," she started, trying not to look away from Adam's face as he turned his glare to her. "What do you have to say about being stripped of your position and it being given to your uncle? Do you think it is the right decision?"